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I like you, so much
So much, you don't know
Don't know, if thats just wonderful
Just wonderful, people all around and I'm not
I'm not, just another one who could end up leaving
End up leaving? Never!
Never, will hurt you
You, should already know that
That, you are so amazing
So amazing, I would do anything for you
For you, I would give everything
Everything, you say makes me smile
Smile, happy looks good on you
You, are so cool
Cool, blue eyes
Eyes, I let myself gaze into
Gaze into, a crystal ball to see the future
The future, that I hope your in
In, my thoughts always
Always, just be yourself
Yourself, that i like
 Nov 2013 Taylor Smith
 Nov 2013 Taylor Smith
It's funny how
once you enter
a certain state of mind,
that attitude consumes you,
those thought dictate who you are,
and the actions become a necessity.
And it becomes harder,
and harder,
and harder,
to be you again.
 Nov 2013 Taylor Smith
Rays of light breach my walls, I can feel the warmth,
Can this really be? Have I found you? Are you the one?
The one to end it all, the one to bring me far,
Ending this loneliness, suffering, sorrow,
You will make my tomorrow.
 Nov 2013 Taylor Smith
I don't ask you to be faithful - you're beautiful, after all -
but just that I be spared the pain of knowing.
I make no stringent demands that you should really be chaste,
but only that you try to cover up.
If a girl can claim to be pure, it's the same as being pure:
it's only admitted vice that makes for scandal.
What madness, to confess by day what's wrapped in night,
and what you've done in secret, openly tell!
The ******, about to bed some Roman off the street
still locks her door first, keeping out the crowd:
will you yourself then make your sins notorious,
accusing and prosecuting your own crime?
Be wise, and learn at least to imitate chaste girls,
and let me believe you're good, though you are not.
Do what you do, but simply deny you ever did:
there's nothing wrong with public modesty.
There is a proper place for looseness: fill it up
with all voluptuousness, and banish shame;
but when you're done there, then put off all playfulness
and leave your indiscretions in your bed.
There, don't be ashamed to lay your gown aside
and press your thigh against a pressing thigh;
there take and give deep kisses with your crimson lips;
let love contrive a thousand ways of passion;
there let delighted words and moans come ceaselessly,
and make the mattress quiver with playful motion.
But put on with your clothes a face that's all discretion,
and let Shame disavow your shocking deeds.
Trick everyone, trick me: leave me in ignorance;
let me enjoy the life of a happy fool.
Why must I see so often notes received - and sent?
Why must I see two imprints on your bed,
or your hair disarrayed much more than sleep could do?
Why must I notice love bites on your neck?
You all but flaunt your indiscretions in my face.
Think of me, if not of your reputation.
I lose my mind, I die, when you confess you've sinned;
I break out in cold sweat from hand to foot;
I love you then, and hate you - in vain, since I must love you;
I wish then I were dead - and you were too!
I won't investigate or check whatever you try
to hide: I will be thankful to be deceived.
But even if I catch you in the very act
and look on your disgrace with my own eyes,
deny that I have seen what I have clearly seen,
and my eyes will agree with what you claim.
You'll win an easy prize from a man who wants to lose,
only remember to say, 'I didn't do it.'
Since you can gain your victory with one short phrase,
win on account of your judge, if not your case.
Translated by Jon Corelis
I love her with the seasons, with the winds,
As the stars worship, as anemones
Shudder in secret for the sun, as bees
Buzz round an open flower: in all kinds
My love is perfect, and in each she finds
Herself the goal: then why, intent to teaze
And rob her delicate spirit of its ease,
Hastes she to range me with inconstant minds?
If she should die, if I were left at large
On earth without her-I, on earth, the same
Quick mortal with a thousand cries, her spell
She fears would break. And I confront the charge
As sorrowing, and as careless of my fame
As Christ intact before the infidel.
it's crazy how a single thing can flip you upside down
how a single thing can shake you sensless
turn the tables right around
i never meant to try to be a part of something else
i was confused when it was quiet
you were the only thing that sounded loud
everything once said to me that was tucked up in a sleeve
was all but broken and a memory
and that's all it's ever going to be
i was held up in a chokehold
a phantom pressed it's lips to mine
poison rushing on my skin
emotions running out of time
shadows lingered where i stood
fog never seemed to clear
and then one day, when least expected
a shadow disappeared
a few days have passed since that shadow left me
still my mind has turned to fear
but i can sense another presence
a radiance stays here
now the shadows no longer linger
quite as close as they had before
they still haunt me in the dead of night
but i'm no longer frightened to my core
written by me
 Nov 2013 Taylor Smith
Fukn Zach
Build it up to tear it down
All we're really doing is ******* around
A self destructive psychosis
Well dilute the mind of the hostess
Love is the epitome in his eyes
But love is the vice with her lies
Its all fun and games til' someone cries
Its all fun unless someone dies

Happiness could only be bought
I hope that's not sarcasm that you were taught
Soon we will be able to let our minds rot
When happiness kicks in and the needles have caught
She'll say the words to get her fix
He'll believe the ***** even if the kiss is quick
All he wants is someone to care
All he needs is someone to dare

When the day comes where her eyes don't close
He'll think of where her soul must have rose
Thinking of why she was chose
Wondering why she had to go
He will never know of her intention
Never discover their love is an invention
He'll remain ignorant that it was just her addiction
And always see her as perfection
Your greedy eyes are thieving,
Already taking what is mine.

More than enough, more than too much,
Eyes become hands and deeds.

There's nothing left now, we will all starve.
I hope you had your fill.

— The End —