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3.0k · Aug 2013
The Woman in me
Tasneem Moosa Aug 2013
She’s a masterpiece, a work of art
A woman with a golden heart
Sewn together with tenderness and love
An angel sent from up-above
She’s a mother, a sister, a daughter too
She’s a best friend who'll always be there for you

Even when tears roll down her face
She manages to smile and assure you it'll all be okay
She tries her damnedest to make everything right
She’ll protect you, she will, for you she will fight

She carries her burdens with such ease
It’s only when you look into her eyes that you will see them beneath
She wears her heart on her sleeve every day of her life
She’s a phenomenal woman, you'd better look twice

She’s a mother, a sister, a daughter too
Be glad that she is the perfect woman, yes it is true
Take heed of her love, her caring side
For if you do not, you might lose sight

She’s a phenomenal woman, that’s what she is
She is inside all of us; she’s the woman in me…….
1.3k · Aug 2013
When Life falls apart
Tasneem Moosa Aug 2013
When life falls apart

Staring at the girl in the mirror
All I see is fear and wonder……what ghastly horrors she’s been through
Alas, she still stands even though she’s broken and bruised
Her eyes a storybook for all to see
Yet no one notices her, only me
Her life is a joke, an open book
She tries as much as she can to make every man hurt with her seductive looks

She’s strayed far beyond who she was
Even the God she once worshipped she’s afraid to crawl to and ask….
Forgiveness? She deserves no such thing
Torture her, stone her, she deserves to feel
Rip her heart out in front of her; she’s the one to blame

The floor has fallen beneath her feet; she keeps running but where should she be?
Don’t pity her or she will cling to you, independence? That’s what she says she has
Yet she’s the most dependant, needy person you have ever met

Do not pick her up just watch her fall
She shouldn't be alive, no, not all
She was nothing more than a mistake

The people who love her have probably lost their minds
What can she do to make all her problems go away?
There’s a little voice that keeps telling her there’s only one way
She sits night after night contemplating suicide
Too afraid to let go, yet she holds on to a world of nothing, she’s got nothing, no one

When life falls apart, all she does is stare
Take the blade and cut yourself, you know you deserve to feel the flare
Now she lies in a box, her soul to hell for giving up

Do not think about her no, she deserves the eternity of torture she’s ****** herself to
Just forget her; she was no more than a speck of dust
You’d be wasting your tears if you cried over her too much

She’s finally gone; I have rid myself of her
I am no longer the girl that I used to fear
She’s laid to rest, forgotten and dead

With all this life I can but be glad, the almighty my king has removed all that dread
I am stronger, wiser, more courageous than I ever thought I could be
All thanks to the Glory of my God, I owe my victory

Watch me move mountains, be in awe of what I achieve
It’s because the God that loves me gave me that second to breathe
I am a women destined to do great things
Now step aside as my light shines as bright as the stars in the sky
My life, a new world to open up my eyes
Watch me fly above the star-filled skies, you can have it too all you have to do is try…
1.1k · Sep 2017
Tasneem Moosa Sep 2017
My blood runs red in my blue veins
I feel just as you do, exactly the same
Cut me open and see inside
That which is in me is beautified
So as with you, our hearts are all true
Irrespective of the color that our skin exudes

If you were to hurt me would I not cry ?
Asking you forgiveness, the reason why
Just as you would if you were to die
Be judged by the same man in the sky

Do we not love and fear?
Hope and dream for all things?
That this life would be gentle and kind
That we might live and learn unconfined

We are born and we die in the exact same way
Are similarities not enough to keep a color war at bay?
Skin, hair, money, status and power
Are these the things we fight for that will slowly devour us?

I search for a world where this will no longer matter
That for this reason no more blood shall splatter
When the color of my skin will not make me less of a person  
But rather a sister to love and trust in

I want this world to see through the my eyes
See what it means to truly accept and thrive
What we could be if only we stopped fighting
It would be love and life uniting.
1.0k · Aug 2013
My serene wonder
Tasneem Moosa Aug 2013
As I sit in the night sky, watching the stars fly by
I can't help but be amazed, at what God has put in grace
My heart yearns, searches round, but it is with great despair that I've found
I am lost….lost in a world of misery and pain throughout all of times past
A world that drowns my soul yet makes me feel so whole
A world full of expectations, dreams and disaster
Wasted time, wasted years…I have found nothing through all my tears
Awaiting the day that salvation would come, little to know I already had some
My life seems shattered, my heart distraught, yet alive I am with the time I’ve bought
I take a look in the mirror and with my reflection all I see is despair
Help dear God, I don't want to feel the flare
Deep within I feel God speak, "my child" he says "do not weep"
“For I am with you, your friend, your father
I shall hold you up when you're down and broken
Don’t you see my child? You're an amazing wonder
Amazing in so many ways, handmade with all my grace
You were created in my image, just follow my pace
Take a leap and trust in me, I will deliver you, you will break free”
With that, a spark in my spirit, I feel a jolt of hope and victory
I am amazing in so many ways; thanks to my God I've found everlasting grace
He is my friend, my father, my serene wonder
962 · Aug 2013
The love I cannot have
Tasneem Moosa Aug 2013
I eagerly await your morning text
It’s always so exciting, not knowing what will happen next
I must be crazy, I must be insane
You're my addiction, heart, body, brain

