I love people watching
Seeing the way they have put themselves together
Watching the dust sweep from underneath their soles as they glide through this moment
I am dumbfounded by the myriad of people and their intricate designs,
In the most non-creepiest way, of course
The scars they show as medals
The wrinkles they try to hide but pop out in a burst of laughter
The different happy feet movements
The little walking hums
The hand swing gestures between couples
The ones that trod around avoiding interaction
The ones that smile ever so fervently trying to connect with complete strangers
The ones that catch me
Oh dear, hi! Awkward smiles, now look away, quick!
People, such restless things, aren't we?
There is something so sacred in the way a person walks when they are happy
And something so enticing about those who walk in uncertainty
What are they thinking? Are they even present? Do they realize that this moment is their actual life? That it is the only truth they will ever know
So they should do that thing
Tell him you love him
Hold his hand even though you are mad at him
Hold onto your mother no matter how old you are
Eat the food!
To not care but not be careless
It's hard, no?
Our egos mixed with fear
Such ****** things
Such menacing and parasitic things
These ideals of what should be, of what should matter - They all fly away with the cold and bitter air that we exhale
Perhaps, Bob Dylan was right when he sang, the answer my friend is blowing in the wind"
And I hope it whirls at our lives like the enormous jolt of bravery you get in your heart when you accomplish something that frightens you.
And then, dear people, I hope we do all the things!
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