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Teodora May 2013
Just last night I thought
I was finished with everything new...
Look at this tangle of thorns!
- All New Monday - Same old life.
The Oscars run longer and longer,
But some things never change.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
What would everyone rather me do
Keep the votes coming!
I'll be bold and mighty forces will come to my aid
I will sleep through Monday.
How to make choosing easier -
Can we talk about that?
Can the mysteries of the human heart
Ever be revealed?
It's supposed to be a surprise...
What is?
- Will have you weeping for the joy
And tragedy of it all.
I composed this poem by collecting random sentences or phrases I came across for a few days.
Teodora Dec 2012
If I were a bit braver
I'd pretend I was jumping when actually falling
And go to the bathroom at night, strolling.

And in that nice diary I'm afraid to start writing
I'd use a pen even when crying.

I would pack no sweaters for a summer vacation
And in the winter only one...or three for any situation.

And instead of "I'm fine"
I'd answer: "I wish I'd get a sign"
That everything would be all right
And I would someday finally feel light.

I would use staplers instead of clips
And teach myself to do front and back flips.

I would take a step and never look back
And live my life off of a sack.

If I were a bit braver
I would go climb a tree
And actually do something after counting to three.
Teodora Dec 2012
I am trapped.
The strangest thing though,
Is that the leg-hold trap
Feels in my heart.

How did it get there?
And if there is that much
Iron in my body,
Why do I still feel
Short of breath?

Maybe it's too much....
Didn't I read somewhere
That too much iron in the blood
Causes heart irregularities?
Yes. That would explain a lot.

And it's probably the traps's serrated jaw
That's causing all this pain!
I see. I'm sure the doctor would agree that's true,
I was worried for a second
It had something to do with you...
Teodora Dec 2012
I take it all into account
The love, the pain, their lack of count.

I list the trees, the sea,
The dirt, the ***,
The He, the She,
Our ability to see...

I add, subtract and multiply
And also add the fear to die
And our tendency to cry...
The food, the bed,
The relief of paying off a debt,
The smell of books,
The first-line hooks,
The hate, the disappointment
And the joy to find an ointment...

I cry, I laugh, but mostly think
And finally dip the goblet and start to drink,
As I know that soon my mind would find another truth
And I might lose my grip and step away from
The fountain of youth.

— The End —