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3.0k · Feb 2011
Tanakar Feb 2011
It's soothing to think of


to sit on a park bench


about this and that


good happy thoughts


pleasant sunshine


only the empty mind
839 · Feb 2011
Opening Eyes
Tanakar Feb 2011
Sunlight brings clarity.
Opening eyes.
New day.

I sense you all around me.

Pleasant pieces of twirling thoughts
cascading like
warm summer floods
in and through me.

These are my collections of you.

My moments of completeness
to know that you
have revitalized the
dormant cords of happiness
I can aspire to.

With glances back, I again
return to the time
we first met.

Children really, though
we thought ourselves old.

Innocent and wise.
Correct and rebellious.

Losing touch, as happens with
so many teenage alliances.

To now, as adults.
With open smiles
that puts us back
to where we began.

Thank you.
618 · Feb 2011
Mr And Mrs Wasted
Tanakar Feb 2011
We were sitting in a bar
afraid to be sober
afraid to go home
afraid to be seen as being alone
Mr and Mrs Wasted
we had a title
we were proud
we belonged to the same
bottle of decadence
We travelled the same road
of perpetual oblivion
We smiled that same ghastly
smile of the constantly hidden
eyes leering with the glaze
of the perfectly pickled
Every night we played the
same songs on the jukebox
afraid to change the routine
for fear that doing so
would signify progress
We talked the same conversation
to the same people
in the same bar in the
same time zone we
belonged to
Elegantly disguised as a
happy couple by the
lost minds that
surrounded us
Once we determined that
we were sufficiently
bottled enough to be
presentable to the world
we would go home
and make love
We would each pretend
the other was someone
we liked
554 · Mar 2011
All is Love
Tanakar Mar 2011
All is love.
All is love.
All is love.

Over and over these words
slop and slosh in the
bleak that has been
too long a force.

I wait for you to get off of work.
I want to talk with you.
Meantime, I'll write conversations
that I can
hop and skip over to you.

All is love.
All is love.
All is love.

Did you know that the favoured
flavour of wandering is to settle down?

Down with you.

I like writing that word.
In the crawlspace of my reaching hands
is where you live.
In the zig zag of release
is what you have
snapped your fingers to achieve.

All is love.
All is love.
All is love.
494 · Feb 2011
Inside And Out
Tanakar Feb 2011
I flow through you
inside and out of you
filling my cup with the
totality of your passion

through the wishing well
of devotion
I am captured.

Flying as if I was made
of airplane metal
song is your name and
my dream is your hand

holding mine, an echo
of my love for you

I flow inside and out of
your silence
around and about your

Every song I hear
somehow is a vision
of you

I feel as if every
wine bottle on the planet
has filled me

I am full
no room for anyone else
no desire to be with
any other woman

I flow through you
inside and out of you
and in very way
you surround me

— The End —