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the classroom has no doors or windows
  no walls or boards

in the 13th grade there was an unboxing
to unlearn
tossed the rubric and curriculum aside
to make way for words unwritten
     have you ever found clarity in the unknown
     discovered validation in the void
darkness has taught me insight
way better than any book or person
amidst trembling and shaking limbs
there was a steady hand
    with more wrinkles than time
  with more curves than straight lines

I have talked to my ancestors
listened to the texture of wisdom
through their frequency
528 Hz   -   that's love
      outside of checked boxes
      and conditionals
if you surrender to feeling fully
then you will know   -   that's love
and the heart can hold
just as much memory as the brain
  if you're open to receiving

body,   every body
will tell you of the risk
of running toward freedom
spirit,   every spirit
will tell you of the reward
of not staying stuck
   a universal student
I have a couple answers now
           but still no definitive statements
I am in the timeline I'm creating
and yet
             I am so much more than a point
the finite is a container for the infinite

this classroom has no walls or windows
no doors or boards
this teacher                no face

the buddha is in everything
    and that's love
Logic tries to guide me
I slip on fallacies
                                                                                   Intuition releases me
                                                                                   I float unsure
what can I promise every day?


but perhaps the closest thing to a ring

I will continue shaving my corners down
Let’s avoid the absolutes
I will never promise you forever
There I go again asserting certainty for things unknown
Never say never
Or always
Or always say everything
But know that it means nothing
this is all I can do to stop the words
the anticipation of something great
      or disappointing
I hope the former

my stomach is a pit
that deepens with each  l  o  o  s  e  breath
diaphragm creates space for love
and pain
unsure of which will last longer

I cannot see your face
but I can picture your desire
it is mirrored in my eyes
clears a home in my mouth
though unspoken

I want to part your lips and slip you a secret
   I want you more than my form can hold

can we melt together
is this too much to ask for the first time
if so              I can stop the words
   (their expression, at least
not their existence)
to save a thread
            or cut it out
the     natural      route
On the other side of fear is greatness
on the other side of greatness is ___

the thing about lines is they never end
always polarizing into two sides
that gain assurance in contrast to the other
           who are you without comparison
this life is geometry
characterized by curves and endings
by spontaneous turns
   that neglect signs
signal right and turn left
when the crash comes
there's a thin line between life and death
at least
           that's how the unconscious paint it
but thin lines are the easiest
  to blend      blur
         sometimes even erase

I died last night in a dream
and awoke to a nightmare
it was a thin line I didn't want to cross
but intersections aren't always marked
and crossing isn't always a choice
I X'ed out my ex and now
I'm not sure who I am
   or why I ex-ist

sometimes an intersection is
a new origin
and axes rotate naturally
to create novel planes
   a transmigration of the soul

on the other side of reality is reality
question this
make curiosity of this point
but don't stand on it
the intervals of change may shift
but change is the word
the rule
the ruler by which measurement comes
mark my words
on the other side of fear is greatness
and on the other side of greatness is    t h e   u n k n o w n

keep changing
something always looks like nothing from far away
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