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3.5k · Jun 2011
Taylor Browne Jun 2011
I hate the distortion of what we are
right now
I hate not knowing who we are and
where we're going
as a whole
as a tribe of lost souls
but I can't dwell in the dream that we're all meant for something greater
this is all we're given, so why pretend there's anything better?
You're not abstract
you're not hyper intelligent
and I would rather deliver a gory blow to your face
than endure another profound hypothesis
I just want to feel something physical
for my skin hunger to be satisfied
I just want to improve something miserable
for my existence to go to the wayside
it's not there
we're all here
so let's go outside, please
and get some ******* fresh air
Taylor Browne Apr 2011
when I speak

it makes me apprehensive of what I've missed
the days I could be spending with you
and if only identical twins wrapped in a chemical abyss
could coexist
I might not think about you all the time.
So when I miss you I must remember
you're always there
hovering in
a corner
of my own head
waiting to be remembered
and never forgotten
like the ugly pencil
found this morning
on my way home
to school
in the bottom of my backpack
waiting to be used
waiting to scribble useless rhymes
and help me forget the time
because I hate everything around me
even though its lovely and sunny
and you're beautiful
and the grins on their faces when they see me in the morning
doesn't equate
to what you could be telling me every night.
Taylor Browne May 2011
the sun's out so let's
forget what
brought us here
and why anyone
pays attention to everything
and I need $100 to spend
so I can remember
that nothing
is no one
and sad
and probably
588 · May 2011
Taylor Browne May 2011
my fingers smell like Camels eternally
because we all take life very seriously
and my appetite just died
because I got a wiff of curdled milk I fed a sunflower seed
and was reminded that I want to thizz
but lack the funds
to do so.
588 · Apr 2011
parataxic distortion
Taylor Browne Apr 2011
english assignemnts
late into the early morning
have me wondering what cancer is spelled backwards
never forwards
and once again you have me inspired
to bear my soul
because its yours
588 · Jun 2011
Taylor Browne Jun 2011
i’m an experiement

a looking glass dummy

an embalmed corpse

waiting for graduation day

and a snake

waiting for the glass to break
574 · Jun 2011
cruel mornings
Taylor Browne Jun 2011
The raccoons didn’t know the rules of the road
they too got shot down by the police
But I don’t even have anyone to kiss, I can’t even pretend I’m touching you
And my tongue feels numb without fuel;
maybe I should say “*******” too.
Forgetting you preferred
and abuse
to praise
Do I remind you of those that care, those you hate?
and could I still beg to partake
in your spiral downward,
my personal annihilation,
a hallucination of grace.
pathetic maniacal
you can destroy minds, turn them into inspired little sheep
I hope I end in tragedy, and I pray this fate for you as well
My trivial little world to be entangled in a web
I’ll never get over this, by no fault of mine
My fingers never tire of scratching and
drying peeling scarring scabbed up
It’s blue like when I met you
like skies waters mountains flowers
Blue like veins these walls electric power
like our eyes pills and when everyday was happy hour
Taylor Browne May 2011
You project images of innocent animals
and make them smell better than they should.
Like an acoustic song in minor key
I looked at you too carefully.
And I wish an orange flood would
wash your beautiful blues away
like a stolen lock with no key
you're more lost than a child in limbo...
light shone on you that day
but still I won't claim to see what isn't even there
Hovering like *** smoke in the
where blindness runs to die.

— The End —