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Tanya Mar 2017
Vandag het jy verjaar
Nog ń druppel van die bas tot die blaar
Ek het jou gaan soek in die branders
Ek het vergeet vir ń oomblik ons lewens is nou anders

Net vandag het ek gevoel
Hulle sê die eerstes is altyd ń warboel
Tog was alles weer okay
Die oomblik toe ek van die branders af ry

Mag die lewensjaar vir jou voorspoed bring
Mag jou menswese in oorvloed sing
Van hier tot daar
Ek hoop jy het lekker verjaar
Tanya Mar 2017
Months have gone by
Thinking but without a cry
Wondering but no desire
No longer the spark of my fire

Seeing and looking at days
Finding wrong reasons in ways
Mind over matter
You are no longer the latter

Perception with achievement
I frown at all resentment
Passed the past with memories
Thought it would take me centuries

We never had our ever after
Yet you remain
My beautiful disaster
Tanya Jan 2017
What is pain? Is pain an emotion or experience?
Is pain the feeling that makes you wanna pull back reality? Or is pain the feeling that brings you back to it?
What is reality? Is it what you went through or what you're supposed to learn from it?

How can someone explain pain? Many would stay put and deal with what has been dealt to them. Others would move on, whether with something new, or old. Some would move on with  "I left you for her, then I left her for you, and then I left you again for her".. How would one make sense of that?

Pain for many would be the emotional feeling of deep loss.. Maybe something else could've caused it, but pain stays the same. Pain that wrecked your world, pain that made you cry, pain that made you break to the utmost breaking point!

But what is pain today?

Pain is just another memory..

— The End —