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Nov 2015 · 390
Trader Joes (Part 1)
Tanya M Nov 2015
He is stacking shelves
with her favorite honduran coffee

As she approaches he stands
and she finds herself face to face with a stranger

Nice shirt he says
she glances down

the word LOVE is arched
across her perfectly small *******

love she says...its all there is right?
without breaking her gaze he says…its everything

She looks away now
smiling shyly

Oh that smile he says
As if he had been missing it

As if...they mattered to each other.
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
Tanya M Nov 2015
6 am
we are on holiday
his hands steadily tease
my body awake

he knows it’s not always easy
to make love to me
before coffee

he must be masterful
a sun god blazing
creating heat

by the time he enters me
the room is melting
and i am as wet
as the monterey sea
that slaps rhythmically
outside the open window pane

each ****** will change me
as the crashing wave
does the beach

i need some ground
in this abyss
so I'm holding on
my fingers
clutching his rib cage
the nape of his neck

finally i surrender  
let go and moan
and moan
like the oceans soft hum.

we meet at the horizon
at the edge of pleasure
and ***.

our bodies fall soft
our breath jagged

i couldn't possibly know then
that we were only days away

from never making love again.
Sep 2015 · 505
parking lot love
Tanya M Sep 2015
This you and me thing has left me as empty
as the downtown parking lot we were groping in

I know the difference though between *** and intimacy
A few regretful trysts…some real love and good art has taught me this.

So don’t expect to find me in the gullies your travelling
I may sway or even flume for you…after all you’re a poet too.

But I prefer the ocean…where one must show reverence
Enter slowly

So as I leave you please know this…your truth does not frighten me it draws me

What scares me is the blind spots in between  
where words become just another covering.
Sep 2015 · 398
Bright and Clear
Tanya M Sep 2015
I let you cross my mind
from time to time

A quick impression
of what might have been

More colorful than any reality
In it we are bright and clear

Hanging perfectly
Like two stars glistening

On a street corner laughing.
Sep 2015 · 435
Tanya M Sep 2015
Its that stretch of Huntington Beach
all sand and palm trees  

You put on Jackson brown
I lean in smiling…turn it up

You roll the windows down
I make wind hills with my hand

It’s a late summer sun-golden
we are happy

Instinctively I reach for you
but you are looking away…singing

I remember then
you are not mine to touch

I lean back into the light  
dancing…eyes closed
and remind myself

This is enough.
Sep 2015 · 469
Third Date
Tanya M Sep 2015
we swim and kiss and sweat and glisten

we eat and read poetry

he tries to ****** me
with a promise of  air conditioning

have you slept with anyone recently?
its sad somehow this need to ask... as my hands map his body

yes... he pauses...last week
then adds...but i wish i hadn't

and i wonder
is this suppose to comfort?

and i wonder
what are lovers
without love?

Sep 2015 · 832
A Kind of Love
Tanya M Sep 2015
I wanna love someone

A farmers market kind of love
all natural-homegrown

Omelette afternoons and french pressed kisses
a converse walk to bookstores love

Kitchen dancing to kind of blue
kind of love…

Bit lower lip…hand on hip
early evening light
undress…let me see you kind of love

Angels in the linen love
lavender soap shower
perfectly tired love

A tangled sleep together
sweet together love

A love that wakes us up
to more and more

— The End —