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Oct 2014 · 187
Thursday, October 30th.
Taylor Oct 2014
I do not want to hold your hand anymore.
Oct 2014 · 284
6:20 am
Taylor Oct 2014
For the people who put me so high up on their ******* pedestals that they thought I was some sort of angel: I'm not. You all can call me perfect and beautiful and dreamy and whatever else you want to spit out. But eventually, a time will come when I peel back my shell and make you see what I am inside. How cruel, how senseless, and how vile I truly am. And you'll be disappointed. You'll see the bitter, broken thing where all your expectations used to be and you'll be *******. How dare I not meet up? How dare I *not ******* care?
Taylor Oct 2014
and that's the thing. you saw me as this angel, this person who could make anything better. you put me so high up with all your belief and trust and thinking i have this sweet, tender heart yet still somehow fought all my demons down and became whole again. i'm sorry, but i didn't. i never changed, i just wished i could. you were this great girl who beat back her own darkness and thought you could hold me up high, proof it was going to be worth it, proof relief and healing came. it doesn't.
Taylor Oct 2014
All you ever did was believe in me and all I ever did was this. I am so ******* sorry. You thought I had changed and healed and you thought that I could keep getting better, but I can't, I'm sorry, I just can't. Jesus ******* hell, girl. Why did I ever let you believe in me....why did I ever let you like me?
Oct 2014 · 980
8:40 pm
Taylor Oct 2014
I want to hold your hand rather desperately.
Oct 2014 · 556
Taylor Oct 2014
I'm completely stricken by you. You've got these sky eyes and this velvety hair and this cute snub nose. And you've got sweet looking lips and you're so, so endearingly shy. God ******.
Oct 2014 · 202
I miss you
Taylor Oct 2014
I always hear it and think "our song" and I think of your face and I just think of you. I think of the time we put it on our friends radio in her basement during her party, before everyone had arrived. I think of us sprawled out on the floor, of you holding my hand and my head on your stomach. I think of how I threw the necklace my newest ex had given me somewhere on the floor and kissed you, because I'd wanted you the whole time and now you were mine. I think of your arm around me and how it felt to kiss you and keep you. I thought of us going under her table and being crouched there together with you, laughing at how people thought we were ******* when we were just holding hands under a table. How you ran your hands down my sides while we were dancing in the darkness of her basement like a couple of idiots because it was pitch black and it felt like privacy, felt like us alone. I think of how it's our song. Except, it isn't our song anymore.
It was I miss you, by Blink-182.
Oct 2014 · 262
9:13 pm
Taylor Oct 2014
The only way I have left to describe how I'm feeling is gray. Empty and gray and like I'm not anything at all, because in all reality, I'm not. Someday, I will be dead, and this will be all that's left, these words right here. I'll be words on a screen on a website.
This does not make much sense.
Oct 2014 · 194
8:24 am
Taylor Oct 2014
There is silence where my heart once thundered. And all the screams have turned to whispers.
Oct 2014 · 285
10:21 pm
Taylor Oct 2014
So there's this ghost I know. It's of the you that's gone. He sneaks into my bed at night and slips beneath the covers and holds my hand with his icy, not-quite-real hand and I can almost feel him next to me. It's like he's almost real, strumming his guitar and brushing my hair back, and in the pitch black of night, he could be a physical being. Except he isn't, I'm not sure if he's a ghost or a manifestation my mind made up because I can't accept the person I loved so wildly has become someone I don't understand, someone whom I can't even hold a conversation with anymore. I don't mind that he exists in my bed in the dark now, except in my half-awake half-dream state, I can almost smell him, almost feel him.

But he's not truly there. I am alone with something my mind made up, or maybe I share my bed with a ghost, a part of a person's soul who loved me so deeply it split from the rest of him so he could be by my side forever. I don't know. I don't care.
Oct 2014 · 162
Taylor Oct 2014
I just want to hold everyone so tight that all the broken pieces come back together, held by my quiet love for all people who fought their demons and survived.

But I can't catch myself. I can't hold every broken person in the world in my arms, and each one flays my skin with those shattered edges. I cannot keep myself together and I cannot hold your dreams up because my never-really-dreams are crushing me as it is. I cannot help you. I've given my blood and air and skin and every beat of my heart to someone who couldn't survive. And now they're living in my rib cage and the quiet parts of my head, and I don't know if I like it or not.
Oct 2014 · 242
I'm 17.
Taylor Oct 2014
And I'm not even a legal adult yet.