When I need a fix you’re always a call away
I never want you to leave, please say you'll always stay
You make me happy in so many ways
I'm glad that our paths have crossed and you’re mine always

I could lose everything, it could ruin my life
If people knew I would get sliced and diced
And yet, in your arms are the safest I've ever felt
With you by my side I know we can take a stand

Let me hold your hand while you hold mine
Walk beside me, let’s face this malignant tempest side by side
We can do it; we can get through it all

The way you look at me when we make love
You touch my soul with every ******
I realized that I've fallen in love with you
But I cannot have you

For you are hers and she is yours and I am but nobody's
I cannot have you, it hurts that I can’t
But please don't go let’s make this our secret little love
I can't make it stop I can't tell you to stay but baby please don't make this go away

I love you, yes it’s true but alas I cannot have you
844 · Aug 2013
I am a Survivor
Tasneem Moosa Aug 2013
If only you could look into my heart I know you would see how afraid I am
afraid of the unknown, afraid of the known

What you did demolished my soul and destroyed me
Yet I still allow you to control my life
Every decision, every guy,
Every encounter spurred on by the fact that you took what meant the most to me

I found that I've been punishing myself
I've been too afraid to let go of the past hurt
Too afraid to be hurt by another
So I let them take what they want only to lose a piece of myself each time

I will no longer be a victim and stand by watching my life go astray
Today I will fight, fight for what I once had that was taken from me
Fight for what I want and what I believe
But most of all I will fight for the girl I used to be

The girl I was before
The girl whose scarred heart you took and ripped open
Open for every other guy to make a mockery of
Her self-esteem gone in those few moments, changing everything

Today I will fight not only for me but for every other girl and women who's been through the same
You destroyed me now watch me pick up the pieces and make myself whole again

You will not win
You will not get the satisfaction
I am a strong, independent women
but most of all
831 · Jan 2014
I Love you dad
Tasneem Moosa Jan 2014
If i had one more second, one more minute,
one more day, one more week,
one more month or one more year,
I'd tell you how much I love you and how proud I am to be your daughter.
You've been there for me through the years and helped wipe so many tears,
I couldn't have asked for a better dad,
I pray that you will be proud of me in everything I do
and that you'll know you raised a daughter whose values will always stay true.
It's been 2 months since you've left and gone to God,
know that you'll always be with me, in every thought.
My heart is broken, shattered to pieces,
i feel empty and alone with nowhere to go.
Why did you have to leave? Why won't you come back?
Ever since you've gone I've been off track,
but I know that I have to make peace with you leaving
and I know I have to be strong
but today I'll cry for you and imagine you hugging me,
for today I just want to reminisce and think about the days past,
when you were healthy and happy and I was the princess of your heart.

