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A poem, a pun and a joke sat down to devour the human race.
Immediately, they began to eat, not pausing to say Grace.

The poem ate quite delicately, not wanting to make a mess.
“These humans can be quite delicious, I really must confess.
Their emotions are very spicy,“ she said, eating the heart with zest.
“A taste of brotherhood and love delight the palate best.”
She ate so very slowly, reflecting on every bite,
She drank the blood of beauty.  It made her head feel light.

The pun, upon the other hand, sliced into the brain.
Deftly and swiftly he cut, not causing any pain.
He entered the cerebellum as swift as a laser beam,
And then was gone so quickly that to the brain, ‘twas but a dream.
Discovering its invasion, gray matter laughed, white matter cried,
“My God, I’ve been defiled and logic has been defied.”

The joke, always an outsider, did not want to know the victim’s name.
It ate only stereotypical beings; it treated everyone the same.
The way in which the joke ate, was very crude, indeed.
Manners and good taste are not inherent in its breed.
The joke was not particular, it would chew on any part,
But it could not reach the brain; it could not touch the heart.

The poem, the pun and the joke blew smoke after eating the human race.
They burped and belched and buried the bones beneath the earthen face.
Life is a lot like a painting
The effort and detail you put into the stroke of the brush
Is the beauty you will see when it is hung in its final gallery
-Tawfeeq Hendricks
Has anyone ever seen a quote like this before because I just thought of it.
The gorgons were hideous with the gaze of stone
The sister medusa was the only mortal
The grey women with one eye and one tooth
Now one eye less
Told him the way to the hyperborean land
Therein lay the soon to be headless beast
Who could then no longer share her horrible stare
There once was an old burglar from Spain
He fought the king’s men with a cane
The king’s men wouldn’t fight an old man
So they dropped their weapons and ran
This clever old burglar from Spain

— The End —