But I've already given up. Death drives me. And I can barely write anymore, because my fingers feel like lead, like they're broken. All my bones are crushed beneath everything I gave up on. I feel like gravity weighs millions of pounds, like I've got dead galaxies on my shoulders, made up of all the dreams that died before they ever lived at all.

I just want to fly away.
My cat is the only thing keeping me from letting go anymore.
Sep 2014 · 516
Taylor Sep 2014
You died, and I'm still here.

I wonder if you're judging every breath I take as breaking our promise.
Sep 2014 · 268
my tragedy.
Taylor Sep 2014
All I can think of is us holding hands, a gun in each free one, and my tarot cards scattered all around us.
Sep 2014 · 279
When you give up.
Taylor Sep 2014
When you don't love me anymore, put the gun to my temple and pull the trigger.

And if you ever loved me at all, shoot yourself next.
Sep 2014 · 176
8:09 pm
Taylor Sep 2014
True love is holding their hand and committing a double suicide when you realize that you can't do it anymore.
Sep 2014 · 342
Taylor Sep 2014
How many other people...Have you allowed to lie next to you....In that ******* bed...
Sep 2014 · 210
Taylor Sep 2014
I never really met you.

Sure, I saw pictures. Pictures and videos- we talked through Skype all the time, and my heart fluttered when watching a smile light your face up through the webcam.  Your blue eyes were large and looked like circles of sky, and your lips were full and soft-looking.

You said you had fat wrists.

You didn't.

Somewhere in the three years of constant contact, you know, I fell in love. We handed each other all of our secrets, our dreams and fears. And I fell more in love with you each day. Eventually, the words tumbled out of my mouth.

You said it made you happy. You wanted to be loved, I made you happy. But you didn't want to let yourself feel anything that deep. You said you were afraid. Afraid of your flaws, afraid you'd become your father. Afraid.

I loved you anyways.

You left. You said you needed to go on with your life and you needed to change. You said you couldn't be attached to me anymore, you said the feelings I caused were ruining you.

You came months later calling me love again, and I answered. But you confessed nothing could ever be like it was.

I was ecstatic to have you back, until I realized you were right. Nothing was the same. You were closed off, an icicle. You were not the boy I remembered, and your sky eyes became more like snow. I swear, they even looked paler.

The boy I fell in love with was dead. He's just a shell of himself that *I don't know how to fix.
Sep 2014 · 213
Taylor Sep 2014
Most people seem to remember the moment when their lives fell apart. Maybe someone left them, maybe someone died. Other people remember the trigger, maybe even the exact date.

I just recall waking up one morning and not caring about my life anymore.
Sep 2014 · 286
I know it's not fair
Taylor Sep 2014
And I am sorry that you are taking us so seriously, and I am looking at you as a placeholder- a boy who wanted the empty space next to the burning doll that I am so badly that my charred fingers crumbled, and I let you stand by my side.
I'm sorry, kid.
Sep 2014 · 935
Call me conceited.
Taylor Sep 2014
But I am happy in my own skin. Small frame, full, pouting lips. Flat stomach, toned thighs. Thick, waving brown hair and almond shaped hazel eyes. Pale skin and cinnamon shaving freckles. Long nails that chip often. I am a short girl, but I am not childishly built. I am not stick-thin, but not plump. Boys say I have "real" curves- crudely deeming them superior to what they call "fat girl" curves, not noticing the aggravation their casual mockery of another women's body invokes in me. They touch my hair without my permission and leer at my chest. They laugh and compare me to a cat when I swat their hands away and storm off. They all want to call me kitten. Well, this one has claws.
I'm not your baby and I'm not your kitten. Don't touch me without my permission. Don't try to take pictures when I bend down to pick something up off the floor, don't leer at me when I walk in the door.