I love you Daddy♥
796 · Nov 2013
The Fear
Tasneem Moosa Nov 2013
She sits….waits, ponders as the darkness arises
She’s lost in a sea of emotions, an overwhelming surge of melancholy
She hears them calling her, the fear of the unknown, the fear of the known
She hides and tries her best to block them out
Alas, they're near, closing in with every second that passes
Fear of denunciation, fear of admonition
The ghastly forms they take at night is enough to drive her mad
Yet all she does is sit and watch them as they burn her dreams before her eyes
Her talents gone in what seemed like seconds
Her heart a ****** bath of wrongs and rights
What can she do to make them go away? To make them all just disappear?
She’s in a never ending circle contemplating the one thing all her values go against
Her religion, her beliefs urges her to stand strong and not give in, why should it even be an option?
Yet every day the scars go deeper and deeper; it calls to her during the night
It makes her think and ponder that if she takes that ticket out everything will be alright
It’s a one way ticket straight to hell but is this not what that is?
It goes on and on and never ends, should she commit suicide or stand strong till the end?
695 · May 2015
Tasneem Moosa May 2015
A simple word with a simple meaning
No complex theories, no rocket science
Yet the most difficult thing to hold onto
Simple…maybe not?
The two go hand in hand
Or so we think?
What is life without love and affection?
It is emptiness, devoid of emotion
Darkness, devoid of light
Weakness, devoid of strength
Barbarism, devoid of humanity
The beginning and ending of all creations
Happiness and sadness
Strength and weakness
Humility and pride
Greatness… cast into our genes from the beginning of time
Forming and shaping the world we live in
Steering our minds with vast new possibilities and opportunities
It is woven into our spirit
It is what we are born with
Despite the condemnation we are and forever will be GREATNESS.
655 · Sep 2013
Help me break free
Tasneem Moosa Sep 2013
I watched from a distance as she slit her thighs
Saw the blood run, and watched as she flashed a wicked smile
Lying in the bath, blood dripping from both thighs
Lie back, relax, breathe in the pain, and don't push it aside
Thoughts of peace fill my head, all you’ll feel is bliss once you're dead
I cried, I pleaded, yet she would not stop
Why hurt me because you want out?
Back into my body as they shook me awake
All I feel is a numbing pain slowly going away
I promise never to do it again
I swear it was her, not me, she makes me go insane
I tried to stop her I really did, but what could I do when she sat there determined to win
She laughed at me, called me weak
Told me I don't deserve the love that you have given me
I prayed for God to forgive me
I hope he understands
I want her out, she cannot stay, but how do I make her go away?
Now I sit with lacerate marks, unable to move, I'm paralyzed with fear
Fear of what she could do, she'll ruin me if I don't give in
Lord help me, save me; free me from her malevolent deeds
I’ll do anything, anything just to break free…
607 · Aug 2016
Freedom wings
Tasneem Moosa Aug 2016
I watched as my feathers grew one by one
Dazzling and dancing with color that stuns
Vibrant hues representing freedom and joy
Taking away all the bad to destroy

I watched as they molded to the shape of my body
Moving with elegance, grace and beauty
Ready to take flight into the glorious night
Roaring with purpose and utmost delight

I watched as I became one with the night
No longer confined by this world’s plight
Governments, preachers, every person I see;
They have no control, none over me

I am a spirit, wild and free
I am a rock, they will never bury me
I will live on through the sands of time
Tethered through my love and poetry so sublime

Try and fail to clip my wings
I will fly above all things
Soaring high into the sky
This is my purpose, my reason why.

I am a spirit, wild and free
I am a rock, they will never crush me
I break all shackled chains  
Nothing oppressed will remain
They cannot hold me down for I will never be the same.
579 · Jun 2016
My Love
Tasneem Moosa Jun 2016
Those eyes, those hazel light brown eyes
Watching me, seducing me, enticing me
Creeping into my mind and stealing my thoughts

Those lips, those perfect soft lips
Kissing their way into my soul
Promising a life of love untold

Those arms, those strong, strong arms
Holding me at my weakest
Protecting me from the world

That heart, that caring heart
Overflowing with unconditional love
Wrapping me up in a cocoon of warmth

That soul, that perfect soul
The other half of me made whole.
515 · May 2017
The Artist
Tasneem Moosa May 2017
Hearken the words that flow from my *****
Eager to meander through life’s great prison
Pouring out of my deepest self
Departing secrets once carefully beheld
Give ear to the words that flow like a river
Give a moment for this inspired deliverance  
Literature so pure and true
Nakedness in all its glory debuted  
Stripping bare these walls so high
With only a sentence that ignites the fire
Hear the cries that torture the soul
Feel the beauty that the soul beholds
See the rhymes transferred with love to paper
See the poet, an artist, a marvelous creator ,
Spare a glance this way and see
The artist trying to break free
510 · Aug 2013
Never Again
Tasneem Moosa Aug 2013
I've ripped out my heart and given it to you
Yet you torment me in everything I do
I try to make you smile
But that only happens for a while

You watched me fall and flashed a wicked smile
“you’ll never be someone else’s you'll always be mine”
The words uttered from your mouth in ghastly tone
“stand up and smile so the whole world will know”

All I am is yours yet I cannot have you completely
So what I'm about to do will ruin you undoubtedly
It’s time for me to take my heart back
You've certainly had it for a while
Now watch me turn around and walk away with a smile

The time has come to move on to bigger and better things
So eat your heart baby because never again will I let you win……
490 · Jan 2016
Go ahead and play
Tasneem Moosa Jan 2016
You live to play the game
Watching the shame fill my eyes
Hoping that I’d hold on through the lies
Rejoicing in the effect you have over me
I have no chance, no choice it seems
All I can do is watch from a distance
Watch as you devour my spirit and greedily feast on my love
Watch as my body betrays me and rises to meet you with everlasting trust

