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310 · Jan 2017
T Jan 2017
there's a heavy weight
         an empty kind of ache
crushing my lungs
you walked away
           blinking back tears
but you loved me with such ease
in ways i never could
and my heart is fragments in my hand
reaching out to you
           my voice catching in my throat
knowing you were saving me one last time
knowing that you walking away meant i didn't have to
            i'll miss you
303 · Mar 2013
We Slept Together
T Mar 2013
Wrapped around each other
that small couch became the perfect size
we lied so close and calmly
I didn't need my eyes
and so they closed
and yours did too
making it the first time
I ever slept with you
300 · Jan 2013
Reasons for Running
T Jan 2013
Some say
That running is
For scared people

But I don't think they know
What it feels like when you go
As fast as you can

The wind whips your cheeks
And you forget about your week
Where nothing went right

You're breathing hard
Your heart was scarred
But now you can't feel it

So you go faster
In the hopes to master
The power behind your legs

It's become a task
How long will you last
Before you have to stop?

The pain comes back
Your face goes slack
And your breathing regulates

You feel the hurt
It's the sweat on your shirt
And so you go to change

You weren't scared
You only cared
To go and stretch your legs

They don't have to know they're right
288 · Dec 2015
T Dec 2015
i used to love the ocean
i used to be very good at swimming

the day i learned how to drown
made me love the ocean a little bit less

now the salty water will creep in
even god can't change the tides

my lungs will fill with blue
like they always do

and i will lie awash in waves
thinking it is the sky
277 · Mar 2016
T Mar 2016
I like
to stand at the base of mountains
and wonder why I am here,
They are wonders of the earth
and blessings to my soul,
I like
to climb atop those mountains,
And although I have
never been religious
when I stand on top
of my small world
my heart is filled
with some unworldly power,
And if that is what He feels like,
Then I believe.

— The End —