I don't take chest-staring or commentary on my **** as compliments. Being touched without my permission is an insult. Don't compare my body to that of other girls, even if you consider mine "superior." I don't care what you think. I'm happy with my body and I don't need some pervert talking about it.
Sep 2014 · 113
Taylor Sep 2014
I can't help but wonder what I've done that was so wrong. To deserve a punishment as twisted as loving a boy who makes me so terribly, painfully sad...
Sep 2014 · 181
Taylor Sep 2014
Just hug me. Please. I don't even care that you get nervous and hug really awkwardly, like you don't know what to do with those long arms and you hold on either too tight or too loose. I don't mind.
Taylor Sep 2014
I miss you.
2. You've got beautiful eyes. Such beautiful eyes. Honestly.
3. You have stardust in your eyelashes.
4. I'm not going to hurt you. I don't know if I ever did but if I did I'm sorry.
5. I'm so sorry I didn't just tell you how I felt. I should have done more to make you see it.
6. You called me really often. I really liked that.
7. When we'd talk at night and I'd start to get drowsy, it wasn't because you were boring me. It was because you relaxed me enough to sleep.
8. I think about you all the time.
9. I write about you all the time.
10. God, ****...I miss you. So ******* much.
11. Please come back. ******* please. **please.
Sep 2014 · 284
7:37 pm
Taylor Sep 2014
If I could stop thinking of your solar system eyes and starry lashes, that would be ******* fantastic.
Sep 2014 · 209
Taylor Sep 2014
**** shame. I miss your stupid face.
Aug 2014 · 278
whiskey princess.
Taylor Aug 2014
When I saw you for the first time, you were sitting in the grass at a school game. Your head was thrown back in laughter and you were with my friends. I joined you. You made obscene commentary and threw your hair out of your eyes, crawling like a sensual tiger towards your boyfriend, jumping into his arms, eyes on fire. It was the only moment I looked away from you all night. I thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. You thought I was too beautiful and you hated me. You didn't want him to look at me. You wanted to crush my skull and hide him under your bed. It made me love you ten times more. He was a fleeting moment in your life. I watched your heart die again and again. One day you latched onto me and kissed me like I was the only thing keeping you breathing. You were the only thing keeping me breathing. You kept saying "mine" and I knew I was never getting my heart back, even after you crushed it again and again. Never died. I dragged my way from the heavenly hell that was your arms and took the remains of my heart with me. I have found someone else. Please stop acting like I broke your heart.
Aug 2014 · 168
You're the whole sky.
Taylor Aug 2014
I love you and I can honestly say that I want you forever. I want to sleep next to you every night and wake up to you every morning, to hold your hand and kiss the lips that make me feel invincible. I want to trace my fingertips over your cheekbones and down your jawline, to run my fingers through your hair and hold you so close I can feel your heart beating with mine. I want to tangle our bodies together and get lost in the sound of your breathing. I want to make you laugh and I want to feel your smile when we kiss, to curl up on your chest and tell you that you are my sea, my sky, my solar system. I just want you to stay, please. Please stay.
Aug 2014 · 543
to my best friend.
Taylor Aug 2014
You are my ex-boyfriend. You fell out of love with me and into her arms, but when she smashed you against the pavement, I put you back together. Best friends forever. But still I wonder, is this really it for us? We stare into each others eyes and I can't help but feel something is incomplete. We have both gone on to see other people. I wish us both every happiness and all the luck in the world with out partners. But when I'm staring into your eyes, all I feel is that there's something I missed.
To my male best friend.
Aug 2014 · 236
10:14 pm
Taylor Aug 2014
I feel musings and poetry on my tongue, in the back of my throat, on the tips of my fingers. Letters never written or never sent are inked across my brain and words unsaid are branded beneath my skin. I am composed of writing now, my greatest love. It will be okay.
Aug 2014 · 190
This isn't fair.
Taylor Aug 2014
And now you're telling me that you aren't going to marry her any longer. You're actually saying that you want to run away with me now that you're done playing house with her, and I have to remind myself every day that you're a liar, just so that I don't get my hopes up.
You don't ******* mean it you're going to stay right there with her..... (but what if you aren't, if you aren't I'll go with you...)
Aug 2014 · 175
I'm really sorry
Taylor Aug 2014
I really thought we could be. But your lips don't give me butterflies, don't make me fly. And though your eyes are beautiful, they don't captivate me. And even when your arms hold me close, they don't feel like home.
Aug 2014 · 110
Taylor Aug 2014
I've been having nightmares for a week, and I don't want to go back to sleep.
Aug 2014 · 225
1:10 am
Taylor Aug 2014
You didn't call and the oxygen in my lungs is poison.
Taylor Aug 2014
I don't remember what I did wrong anymore but I take it back. I'm sorry for it. I don't even care who was wrong and who was right ever anymore. You mean more.
Taylor Aug 2014
Please. Please call me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
He probably won't ever see this
Aug 2014 · 209
Just please
Taylor Aug 2014
I'll swallow my pride. I'll learn to trust you. I'll ask you to come back. I'll tell you I'm sorry. I'll try not to **** up. I won't flirt with anyone else, not even when we fight. I'll cry in front of you instead of pushing you away...I'll ******* change.
Aug 2014 · 663
Baby please.
Taylor Aug 2014
Please come back. We'll watch stupid movies and eat tacos and drink slushies again. We'll hold each other and I'll use your blanket so my scent lingers after I'm gone again. I'll rest my head on your chest again. I'll apologize. I'll make you coffee. I'll call more often and pay more attention to you. I'll pause my video games when you call. I'll talk on the phone for hours with you and hang on to every word. I'll kiss you longer and hug you tighter. Just please, please come back. Please.
Aug 2014 · 260
You're still on my mind.
Taylor Aug 2014
For all extents and purposes, you were a skinny boy with long eyelashes that should have been forgotten immediately. Except that you weren't. You hung around in my head for months, and you're still hanging around in there. Making pure poetry it seems, since writing about you and holding you are the only things that satiate my need, and holding you isn't really an option anymore.
Aug 2014 · 303
Taylor Aug 2014
You were my muse, babe. You made all that poetic **** come running out of my fingers, a waterfall of galaxy eyes and feathery hair and thin fingers and shy lips. A stream of false promises I almost believed in and outer space and the comets in your head, a slow trickle of something a lot like love that slowly thrummed in my heart and the glassy purity about you. You were like a song I could have listened to forever, a beautiful boy with a heartbeat like a hummingbird. It's really too bad you forgot me, because I didn't forget a moment of you.
Remember when we first met? I was in third grade, you were in second. You really liked skulls and you talked really fast, like you were in a rush, even when you weren't.
Aug 2014 · 161
1:28 am
Taylor Aug 2014
just so you know, i spent two days in bed after we gave up on us.
You gave up on me. So did I.
Aug 2014 · 207
1:49 am
Taylor Aug 2014
You're really terrible at being there when I need you.
Aug 2014 · 197
11:58 pm
Taylor Aug 2014
Finally forgetting you.
Aug 2014 · 209
Taylor Aug 2014
I only ever wanted to kiss the emptiness from your eyes.
Aug 2014 · 514
Taylor Aug 2014
Struggling to deal with parts of this relationship I cannot stand- you, off high or drunk, leaving me alone for months at a time. The way a door for infidelity opens, far too warm. While you're off in your own world, doing I-will-never-know what, a golden lion boy holds his hand out, purring words of pure honey.
Aug 2014 · 12.4k
Taylor Aug 2014
The people building their lives in my bones are polluting my body. I am the atmosphere, and they are putting holes in me.
Aug 2014 · 291
Taylor Aug 2014
****, I've got little people living in my bones, running their electricity through my veins and eating my marrow and breathing my lung - oxygen and drinking my gastric acids and ****, this is what it's like for a star to die, to implode and become a black hole or millions and trillions of stardust particles floating around in the universe.
Taylor Aug 2014
Do you ever just feel your energy under your skin?
Like lightening and it's like eating your veins or some **** but it isn't, it's like zapping you and crawling in your bone marrow and and growing in your stomach and your head is full of sky and your throat, the back of it feels kinda like battery acid and kind of like rainwater and it tastes like burn. And it's like you don't have skin anymore you've just got pure ******* magic, and little people are building homes in my ribs and I can feel them crawling on my bones and stealing blood from my heart to drink, lighting up my lungs and making me glow from the inside out- the death of a star, in a breathing girl.
Jul 2014 · 380
pardon my silences
Taylor Jul 2014
You may have noticed, that words come less freely now.