I see your eyes, they hold no shame
Showing no emotion, that’s your game
Watching me fly and burning with desire
Erupting with need that hits me with the force of a freight train
My love spills over, trying to banish out every trace of darkness
Like a vampire craving blood you feed off my love
******* me dry and leaving behind a drought of need too great
Consuming me, a frenzy of fire, desire, love and lust

Try as hard as I might, I escape for only a while
A thread of dignity, saves my ravaged soul
You find my light and drive it away with a darkness that stains your soul
I try to latch on to some semblance of control
Alas, I have fallen and there is nowhere I can go

You seem to enjoy playing this game
Weaving unseen spells that keep me detained
I love you more than life itself yet you push me away knowing this full well.
So go ahead and play on, diminishing my light for your own ego
Play on my love, play on, this game of yours holds strong
But some day my love will thrive and knock you over with its sheer size
You will beg for forgiveness and I will accept you with open arms
Showing you what it truly means to love.
464 · Nov 2014
The meridian passing
Tasneem Moosa Nov 2014
They say that nothing is more beautiful than the rising or the setting of the sun
Like a band of exquisite colors becoming undone
The meridian passing… its simplicity shown through complexity
This to the human eye brings nothing but perplexity
The creator’s intellect unfurled
Like an ecstasy it draws you, searching the depths of your soul
Holding the secret of pleasures unknown
The next time you take a moment to just be, remember that we are but tiny specks of dust
Placed in a world of splendor and beauty gifted to us through trust
Take pleasure and indulge in the simplicity of creation
Let it take you to the depths of bliss as you enjoy every sensation…
459 · May 2015
Tasneem Moosa May 2015
Broken and defeated I kneel at your feet uncontested ruler of man.
Your favour is bliss embodied,your wrath no less than sorrow invoked.
Blood and armour in hand this war has no victors.
Armed with misery,doubt and pain your sword pierces deeper than my flesh.

A landscape of confounding beauty for as far as the eye could see is a distant memory in this shattered mind.
Your beauty and awe replaced by unyielding dark wastelands of tragedy.
I was your loyal subject,the architect of your majestic temple.
Your promise of eternity and happiness unsurpassed enticed my hunger and at the table I feasted.

Time after time you posses me and rule over my body and heart.
Beautiful demon of lies you exorcise yourself and rip a piece of me with your departure.
An ever faithful servant my heart feeds you loyalty,commitment and trust.
You weave 2 souls together making one unrecognisable from the other, then burn the beautiful garment in the flames of mistrust, lust and discontentment.
Master of transformation morphing from love to resentment.
Sustainer of the heart and it's only destroyer.
Written by my amazing brother
Tasneem Moosa Feb 2016
Strange little things, that’s what we are
Broken things, wandering through life one careless step at a time
Searching and searching for something to complete and fulfill us
Something that gives meaning to our existence
There must be a greater reason, a greater reason than just existing
I often wonder how people believe they have power
How they believe that we’re superior beings
We’re capable of so much hurt, of so much pain, of so much violence
Would it all just vanish if we knew our true purpose and weren’t bent on destroying for power?
We’re like caged birds trying to soar with clipped wings
Afraid of all the things that should make us stronger
Does anyone even see the beauty of the earth anymore?
Do their bodies not hum with refreshed energy when they feel the sunlight on their skin?
What a world we could be, if only...
If only we stopped and remembered to breathe
If only we stopped and remembered our humanity
If only, I wonder, just for moment, if only we believed in what we could be
The earth, mother earth has welcomed us in her arms since the beginning of time
We treat her like everything else in this world, like something to be discarded
And I wonder, I wonder of the day she finally has enough and decides that we’re not worth saving
A species so bent on destroying itself
My heart shatters, breaks
Will anything ever be enough for us in this world?
When all the riches are gone and all the minerals are used up
What will we fight for then?
436 · Nov 2015
Beautiful Stranger
Tasneem Moosa Nov 2015
The silhouette of he’s face shines in the moonlight
He lies beside me completely silent
So beautiful, such a pleasure to behold
My love for him knows no bounds

He is so familiar with every breath
But also a distant stranger in every sense
Entranced I watch as he slumbers in the night
Thinking of ways to end the strife

I trace his jawline and watch as he stirs
I watch dreamily and concur, this is what I prefer
There is no mountain high enough that I would not climb
To gaze upon my love and watch our hearts intertwine

