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Tarryn May 2013
Spare me your friendship
Spare me your alliance
I'm as sure of your hardship
As I'm sure I'm not dying
So wont you find a way
To make it right tonight
Won't you find a way
To fight the hurt inside

It's not the broken heart
That finds the comfort it should
It's not the fallen hard
That finds the heart to make it good
So don't you know what to do?
Cause if you do make your move

It's not the hilltop that beckons to the pilgrims below
Nor the wild skies that falter when the hail hardens to fall
It's not your cherished bud you used to know
Only a sweetened rose you provoked
To thorn you so

So tell me again of that very last straw
The one that brought the camel to his knees
That very last straw
Where you couldn't see the forest for them trees
That very last straw
That held all your sorrows and your crooked pleas
That took all your unspoken apologies
And got them lost in a balmy breeze
That very last straw
So overwhelming in the heat
Now so small and lonely
You wouldn't even see
That very last straw
Was it you or was it me?
Tarryn Apr 2013
i want to let you go

so i can ring my bell

who wouldnt settle for a life of lonely cattle

my bell

who wouldnt burden its own soul with even a spiders thread of strife and bitter woe

i want to let you go

so i can own my wrongs

so i can lose my pitiful pride

so i can choose to cast this ache into the cold night air

scream my truth

i didnt think i deserved a better kind of love

release this nothingness into the nothingness

forget the emptiness

i want to let you go

your fractured love

so begrudgingly bestowed

i want to ring my bell

to remember it doesnt matter where i come from

it only matters where i choose to go
Tarryn Apr 2013
You've changed,
You're an inconsistent fool
And I am at my wits end
Of that sinkhole
You insist on calling a swimming pool
There is no shallow end
There is no cool relief
No getting out
Only your hard headed notions
You knock around
And swear belief
One day soon
That belief you kick around
Will drown your shouts out
And on that day
I won't be about
Tarryn Apr 2013
Oh darlin
Spin with me for just a little while
Bend my ear with that charm
And sassy style
You wear with you so very well
For a little while
Mine a little while
Do that thing you do
To make me smile
To wile away the mile
We'll have a whale of a howl
We'll fight the slow march of the midnight hour
We'll tame that wild eyed owl
In just a little while
In just a while away
We'll wile the wayward hour
We'll wile the hour away
Tarryn Mar 2013
Oh Margaret, oh my
you're a dilly dally harlot
with a penchant for burlesque
and an infatuation for berets
yet all your fancy flairs
and token airs
haven't won you any graces
of which I am aware
so take your dilly dally dancing
your incessant romancing
and go project them elsewhere
Tarryn Mar 2013
to the innocent, the raconteurs, the glow worms
of yesterday's delights
you old fashioned charmer
swinging from that high rail
did you ever think of falling
did you ever think you could fall in love
with me
oh an ode to the one
i grew hastily fond of
oh to the trouble and strife
you were bound to bring
would i ever have given you back
a slippery handful of times
i have asked myself that
my dear oh dear darlin
the well has run dry
these tears that flowed freely
are now too keenly meant
for fears far more dearly spent
Tarryn Mar 2013
scorned, pitied and shunned you were
roughly cast aside
falling into the deep set hallows
of your woeful doe eyed mind
you can only fool a fool
till the joke spins around
and pins itself on you
so give in to your wants
as your dreams will surely follow,
filling all that's hollow
in your broken wasteful sorrow
you'll wave goodbye tomorrow
all that's rotten to the core
bat away that choking swallow
to arms of solace here at last
taking hold of your very essence
tossing out that shady mask
in the gag you'll see it clearly
that the gigs not over
till you hear that lady
so fool away little foal
you've only yourself to blame
schooled yet no scholar
you've only yourself to maim
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