That's because the pain has reached a level beyond them.
Jul 2014 · 203
And as for you.
Taylor Jul 2014
You. Who ruined me in ways I didn't know possible. Who filled me with a rage and agony and eventually such a deep sense of loss, of pure emptiness that I saw my own death every night. The smell of you lingers in my worn sheets and on the love seat that remains on the patio, and every time I sit there breathing in your scent, memories flood my eyes and fire drips from my tear ducts. You ruined me in impossible ways, showed me why storms are named after people. You replaced the blood in my veins with poison. And now, you draw a girl you lied to me about for years pictures, asking her to come watch the stars with you. The stars that we used to trace across the skies together, side by side in the dark. You swore you'd come back to me, but only for her - your side girl, who already has a boyfriend of nine months who really doesn't deserve a ******, selfish, proud ******* like you hanging all over his ***** of a girlfriend. But **** all of you. **** every last one of you who broke every bone on the way to my heart in every direction. ******* because I can't even focus long enough to finish a **** writing, because pain of another direction hits and I end up going that way. ******* for making me full of a hatred I didn't know existed. For shattering me in a way that makes it hard to breathe when she says your name, (your first name, the one I'd breathe against your shoulder, the one only I was allowed to use because you didn't want anyone else calling you by it, too personal.) Because the last time she said your name, it was because you used your rare phone call at basic on her and it hit so hard I vomited. Because I didn't know you could puke from mental anguish. ******* for teaching me all the ways a human can be destroyed. I pray to anything willing to listen that you both feel it someday.
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