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The Voice
A distant memory trapped deep down inside
Buried by broken beliefs and corrupted ideas
Of what my life should look like.

But what can I do?
I can only be as good as the ones who paved the way before me.
But a Voice inside is telling me that that’s not even true.

And that Voice inside of me is getting a little bit louder
Whispering to my spirit pleading, ‘Please come back to me.’
It’s like a dusty record sitting on the shelf
Of a melody I can barely remember.

It’s a book bound shut begging to be chosen
The cover reads: “The Way”
The author remains unknown.

So I take the dusty record down from off the shelf
And crack open the brittle pages of the book.
A distant memory of a long forgotten promise
Is coming back to me

Suddenly the Voice inside my head is screaming at me
Begging to be seen.
Go up. Take possession. I have given it all to you.
And DO NOT FEAR. These words I speak
I promise you they are true.

And I wish I can say I listened
But that would be a lie
Because I failed the mighty Voice time and time and time

Again the Voice crept in again screaming in my head
I am the Lord Your God! And I am fighting for you in your stead.
Go in and take possession and your adversaries will be filled with dread.

I have defeated kings and delivered nations into your hand
If only, my dear child, you would do as I command.
For what God is there in heaven or earth
Who can do such mighty works as mine?

And I wish I can say I listened
But that would be a lie
Because I failed the mighty Voice time after time after time.

And for a time the Voice became distant
Because the best discipline is the distance in which he separates himself in.
And from that place if I seek Him, even through trial and tribulation
The Voice will come back to me when my heart is open to listen.

The Voice returned this time louder than ever before. He said,
Something has to change! You’re not going back there anymore!
I am the Lord your God! I have brought you out of the iron furnace and out of the house of slavery!
You shall be enslaved to one God only, and that one God is me.
He gave me a list of commands, ten simple easy steps
To the world these are what you use to build up your walls and fences
But to you these are your weapons, against which the world remains defenseless.

But these commands mean nothing if you’re missing out on one thing
You shall love the Lord your god with all your heart and soul and might
And with every single ounce of your being.

Notice Jesus later added in the mind
And I sometimes wonder why
It’s as if he’s saying,

These words are still timeless
But it’s going to take some time and
You’re gonna have to use your brain if you want to learn how to apply them.

And I wish I can say I listened
But that would be a lie
Because I failed the mighty Voice time after time after time.

And I abandoned his loving commands and turned from his open hands
I created my own gods
Something a little more sparkly something a little more golden

And the Voice said to me
I already told you my laws and my commands are golden
But you traded them for a cow
For vacant false realities you sold them.

It’s like a one way ticket on the bandwagon of conformity
Corrupting the divine image of what you have been born to be.
I thought my commands were so strong but up against idolatry
You threw them to the ground.
Shattered fragments of reality.

And you’d think the Voice would be angry but no
He’s just heartbroken
I cannot believe we are the people that he’s treasured and he’s chosen.
A people created to be holy and holy we can be
If we quit chasing the world quit chasing conformity.

Cause he has set us apart to be his beloved people
There is no love that comes close no love that is equal

And again the Voice is shouting but this time to us all
I am the Lord your God and I require nothing from you at all
I just want you to love me with all your heart and soul
You are my creation your hearts have been created with a hole
Allow my love to come in only my love can make you whole.

He said,
I just want you to listen
I just want you to try
Cause there’s forgiveness in this mighty Voice time after time after time.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,—I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!—and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
Heartsease in my garden bed,
  With sweetwilliam white and red,
Honeysuckle on my wall:--
  Heartsease blossoms in my heart
When sweet William comes to call,
  But it withers when we part,
And the honey-trumpets fall.

— The End —