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Ted Scheck Dec 2024
Walking my dog:
Junk yard sheet metal fence on my
Right nxt to me, 100 yds? 100 lbs?
It's LONG, full of grafitti...

...Jagged shadow on the
B/O Railroad - Baltimore/
Ohio, not Body Odor ha ha...

Can't post pics here (or?) and
I'm standing before a
Rectangle jagged patch of
Shadowy Blackness so dark
It looks like fresh/old ***
Fault's not mine, it is really
DARK in there - Shadows in
Disguise, slowly, IN EX Orbly
Slithering blackness eating
Fleeing Light - this shadow
Trails all the way into the
Woods protecting both
Warring sides - Is
Daylight in Retreat? Or
Is Darkness gobbling up
Enemy terratory?
Ted Scheck Nov 2024
I walk my dog.
OK. We walk together.
Well, she's a head (or too)
Front and frontly she
Churns her little doggy
Feet white fur furry furrier
Huge brown eyes full of
(What goes on in a dog's mind?)
I don't know and I don't
Care - this little adorbs
Creature is full of
****, invisible ***,
Mischief, gratitude,
Lovely loyalty,
Warm snuggles (sometimes)
I wake and her nose might
be in my armpit
(Pity the creature who
Stumbles upon THAT)
Just a furry bundle of joy
My dog.
My Goobie.

Time times Seven;
35, 36, ageing
At the emotional
Metabolical rate,
Seconds flying by
Like birds turned into
Hours of sleep while
We work, dreams,
Dreaming of...
Probably table scraps,
Wayward chicken bones
Or other things our
Pathetically inadequate
Snooters fail to notice

Tears well up as the time,
Precious time between
Walkers and Walked
Is reduced to
Ted Scheck Nov 2024
The first time I
Didn't saw but
Sawn anyway
A tree in repose
Temporary Re-
For trees
Exist before seeds
Seedle, grow from little
Baby saplings into
What most all granted
Taken for as just
Leafy woody back-
Ground and dead,
Un-zombie-like, yet
Providing stillness
As they slowly give up
Everything to Mother
Earthly ground, un-
Rooted but, to some,
(Like Mees)
Snaky tendrils no longer
Ground under, under...
Dead trees are still
Lively alive, noticable
When you sit on them,
Trip over them, bust your
Toe through balsa-
Crumbles full of
Worms n such

Human hearts do not half
Rings of growth,
Visible only when
Down cutted is their
Wet, firery, drought
Life seen as ringing
Circles consecrated
From an almost
Invisible heart

Only if I fall
Down, repos
-itioned and perhaps
By magic Trees
Placed switches on
Us mortals, roots
for lumbering,
Limbs in actuality,
Fingers branching
Girthy trunks
Hair musical at the
Top of their windy
Down, fallen
Post-human, would they
Read the hidden rings
In my heart?
Ted Scheck Oct 2024
What do I do that I should unt
Not my head - Yes, my head is
The invisible visible arrounding
My Gordian not mind.

Beavering my dam thoughts
Roof of skull / Well of the
Spitting poison from the snakes
Of memory.

Dizzying array of new
Sensations that my
**** ******-head
(Low water deep;
Clammy dome of sticks as wooden sky)
Trapped am I? Trapped
I am anti-future, or
Post-passed past.

You: lye!
Me: Lyer.
Truth is the surface
Of water; Lies either/
Both above as below.

Steeling thoughts/Stealing memory;
Beavers build domes
Two pro Techt
In the things of schemes
Am I the ****** or
Am I the dome whence
It hides?

Loving every other side
Of never ******-other felled
Gnawed tree
Outside the inside of my
******. Dam. Existence
Ted Scheck Oct 2024
I don't chase sleep
Sleep doesn't chase me,
Doesn't even half-two;
Sleep has/is/will have
Non-Existed since before
My body joined the Clock-
Work Greyness that is
Clicking away to E
Turn It E, And E; It:
Returning back to...
Mysteries are born, die,
Re-emerge, when our
Senses draw in, rescued
From the Wake of the
Ship that Sleep is

(Some Pronoun)
Has to Pretend to Sleep
The conscious Abstract
Of being slightly more
Vulnerable than when
We were unremembered
Babies, crawlers, toddling the
Dimly-Perceived Tightrope
When we first begin to remember
Night Horse-Mares
Tromping and galloping
Leaving woven dreamprints
To keep our Id from forgetting
To tell us to breathe, water, and feed
Whatever the Ego and Superego

Time is there, in sleep, but
Not of the clockwork count-
Down that is carnal fleshly
Life resetting in the same way the
Terminator says
"I won't be back, I won't leave,
I am always here," like
Past grudgingly releasing
Its soft, sharp claws, Fading,
Fading twilight into the ever-
Wide arms of darkness

Bad dreams, good dreams,
Balancing our warring survivalist
Self with the calm wakefulness
When all three the fulcrum
Of our mind arriving Ten
Minutes before the Two Others

Sleep gives way from the
Inert Vulnerable
To the Alert Unvulnerable;
Sleep is to Consciousness
As Death is to Life
Ted Scheck Oct 2024
World, emptied of
Love, Peace, Son, Sun;
I'm one of countless -
(Greek: MYRIAD)
Feet planted nearly infinitely
Deep in soil that was is
Has been Will be
Will have been
Polluted not by chemicals
But by the Enemy of Love:

And, indifferently, so my time
Passed with God my own self,
God equals $$$
And I wasn't blessed with

God's Providence but, instead,
Thought "Lucky" and Lucky's
Twin, "Chance" or maybe
No sides of a non-existence
Idol masquerading as currency,
But is only a worthless, shiny
(Dream come true! I won the Lot-
[Lot, in this lot, turned and looked
At the return of ***** and
Gomorrah, and he is

One moment I'd flying high
With/Without Ozzy,
Sipping one of hundreds of
Very expensive and high
ABV beers in a rumpus room
That is only crap manufactured
To pretend NOT to be CRAP-

And some of my "more boring" and
"Churchy" and "Jesus Freaks" friends spouting
Nonsense about, without quotes the
Actual. End. Times.
Soon. Like, for real? Just around the...
And drunk as I am sipping something
Called "Snake Venom" and it could
Pass for the real thing, and, tongue
On fire and dazed, I see four of twenty
****** up by Light, becoming
Light and all the unmeasured
Joy of All Time is their
Expression, and, and...
Jesus is there, and the time
Wasted worshipping the
World has cost me my

A Voice, calling to some, not
Every one - five words:
Ted Scheck Oct 2024
There are two

Greedy selfish me Won
Me two

Won wants to win
Not the dead word
Not the undead


I’m dreaming of rolling in

He’s waking in indescribable

There is no joy
In things;
Joy exists
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