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pip Nov 2018
i start to count
down the seconds
that i will still
be able to
love you.
my fingers tangle
with yours.
i press my
head to your chest
and feel your
heart breaking.
i will whisper my
favorite words
to you.
lilac, sunshine
blueberry, wonder.
sing to me your
favorite song that reminds
you of home.
draw flowers and butterflies
on my hand
in your
favorite color.
show me the scar on
your arm where
you burned it
making brownies.
let me brush your
hair and put a
dandelion behind your ear.
lay with me one more time
and let me remember how
we fit perfectly together
i’ll kiss the
tears away from
your eyes and cheeks
and tell you that i
will see you when i
wake up.
our time is up darling.
i miss you already.
pip Nov 2018
Lay with me on the grass
And make wishes with the moon
And when we fall asleep, our hands
Will find each other
Because they know that our heartbeats
And we will stay that way
Until the sun greets us.
But what the sun
Is not aware of,
Is that
You and me
Were made for
The rain.
pip Nov 2018
when you speak,
colors drop from
your lips.
when i first met
you, my world
was so bright.
i think you
blinded me.
now all i can see
is black
and the world
isn’t beautiful
pip Nov 2018
your scars cover all inches of your
when i touch them
i can feel
years & years of pain
and my heart breaks
all over again.
pip Nov 2018
i desperately write words
trying to convey the feeling
that tears me apart.
but i don’t think i can,
because it is not meant
to be understood.
so i will sit here
and let it break my ribs
and crush my pulse.
i will write till my fingers bleed,
and my hands shake,
and everything i thought i understood
is thrown into the wind.
pip Nov 2018
When I see you,
The air is ****** out of my lungs,
And i’m choking on my tongue.
Please give me back the words you stole
So i can scream.
So i can shout all the sentences
You took from me.
Give me back my voice.
I dont want you to control me
But then your eyes meet mine,
And your lips smile,
And i know that i will never win.
pip Nov 2018
I can feel
Your heartbeat through
My shirt.
I hate it.
The words you call me,
The sickly sweet affection
Clogs my throat
So i can no longer breath.
When you touch me,
I can feel your
Skin on mine,
And it makes me want to
Scrub and scrub
Until there is nothing left but
You hold me so tightly,
i know i will
In your arms.

— The End —