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Jan 2013 · 441
T Jan 2013
It appears as though I'm prisoner
of my desire to express
The words keep coming better
and I mean so out of jest
For I am not a writer
A writer is but me
but I'm right crabbed and mad
It's taken til now to see
Jan 2013 · 355
T Jan 2013
she's got a shadow
follows her around
she hardly ever notices
it's feet upon the ground
for they lay root
up in her head
it shrouds her thoughts
and will not shed
it's layers of things
that once went so awry
it's getting awfully heavy
but ne'er will she cry
for she hates the black that summons
from behind her sturdy back
but it calls so long and often
that soon she may crack
but she resists
and it persists
until the sun goes down
and casts a brand new shadow
upon her little town
Jan 2013 · 402
Tell me
T Jan 2013
Why is it
That you can do no wrong?
What part of me forgives you
When we start to talk or I hear that song?
You've hurt me pretty badly,
In more ways than just the one
But I admit, and I do so sadly,
That I make excuses
And spread the blame around
Each time leaving you untouched
Still on your pedestal, safe and sound;
At times I find you awful
And your methods and morals unlawful
But I can't seem to let you go;
I hold on for dear life,
Stupidly picturing that someday
I'll be your wife;
In attempts to sort my feelings
I fill my head with useless fantasies and hopes
Only to get them crushed and later have to cope;
How is it
that you managed
to wrap me up so tight?
Wasting all my thoughts on those endless summer nights;
But truthfully
When it was good it was great
The only real issue
Is I just can't seem to hate
You for any single thing you've done
And it's because of that
I'm starting to believe
You've really truly won.
Jan 2013 · 922
T Jan 2013
The words flew out
My mouth
Now scorched
I watch as your
Anger ignites
Your hair, blight
With orange flames
Lick your cheeks red,
Your eyes attempt
To quell the heat
But useless tears
Fall at your feet;
My head, heart
Already burned
Crisp and black
I can't
I won't
Ever take it back.
Jan 2013 · 787
The Road
T Jan 2013
So much lost
And so much learned
We'll push our luck
Laughing with tears
We'll make mistakes like every child
Does once or twice
We'll go beyond
And do it thrice
Who knows where
Or why and what for
But we'll  try each key
Open each door
Throw our pennies down the well
Ride each wave
And crash each swell
We'll hold on til the bitter end
Only believing in the innocently pretend
We'll wreck our brains and feed our souls
Build memories and forget about gold
For it's too heavy for the free of heart
And last but not least
We'll make a strong pact
That no matter who or what
We won't look back

— The End —