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I'm counting on.
I'm counting one.

I'm counting two.
I'm counting on you.

I'm counting the days.
Until I say:

The world I live in is a masterpiece.
The world I live in is full of peace.

I'm counting on when what I say makes sense.
Talking about the world in past and present tense.

Changing of our minds.
Minds are faded and dead.

Counting down the few days.
These are the few days I dread.

I'm counting down until I see.
A place filled with nothing but glee.

A world one day that is nothing more.
Than a place where we can all be free.
The fire burned blue.
The ashes blew too.

Rainbow in the distance.
Though it seems so distant.

Hard to reach.
Hard to teach.

Distance is the issue.
Time is ticking.
Time is moving.

Time is frozen.
Time seems gloomy.

Time is fragile.
Time is bent.

Time is where,
Time is sent.

Time is changing.
Time is arranging.

Time is strange.
Time is pulsating.

Time is always up.
For debating.

Should you move with the constant motion?
Take time to accept the simple notion?

Time can't be changed.
Time can't be altered.

Time has its own plans.
Time will not falter.

Time is tough.
And time is spent well.

Time is what you make of it.
Time is your living hell.
Wise words from a "wizzard."
Leaking out onto paper.

Caught up in a blizzard.
Storms are coming later.

Reading by a priest.
To me they mean the least.

Aknowledge the power.
Of words read for hours.

Agree or suffer.
Agree or die.

Agree with another.
Agree or cry.

Sensible seclusion.
Causes delusion.

Words without meaning.
Are words that need defeating.

Words that hurt.
Words that break.

Words that fight.
Words that are fake.

Hurt against you.
Hurt against many.

Hurt against the world.
Hurt against plenty.

Subside and control.
Controlling of nations.

Control of the world.
Control causing irritation.

Irrational fears subsided.
World being divided.

Walls being built.
Feelings of guilt.

Lonely days of nothing more.
Than what tomorrow brings in store.

Words that bring up such a bore.
Are words that pull at your hair.

These are the words that bring us down.
These are the words that don't care.
Days I spent are melting away
Waiting for more to decay.

I worry about the decisions I make.
They change my life and change my fate.

Decisions are hard to take.
Decisions are hard to make.

What will the future bring?
What will the future hold?

Do you think my life will be lavish?
My life set in gold.

My life set away.
My life set to go.

My life one day to stay.
A life one day I'll know.

Life will stay forever.
If we can stay together.

Life disappearing.
Life on vacation.

My life's end is nearing.
My life has complications.

— The End —