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Dec 2020 · 182
Derek S Ward Dec 2020
A tribute to Mankind’s endurance against horrendous adversity
Written By: Derek S Ward        

Did it come from space, or was it already here?
Just hiding within a cloak so unseen
Now the human race has something to fear
That will provoke us with a spirit unclean

At the slightest touch, it will invade its host
No questions, no feelings , no parole
Then as tight as a clutch, this invisible ghost
Will creep through the very soul

A coming has arisen to defeat us all
To destroy and not just to fracture
It has no prison, no warnings, no call
Not even a desire to capture

Yet this threat stirred reaction throughout mankind
We stand to challenge its fight
And this Human faction with science combined
Will bring us our day, our light

This evil torment from far or near
As watched this earth as it cried
Yet we shall not relent, as it all is so clear
We will live, not just ebb like the tide

Stay Safe
I have been in hospital with Covid. I was extremely ill, yet eventually after testing negative I was discharged. However, two weeks later I was again admitted to hospital  with a serious chest infection and sent sometime there before being discharged. Covid I9 is our invisible enemy. It is so dangerous and relentless and as proven to undermine our very existence.
Derek S Ward Sep 2020
     Written by: Derek s Ward  

In the calmness of a summer’s night
As a stillness whispers by
Darkness has fallen from the life-giving light
To dry the tears as you cry

Your mind will drift so far away
So distant, yet ever so near
And this precious gift of dreams will stay
To protect you from whatever you fear

From end to end, a story is told
And laid out on an unwritten page
And your troubles will mend, as your dreams unfold
In a calmness so free from rage

So there as you lay with such wonders to see
With a life in your mind to make
And I’ll say if I may, you will always be free
So I’ll see you when you awake
hope you like this one
Sep 2020 · 91
Derek S Ward Sep 2020

Trying to get noticed
Sep 2020 · 86
Word's Apart
Derek S Ward Sep 2020
By: Dee Dee  Derek S Ward

To the ends of the earth I have searched for you, and have longed to see your face
I recall each day before you went away, and left without a trace

From then my soul and inner-self, took flight to who knows where
Yet relentless my quest, that I wouldn’t let rest, though it seemed like you didn’t care

It troubled my mind not to have you here, when each day gave way to night
When wrapped in my arms with your amorous charms, was more perfect that the morning light

Yet now I know that your love for me, never really went astray
And it is now so clear, that though you are near, you are ever so far away

But now it’s too late to ask for your hand, yet always I will be your host
And although I am sure, that your spirit is pure, I could never propose to a ghost
Jul 2020 · 551
Derek S Ward Jul 2020
By [Dee Dee] Derek S Ward

Imagine a house with an old wooden door
With curtain-less windows and a cold stony floor
Imagine the people who dwell inside
With nowhere to go, and nowhere to hide

Imagine their hunger, the dread and despair
With no one to turn to, and no one to care
Imagine a darkness, without any light
Without any guide, through day or through night

Imagine their future, so grim without end
With no angels or saints, from whom they could lend
Imagine the cold that has just turned to ice
And their shivers of fear, as they share some old rice.  

Now imagine the family that live next door
With curtains at the windows and carpets on the floor
Imagine the music as they party in style
And drink to be jolly, forever and a while

Imagine their table so lavished with food
A feast for a king, or to set such a mood
Imagine their riches of silver and gold
And a story of wealth, that is still to be told

Now imagine them imagining the family next door
Who were born just with nothing, but just born to be poor
Imagine them imagining, how they live in such rot
And maybe they’ll be grateful for all they have got

So just you imagine, not once, maybe twice
That life is worth living, if it throws the right dice
So just give a thought to the people next door
And imagine them imagining, until they can imagine no more.

[Dee Dee]  Derek S Ward
This is one of the first poems that I wrote as a serious matter. I was born into poverty, in the 60s and a member of a large family. This poem gives reference to the hardship That I experienced
Jul 2020 · 98
Derek S Ward Jul 2020
The Truth
A poem by Derek S Ward


The truth is something that can't be denied, and will guide you through day and through night
It is conscious of your thinking, and knows if you've lied
It will remind you of wrong and of right

The truth is a gateway you must take to be free
It is a path to follow your calling
It can't lead you astray, and you have to agree
It will catch you whenever you'er falling

The truth is your friend of which you can always rely, it will rid any feelings of guilt
It's an emotion to ascend your true feelings so high,
and erase bad intentions you've split

So in times of despair when your thoughts are unsure, and it s time to question the proof
Just always be fair, let your spirits be pure, and you will always be faced with THE TRUTH
Wrote this today. hope you like it Derek S Ward
Derek S Ward Jul 2020
I wrote this in dedication to someone who left us following a tragic accident almost a year ago.

The Forever Spirit  
by D S Ward

When the precious threads that bind this life,
unwind to set us free
A fate prevails through wonders and strife,
that change so constantly

We live and breathe, yet not in fear,
but with ambition that paves our way
And to what we achieve, and always conceive
will forever be here to stay

So something awaits your endearing heart,
that untimely passed us by
And a beginning will start, that will never will part,
as your heaven awaits in the sky

On this road, just right here, our thoughts are with you
As the whispers of time count on by
and you've nothing to fear as it all seems so clear
That your spirit will never die

D S Ward
Jul 2020 · 103
Derek S Ward Jul 2020
BY: Derek S Ward

If dreams could dream forever, then maybe so could I
And I'd dream of you, maybe the whole night through
As the whispering shadows pass by

If time could stand still forever, then maybe so could I
And with no 'tik, or no tock' from the sound of a clock
And not a second would pass us by

If a bird could fly forever, then maybe so could I
And I would fly through the air, and then if I dare
I'd let my wings touch the edge of the sky

If saints could be saints forever, then maybe so could I
And I would if I could, do everything good
Or at least I'd give it a try

If the truth told the truth forever, then maybe so could I
And with nothing to hide, I could stay by your side
with no reason to tell you a lie

If life could live forever, then maybe so could I
And for all, I believe, and could ever conceive
I would never have to say goodbye
Wrote this about three months ago

— The End —