There is no ocean deep enough that I will not cross
To have the pleasure of seeing my love doss
He’s love is a drug that’s captured my soul
There is no way that I could ever let him go

I wait as time goes on to be the one he wants alone
Trust and faith are all I have, to rummage through the earth called home

They say true love does not exist, I beg to differ
In every passing second, in every moment, I see him, I see me
I see the great love that we could be
I see that he makes mistakes and is not perfect
Most of all I see he’s soul dying to come home
429 · Mar 2016
Tasneem Moosa Mar 2016
We are born and raised in a life of devastation
As technology evolves we become part cyborg
Slowly losing all emotion and feeling
We pay to live in a world that gives freely what we need
One question that refuses to be answered is why we were created
To what end do we exist?
Are we here to merely showcase the creators magnificence?
What a flawed creation we are
Broken and defeated before we were ever conceived
Vile little creatures power hungry for anything that make us seem huge
We live our lives as immortal beings when death is ever present
Nagging at us from every turn yet we look the other way
We portray beautiful lies to make this world a better place
We never see ourselves for what we are
A dying breed of parasites sent to destroy this earth
Why should we be saved?
If we were to flee to an unknown world what would we do better there?
Is it not in our genes to be as vile as we are great ?
Is it not in our genes to be as violent as we are peaceful?
And is it not in our genes to hate as much as we love?
Why then should we be given a second chance?
To try and change what we destroyed?
It is inevitable, we are creatures born to destruction and destruction is what we bring
Whether it be here or another world
We are doomed, from beginning to end
Plagued with sickness and disease and overrun with hatred and despair
I too would not save this dying destructive race
For we are beautifully broken and devastatingly human.
421 · Sep 2014
Take me back
Tasneem Moosa Sep 2014
Take me back to a time when love was king and we were enslaved
When it rushed through my veins and shone through my skin,
When the world was bright and all that mattered was the direction of the wind,
When we sat up for hours and spoke about everything and nothing in between
Take me back, back to a time when we awaited the swelling of the storm and the rough of the sea
When we stood firm and planted our feet in the sands of fate as the tide rose up and contested our love
Take me back so that I may feel secure again, take me back so I may feel loved again
Take me back just for a fleeting moment that I might remember what it felt like to be happy again
Take me back, back to the time when love was king.
420 · Oct 2017
Tasneem Moosa Oct 2017
One by one they fell
Just as you cast your spell
Bricks began to crumble
Walls began to tumble  
There you were
The whisperer
My torment
My bliss
My pain
My happiness
I shattered
My fragments scattered
A shell left behind
An unconscious mind
As I go through hell
How do I say farewell
I look and cannot see
I am trying but I cannot find me…
Tasneem Moosa Nov 2015
For too long I have hidden these dreadful pains
Trying to seem normal while feeling estranged
I look in the mirror and I cannot see
Who is the girl staring back at me?

Lies and distrust have ruined her
Turning her into the one thing she hates the most
It’s never too late to be honest and true
It might be too late for her soul to be renewed

At least she’ll have spoken up and stood tall
Instead of cowering beneath it all
Tis time the truth prevail
To start anew and find herself again

It is said that the truth doth set you free
Tonight we will see what truth really brings
A weight lifted off ones shoulders
Or life altering consequences that bring sorrow

The love that revolves around my once aching heart
Leads me to place that is infamous and dark
May truth be told and relationships restored
May this be the birth of a revolutionary law
May TRUTH be the judging wheel, may all involved find victory!
412 · May 2015
Always and Never
Tasneem Moosa May 2015
The ever moving traveller, time marches only forward.
A moment created is now a moment passed.
Enslaved to time our organic progression is also our journey to decay.
The rhythm of the ticking of the clock enchanted to change what was.

Hail to the giver of joy and memory
We wage war against the conqueror of life itself.
Time is understood but never acknowledged.
Immortality is our comfort yet is never ours for the taking.

The gift of time is a treasure that we cast into the sea of waste.
The giver of memory walks beside us but is no loyal companion.
Swimming against the ancient flow of the unseen river which we all bathe in.
Time and fate tethered star crossed lovers,embrace the love story of ages.

