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1.1k · Nov 2011
No Todo se ha Perdido
temoch Nov 2011
Tenia mis dudas,
no lo puedo negar.
Pero el sol aun brilla,
Mi corazon no te ha dejado de amar.
Pense que te alejabas,
Que a mi lado no querias estar,
Pero me equivocaba,
El amor que sientes,
     te ha hecho retornar.

Seria mentira decir que te olvide,
Seria falso profesar la muerte de este amor;
Porque la verdad es que te pensé,
Y que en mis sueños aun te amé.
Respiré de tus memorias,
Vivi de tu sonrisa,
Y cada momento que pasaba
Aunque no estabas aqui,
Me traias alegria.

Pero no todo se ha perdido,
Al fin has regresado.
Mi amor, espero que te quedes,
Quisiera de nuevo despertar a tu lado.

Soy un hombre sencillo,
Sin brillantes que ofrecer.
Mi corazon entero te entrego
Quisiera que este amor pueda florecer.
Te ofresco mi vida y mi alma.
Te ofresco mi cuerpo y todo mi ser.
Porque este amor que por ti siento
Jamas lo sentire otra vez.
I know it's in spanish, but I'd still like some critiques so I can improve my writing. thanks
710 · Nov 2011
The End
temoch Nov 2011
The end is nigh
all is lost,
board Death's ship
and be set free!
it's over now...
my pain will wane
your memories will finally fade.

The chains that held me tight
will break and leave me free
Death'll be a welcomed sight
to save me from my plight.
His fingers, long and cold
will hold my hand
and walk me through;
fade away my past
and unveil the one real truth:
       the end is nigh
       my life is done
       my heart will bleed no more,
       my pain will leave
       my soul will heal
       my mind will finally be clear.
He promised me relief,
freedom from my past.
oblivion He has brought to me
to deliver on His promise, He has come.

The end is here,
the end is nigh
with open arms,
I greet Death's scythe.
no regrets,
no nagging doubts,
I finally see the light.
My one true wish,
has finally come due,
Death has come for me.
My pain He will relieve,
My nightmares He will take.
My heart will finally heal,
My sorrows'll fade away.
The end is here,
I'll wait no more
My past I'll bury,
And finally move on.
632 · Nov 2011
The Dreamer
temoch Nov 2011
I woke up in daze

the dream fresh in my mind,

how I’d kissed your tender lips

and held you in my arms.

but He told me the truth

that you were nowhere near.

that you had left a while ago

that you did not love me.

I demanded He explain

why my life was destroyed,

why my heart needed to break

why i lost all hope.

But all His wisdom proved futile,

He could find no words

because mine was a tragedy

the likes of which He’d never seen before.

He said forgive, forget and move on.

But all I could do was turn my back,

close my eyes, and dream on.

— The End —