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899 · May 2012
Tanya Sol May 2012
Pulling me back
in the arms of Mr. November
Time moves unfamiliar
But still I am

Longing for the known
thinking of fall cold
every corner there I was

The melody moves unfamiliar
strange comfort in delight
of nostalgic rediscovery
But unstill I am

Unrelenting release
naive meanderings
Through the fall
into spring
but still I am
665 · May 2014
Tanya Sol May 2014
Barking names
Remember the day
You missed
The dire spirit
While digging up bones
Under the stars

Facing away from the moon
You forgot the lies
And remembered the truths
Of your secret heart

Locked inside
Away from the sun
You hold the keys
On your guarded island
502 · May 2012
Tanya Sol May 2012
Forgetting what is forgotten
Ungripping reality
The light of laughter all but lost
In the darkness of memories
You were for me
but only in my waking sleep
Bittersweet release
of love unworned
In darkness I weep
For newly sprung wings
Awkwardly I leap
From the precipice of my dreams
Caught between the wind
The stars and the sea
You are for me
In living dreams we meet
Generously forgetting
Love unworned
Being in your keep
at once I find peace
422 · May 2014
Tanya Sol May 2014
Shadow friend
Could but chant
The beauty of my sordid moon

Raining mist
Above their heads
Rusts dreams of spring to black

Sweet honey watches
as petals play lightly
upon aching whisper

Urging time away from youth
and crushing beauty
frantic life passes swiftly
390 · May 2014
Tanya Sol May 2014
A thousand summers
yearn for the sweetest ache
of whispered love
urged by hasty tongues

Innocent embraces of wild lust
excites straying fingers upon summer delights
while hungry lips seek naked hearts

As broken secrets rise with the morning light
a coaxing sorrow beckons the end
with sleepy language
and lazy heart

372 · May 2014
Safe Travels (from home)
Tanya Sol May 2014
flesh and bone
separated by stone
won't know
when you've gone
away from
where desires lay
on sandy shores
371 · May 2014
Tanya Sol May 2014
Things I remain to be
Lost in reverie
For a life ne'er meant to be
I hold on to unreality

Turning stones into dreams
Shrugging contempt from me
I loathe your incongruity
The shackles that bind me

Without I am within
As lost as I am found
You were ne'er mine
And me, for me only
358 · May 2014
Seven words
Tanya Sol May 2014
Seven words
you've stolen from me
undercover in your
lonely tree
where you've drawn up the ladder
to be
the man you could never be

seven words
still haunting me
years passed but I long to hear
those lonely words
you've kept from me
in your darkness to reek
320 · May 2014
you don't live here anymore
Tanya Sol May 2014
in the empty halls of my heart
cobwebs have grown
sunlight has not shown
but the memory of you
haunts the greying stones
where painful memories lie
waiting to be looked upon
once more

no more
244 · May 2014
Tanya Sol May 2014
Lurking behind
years and words
some things are
best left
225 · May 2014
my summer love
Tanya Sol May 2014
My love
Chases the cold away
Leaving only the recalled
Of his insides
That encircle me

My love
Frightens November
Into May
And grows the
Just for me

My love
Oh my love
Sings sweet music
Taking away the sorrow
And leaving only
tender melodies

— The End —