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Dec 2024 · 35
Teddy J Lamont Dec 2024
I'm all bones and teeth
Shark bite going weak
Thrashing in agony as we speak

         unnecessary martyrdom,

buried in alliteration and expressive metaphor

Cover it up with a blasted beat,
write for my life when I can't speak

The words come, they line up, awesome, so what the **** do I do now?
Dec 2024 · 38
Teddy J Lamont Dec 2024
Feeling gutty in the middle of the cut


Slumped over with a treacherous hunch


Molten metal marrow, oil, coolant and blood


More like chicanery, leveling up to overpowered
To jamming the hand cannons taking potshots at cell towers


Tracks sound eerie through the frigid fog
That yell, was it sasquatch or bullfrog courting bullfrog?


Posted up on the corners, mugs lookin' mean
***** sidewalk questions if it's ever been clean


Are we little bits of carbon waiting to turn to gemstone
Or are we really just coal for the furnaces that feed the stacks of smoke?
Dec 2024 · 40
Secondhand Bomber Jacket
Teddy J Lamont Dec 2024
There's something here

Something a little more evil the more it plays out

It goes, "Darken a doorstep? Never me!"

Sheesh, what a load of premium beef

Narcissism kneeling, defeated by proper pageantry

Ego death to the ego dead

Resurrection of your living demons

If the collective is strength, then what does that make I?

Offer up your heroes, I'll gladly take em all away

and dangle a different one off a building every tuesday

No sense, capture a portrait of blank mind

and sit back, writing poetry for the psychologically blind

I turn my own freaks into science fiction enemy aliens

Monsters and mazes, real life's got its own alias

Lost my self control somewhere between thoreau and asimov

Maybe on the page about how to make a molotov

Natural, Non-lethal, Lethal

Remember everything you learned and approach the field as an equal

But guerilla tactics don't work in the house

In close quarters, echo the sounds

In every worst way we all became our fathers

If you can't win a fight against yourself then why even bother?
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
Teddy J Lamont Aug 2014
I fell in love once.
I fell hard, and I fell fast, and my parachute didn't open before I hit the ground.

And boy, did I hit it.

You took my breath away.
And when I suffered from asphyxiation you refused to give it back.

You gave me a smile, and I gave you everything I had.

You were my life, and I was your crutch.

You were horrible, nasty, broken, and… Beautiful.
And I loved every part of you, even the bad ones.

You said your final goodbye more than once, but I couldn't bring myself to close that door. It was always open, and I was always there waiting.

Every day I watch you from my doorway, even though it hurts to keep myself there. I’m stuck.

I’m stuck in that doorway, every day. I’m stuck forever waiting for you to turn around and come home.
Aug 2014 · 381
Gold Doesn't Rust
Teddy J Lamont Aug 2014
You told me your name, and I forgot how to respond.

I was far too busy watching the way your lips moved when you spoke.

You smiled at me, and I forgot how to breathe.

You were like gold in the bottom of a ***** creek, glittering among the rocks.

You held my hand, and my heart forgot to beat.

I was in a dream, caught up in the magic of you and me.

You spoke to me, and I forgot how to live.

You made me feel like you commanded the stars.

You showed me a new life, and I forgot how to be myself.

I was stuck living only to please you.

You took my everything, and I forgot how to love.

I was broken, and you stuck your fingers between the cracks and pulled.

And I opened my eyes to take a real look at you.

Those perfect lips held lies and broken promises.

The gold turned out to be a shiny piece of metal, trying to make itself stand out.

The magic was nothing more than a trick on my eyes, and you did your very best to conceal it.

You didn't command the stars, because they were too far away to hear you.

I started living for myself and god, did you hate that.

You hated that I could always put myself back together and stand up to you.

But what killed you the most, was when I broke my dependence on you.

Because then I was finally able to stand up and walk away.
This was one I wrote a while back
Jan 2014 · 621
The Heaviest Kind of Candle
Teddy J Lamont Jan 2014
Hope can be the last flame from a dying lighter,
And on some nights nothing shines brighter

But on a clear night a flame can be seen from miles away,
And I've been the one holding the candle, so believe me when I say

It gets better. It has before, and it always will.
Even if your life is at a complete stand still

Don't blow out that light, you'll need it to see
That things are exactly where it needs to be.

Ignite your soul with it, keep your eyes open.
You don't always know when you'll see that hope again.
Teddy J Lamont Jan 2014
I met god once,
In a puddle on the sidewalk,
And he said something profound, but I forgot to listen.

I saw the devil once.
At midnight by the sea,
And he asked me to dance, but I didn't know the music.

I've swam through sin,
On cold nights in the dark,
And it's asked be to stay, but I've got things to do.

I've tasted blood,
On my lips from another's skin,
And we scratched surfaces, but left deeper cuts within.

I've lost my thoughts,
Taken away by a strong breeze,
And I searched for them, but I'd rather let them go their own way.

I've been absolutely nothing,
And everything at all,
And god I've wanted to stay, but new homes keep calling me forward.
Jan 2014 · 985
State of Living
Teddy J Lamont Jan 2014
My love doesn't obey time.
My madness doesn't know reality,
And my consciousness...

My consciousness sits somewhere
    In the middle of the ocean,
       On a raft,
          Smoking a bowl.

              And every time I ask it to come back it just says,
               "Nah, man. It's much better out here."

My heart doesn't listen.
My brain can't lead,
And my life...

My life ends every twelve months.
With each new year, I start over and live through an entire lifetime.
            But still just as heavy.

My reflection doesn't know it's me.
My thoughts don't know when to stop,
And my soul...

My soul is ever growing, helping me learn from my mistakes.
With it I'm able to reach out and truly change things.
            Grasping, and
                Solidifying immortality.
Jan 2014 · 683
Making Peace
Teddy J Lamont Jan 2014
I told the frog on my dashboard that I loved him.
I told the vulture on the fence, "I'm sorry."
I told the jackal on my tail I didn't need him.

And I made it through all right.

I told the sharks goodbye forever,
I told the wolves that I'd be back.
I told the flamingos they were beautiful,

And I walked on into the night.

I told the rats that I forgave them,
I told the strays "I understand."
I told the songbird "I'll stay here a while"

And I've since regained my sight.
Teddy J Lamont Jan 2014
The boy who rode atop misfortune's wing
Now finds new ways to start moving ahead.
What luck could never give you love will bring,
And from old mistakes new ideas are bred.

There will be days those storm clouds just won't clear
And you dwell on mistakes that you have made.
Just smile at the thunder you can hear.
Be grateful for the clouds that brought the shade.

There's a peace after every hurricane.
An appreciation for what's not lost.
And though nothing will ever be the same,
You can't help but look back at what was tossed.

It's all right to look back at what you've done.
But remember to walk away-- Not run.
Jan 2014 · 385
New Chapters
Teddy J Lamont Jan 2014
Optimism can be hard when you’re alone in the dark

When you’re at the lowest point in your story arc

You might try to find a window, but you’re surrounded by walls

So you stay awake at night, pacing the halls

You wish it could be fiction, you hope it’s all fake

But this is your life, and the choices you make

Your story’s written on thin lines with red ink

It’s about time you fixed yourself, don’t you think?

You can’t play healer to all these broken souls

You've got your own blocks and plot holes

So put down the silver and pick up the pen

Your story’s not over yet, it’s time to start again.

— The End —