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The girl I have been longing for is so many miles away in my soul
but in my heart shes right next to me
she is like a dove flying through the mid morning sky
i try to find her through my vulnerable soul
but alas only through my ever awakening heart
I am able to find her through the stars
i see her ever glowing with such a magnificent color
that it is irresistible to the eye of man
she is my muse ever singing along with such grace in my waking dreams
she is the flame that fills my heart
with such passion and adulation
come back to me now
oh sweet dove come back to me
 Nov 2013 Taylor B
Matsuo Bashō
Awake at night--
the sound of the water jar
    cracking in the cold.
 Nov 2013 Taylor B
Megan Hopkins
As the pen scrawls
feelings into words
my temple is awoken by
the touch of cold metal
and the trigger’s fast click.
My heart tells my hand
what letters to form.

The beautifully peaceful coexistence
is over.

Tension builds in my veins,
I cannot hide from myself any longer.

The demons are calling.
 Nov 2013 Taylor B
Your kiss is a puzzle
that I have yet to solve
But you've been gone so long
and I've lost all the pieces

I love my sneezes.
They render me helpless.
I totally surrender to
that nanosecond of
being blown apart.
A dandelion seed
wafting and riding
the buffeting breezes
and sneezes.
 Nov 2013 Taylor B
tips of hats
hand-blown kisses
closing of doors
goodbye wishes

eight a.m.
five years old
eternal memories my heart still holds
 Nov 2013 Taylor B
Mark McDonald
Going through the country,
to end up by the sea
Winding down the back roads,
over bridges under trees
I have got to find the shoreline,
I need to shift some sand
There's too much time being built up,
and its slipping trough our hands

Less is more, More or less

Looking at the islands,
and dreaming of beyond
Underneath the oceans,
so much we don't yet know
But I'm happy with the present,
the sun the moon the stars
Everything around us,
feel it in your heart

Less is more, more or less
I'm going way out west
 Nov 2013 Taylor B
When school first started
I was pretty sure I had no one
I was sure I'd be overtaken, put down
And slip d
                           n the ranks in class.

But then, she came along.
She gave me new ideas, h o p e
She made me look forward to each and every day
She taught me to tie beautiful knots with ropes.

She introduced me to baking; the wonders of the oven.
Kneading flour, cracking eggs by the dozen
Cakes, biscuits and muffins we'd make
Baked them until our hands ached.

We'd meet up for lunch in the cafeteria daily
Talk about how both of us would like to play the ukelele
About how we'd like to do on a diet
But we'd probably be so hungry; we'd start a riot.

She's there for me whenever I'm down
I'm there for her whenever she frowns.
Together we're an unstoppable tag team
Trying to realise our dreams.

...Is this it?
Have I found her at last?
This sacred thing, person, object,
That they call "a best friend?'
first time trying to write a happy poem :p
 Nov 2013 Taylor B
K Prospect
It isn’t what it seems, life isn’t but a dream.
A porous umbrella, a selfish Cinderella,
A deafening silence, an unfaithful alliance,
An inaudible roar, a dry liquor store,
A tell-all magician, a tell-all politician,
A stuttering thespian, a boy-crazy lesbian,
A sober alcoholic, a glad melancholic,
A deflated balloon, a dried-up lagoon,
A real-life oasis, a movable stasis,
A saddened hyena, a fat ballerina,
A one-item list, a sixty-pound mist,
An illiterate writer, a cowardly fighter,
A concrete bed pillow, a smiling willow,
A ****** librarian, a caring barbarian,
A fresh-water ocean, and a straying devotion.
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