Dance to the rhythm of the ticking of the clock for only your flesh is bound by time.
Rejoice in the memories of time passed, those are gifts not all will receive.
405 · Mar 2016
This is the moment
Tasneem Moosa Mar 2016
It’s like eating a ray of sunshine
It zaps through your body with disarming force
And you’re falling, falling into a state of oblivion
Moving through time and space
The floor just dissolves beneath your feet and you’re left shattered
So many pieces, so many beautiful pieces
All falling together, falling apart and being reconstructed
Like a puzzle that’s finally found the missing piece
And when it comes together with such force it is a pleasure to behold
Gravity has no hold on you and you’re flying through space
This is it.
The moment time stands still.
Meshing past, present and future together
Nothing matters any longer and you’re all feeling
All senses heightened by a pleasure so fierce you’re awestruck
This what it feels like to realize your sovereignty
To realize your worth
To realize that the freedom you have is not controlled by any other but yourself
This is the moment you feel your power from within
This is the moment you refuse to be anything but what you’re meant to be
This is the moment that you become great.
399 · Jul 2015
Tasneem Moosa Jul 2015
To sit and watch the clock tick by
Reminds me of a lullaby
It was you and I in a world of wonder
Sinking into an abyss of passion and surrender

I watch as consciousness leaves your body
All I see is an angel, perhaps my sleeping beauty
Your breath seeks mine and intertwines
As our hearts beat to the rhythm of our love

Our skin the only barrier
A need of wanting to be one
Crawling into your mind seeking every inch of your soul
Falling carefree into the unknown

To sit and watch the clock tick by
Reminds me of our lullaby
Beating hearts, passionate love
Locked forever in an infinity of us…
393 · May 2016
Tasneem Moosa May 2016
I’ve heard them say pain demands to be felt
This surely is a little too real.
Just a little to mean.
A little too… painful.
Could it be that it’s all just a dream?
Oh what this world would be like if you did not exist.
PAIN. I envy you. I adore you.
Sometimes you’re the only one that reminds me I’m alive.
The happiness is too... fake.
It comes and goes but never stays.
But you. PAIN, you never leave.
You make your home in our hearts,
And leave but a smidge of space for everything else.
You help us build walls of ice and steel.
Trapping us behind a castle of heartache so deep.
You’re a loyal companion, always ever-present.
We try and fail to bury you, what is your intent?
Alas, you rise stronger each time,
Your army is vast and your war sublime.
You crush and destroy everything inside.
Slowly making us craze while enjoying the ride.
I welcome you to walk with me.
Even in my PAIN I will find victory.
You are a master at conjuring up memories.
So I will sit and watch with you these treasuries.
I embrace your skillful hand.
In your presence I will stand.
Unafraid of your power.
Standing proud in the face of your towers.
Let us walk for we are one.
In this race through life I now know I am not alone.
393 · Jun 2017
Tasneem Moosa Jun 2017
I saw you standing there
A silhouette of my soul
Walking right into my life
Promising memories untold

I watched as you moved and I began to synchronize
Swaying with you in utmost delight
Entranced I watched as you enslaved my heart
I followed your tune as it played Mozart

I saw your smile and it broke my soul
That one so pure could love me so bold
Your strings matched mine and played so well
Together we made a ballad that cast a spell

Yet everything is not as colorful as I thought
The world started deforming through your onslaught
I stared in shock at the magnitude of your power
Awakened by an arrow cast into my heart from your towers

I took great care to pick up my pieces
Running to your side begging forgiveness
I loved you blindly from the depths of my soul
Yet your love for me was riddled with holes

I waited for our love to overcome this pain
True love can overcome anything they say
What a fool I was to give my heart so careless  
When all this time yours was empty and loveless  

Now we part for good this time
I walk away with nothing but lies
Pieces and slivers of my soul lay bare
I wish you well on your journey elsewhere.
391 · Mar 2016
The earth is mine
Tasneem Moosa Mar 2016
I long to walk away from the stress of human ways
To sleep beneath the stars and just watch mother earth have her way
I long to sink my fingers and toes into her sand
And feel the beat of her heart as she whispers in my hand
Blessing me with slight breezes that caress my face
Little droplets of water that plant kisses all over me enveloping me in a warm embrace
I long to get lost in the beauty of her soul
Listening to her history and stories untold
I long for the freedom of feeling whole
where she takes me and cradles me as if to console
I long to go back from whence I once came
Her love and adoration is always proclaimed
I am born of her beauty and created from her heart
Gifted with exquisiteness that only she imparts
I yearn for her peace and steadfast strength
To see to her children whom she has not condemned
She is mine, my very heart and soul
She is my earth, my mother, my being made whole.
391 · May 2014
We are but Human
Tasneem Moosa May 2014
They say love is varied and comes in many forms
I have tasted it’s sweetness and survived it’s dreadful storms
Aloof and lost in a world of sin
What is it that that connects us and makes us kin?
Could it be that we all have a story to tell?
Or that we’re all descendents of those whom first fell?

When I think of Adam and Eve who fell from grace
Who brought about suffering and pain in their disobedience, to the human race
What thoughts she must have had before that knowing bite?
What thoughts he must have had before joining the tide?

What do we do that defines us a people?
If only we realized we’re all totally equal…
All of us crazy to the very core
Trying to hide the shades that make us roar

We are but human, one and all
Yet we brand people based on their position
Just adding to the black and white addition…

Why can’t we love each other is it that hard?
What makes you treat the next person like something you can discard?
Is it me or has the world gone mad?
I’d take anything over this hell and be glad
368 · Oct 2017
Tasneem Moosa Oct 2017
You no longer see me, is my face not as it used to be?
Has my body that has changed, added to us growing estranged?

I yearn for your touch, the reverence of your love.
Building fire in my veins, causing short-circuits in my brain.

Not the cold distant lover, this man that dreams of another.
Is it my mind playing guiles? Wishing that’s the reason for my trials.

Is it beauty that you seek? I offer beauty yet only skin deep.
I cannot give you much, apart from my undying love.

Shall I change my looks? Be someone else to get you hooked?
Will you want me more? Displayed as a porcelain *****?

Rejection breeds desperation, with it my infatuation.
I am dying in frustration and your eyes hold my damnation.
367 · Nov 2015
Tasneem Moosa Nov 2015
You look for ways to make the world a better place
Join activist groups thinking that will make a change
Talking about starting a revolution for future generations
And yet you miss the simple pleasures in life
You let life pass you by.
The moments that give you joy and peace are tossed to the side
How ironic that you seek freedom and yet you cage yourself in
Afraid to love and let her in
Afraid to be the person you are when you are with her
You say that you’re messed up, I’ve got some news for you, all of us are
But we don’t blame life for the decisions we make and we don’t cower and hide when opportunities arise
You think you’re living by rejecting love
But you’re so far in over your head there is no room for the growth or change
You speak of living life to the fullest, yet you’re stuck behind bars
People look at you and think you’re so tall, flying above it all
But when I look at you I realize you’re an original trying to be a copy
I watched and was amazed at how you made people feel
It felt real, it felt good, it felt like a win
In this life a win can take you on so many highs
But careful when flying and enjoying the ride
Because it might be a high that you experience but you’re actually going down
Take the blue pill, experience the thrill
Take the red one and be one of masses that go through life without ever knowing how to awaken and see the strife
Take a chance and risk tomorrow
Take a chance it might make you lose all the sorrow
Whatever you do, make the right choice for you, because YOU are all you’ll ever have
And YOU are all the world needs to change
It starts by taking it one step at a time and realizing that growth is the answer.
364 · Jun 2014
Tasneem Moosa Jun 2014
When the ringing of the bells awaken your soul
And the earth beneath your feet crumble your bones
When your body becomes but dust and sand
And your soul flees to escape the unplanned
When you stand before the creator himself
And atone for your sins as though to prove yourself
When the life you've once had flashes before your eyes
And the sweet sting comes of not saying goodbye
When the good and bad are weighed with a scale
And all you can do is watch as the truth avails
When you realize you've gone and time is up
And nothing you do can stop you from sipping deaths cup
When death becomes you and the judgment is final,
And the faces you see are but primal
When hell accepts you and tortures your soul
Remember this time there’s no parole…
362 · Oct 2014
Tasneem Moosa Oct 2014
Like an animal you caged me and led me to the slaughter
You ripped apart my chest and exposed my beating heart
You grasped it in your hands and watched my soul crumble as you squashed it in my face

You trampled upon my feelings and spat words of hatred and despair
You looked into my eyes and called me obtuse,
How ironic that i gave you my scars and you promised to heal them, only to deepen them and break my soul beyond repair

You were my moon and stars in the dark of night, or so i thought,
only to find that I was the light and you my darkness
Like seasons change and the tide forces the sea to the earth and smothers everything in sight,
As mountains erupt and turn into violent volcanoes ready to destroy every living thing in it's path,
so too did your love run cold
and your heart froze
351 · Oct 2015
Tasneem Moosa Oct 2015
Time has always been an enemy of my contentment.
For years I have waged war against the tyrant ruler afraid accepting his rule would defeat my fleeting immortality.
Malevolent and omnipresent I succumb to the true ruler of man and find companionship and even purpose.
Wisdom and knowledge of this mortal existence comes with age, the oldest companions of time claim.
Time and change are shackled together destined to meander through dusk and dawn with symmetry that is uncanny but easily invisible to most.
Just because a gift is not enclosed in a fitting package doesn't mean the value of the gift is not invaluable.
Time is the gift of the divine, our false sense of immortality is the cavalry we summon to fight an enemy that has dominion over us
I welcome you old friend to walk hand in hand with me, only in your footsteps is my path visible.
345 · Jul 2014
The eyes of a child
Tasneem Moosa Jul 2014
What do you see when looking into the eyes of child?
Do you see their smile and think their innocence a crime?
Would you take them and burn them to satisfy your need for death?
Would you bomb them and make sure there is nothing left?
What do you gain from hurting children?
Perhaps they’re a threat and should be treated as villains?

Hatred in its purist form, barbaric and raw to the very core
When innocence is slaughtered and blatantly ignored
Both sides using dreadful tactics to win this war
When civilians are the ones suffering and all that’s left is a corpse

What drives this hatred of difference and religion
Are we not all the same and created through ambition?
A lifeless body should not bring you ease
The suffering of a nation should not appease

What the creator must think when he watches in vain  
Satan must be gloating, you've secured his domain
Rejoicing in victory when the consequence is bloodshed
Trying to justify your reasoning with destruction

The teardrops of these children, the cries and screams
They are battling demons trying to take their dreams
It breaks my heart that they must submit
Whether it be to death or a life of devastation
Trying to numb the frustration and lack of sympathy from this human nation

Hope for a better world, pray for a change
Fear for your life, find comfort with those estranged
Freedom confined, caged up like animals
This is the barbaric side of humanity, what happened to balances?

Blind to the war, deaf to the cause, silent to the destruction
the humility of humanity, the sympathy, the love is it not enough to reconstruct?
Inspired by the Palastinian and Israeli war
344 · Sep 2014
Tasneem Moosa Sep 2014
The sun rises and birds sing sweet
It is a monotonous melancholy of deceit
Blinded by tribulations, intoxicated with stress
We portray a beautiful lie and hide mountains that depress
A new day dawns
Place the mask upon your face, it is time to conform
Creator of heaven and earth, do you hear my cries and await my spiritual rebirth?
My soul drowns in a sea of dread and disease
I strive for grace and wish to please
Move me from grace to grace
Shelter me from those wanting to slow down my pace
Oh flesh of my flesh and bones of my bones
My ancestor’s, those whom have condemned me to the unknown
Seeking knowledge of evil and good
It is Adam and Eve that we owe our impaired souls to
Dust to dust so our bodies will rot
Striving for acceptance embracing the plot
Needle to thread, so the master begins he’s repair
Sewn together with love and grace, falling apart with hatred and rigor
One stitch another tear so the circle of life goes on
Is it really through necessity that we must conform?
Change the pace, pick up your grace, remove the mask, expose your true face
337 · Apr 2016
Tasneem Moosa Apr 2016
Strip away these pains I feel
They are nothing more than unending torture
Wrap me up in a blanket of steel
That I might absorb your strength and power
Clip away my freedom wings
That I might not fall each time I fly
Cast away this emptiness
That I might not dwell on my loneliness
Rip away my heart
That I might not feel it crumble and break
And hold close my soul
That I might not watch as my light fades beyond control.
321 · Jun 2015
Tasneem Moosa Jun 2015
Hearts fluttering,
Bodies shaking,
You met my gaze and cast your spell
Bewitched, ensnared, I tumbled down
Like a hunter you watched my every step
Like the prey I was, I scurried away and tried to hide
Alas, I could not gaze away from your prying eyes
I feel your touch deep within my soul
Trying desperately to hide from the unknown
You felt my resistance and struck with accurate precision
You watched as i could not hold on and i tumbled down, down, down
Forever locked in your heart,
forever locked in your love,
forever locked, deep within your soul
198 · Sep 2019
Tasneem Moosa Sep 2019
Do you hear the pleas and cries?
See the carnage left behind?
Feel the pain radiated through?
Begging humanity to ensue.

Am I fodder for the stronger?
A plaything for the taking?
I’m a mother, I’m a sister
I’m a friend, I’m a lover

I see the strains and pray for change
As my heart breaks and breaks again
I have love from above
I have light and human rights

Is it my body you abhor?
Making you treat me like a *****?
Or my mind in your distaste
That drives you to debase?

I am stronger than your weakness
I shine brighter than your bleakness
I am kindness in your spite
My soul brighter than your plight

I will stand and expand
There is nothing I cannot withstand
Unafraid in your degrade
My spirit will cascade

Willful of my power
I will stand against your towers
My body you might beat
But my heart soul you will never defeat.

— The End —