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Sep 2013 · 1.1k
the anticipation of you
I cant help it.
being short of breath
Being light headed
Haveing my hands shake so much I need to hold on to
any surface I can reach.

I can't help it
Getting confused
Getting jittery
If I dont get my daily dose of you.

I stutter or mumble if someone asks me about you
I constantly day dream of you.
of every thing you've said to me
Everything we've done together

I cant help feeling
like my souls found its better half.
like ive found my better half

I cant help
anticipating what comes next
Because I know you will be there next to me.
Aug 2013 · 498
My epiphany of you
ive hade a epiphany
It hit me between my eyes
Almost swept me off my feet
It was a surprise
It completly took my breath away
I realised that..

i still compare you to every man I meet
None of them come close to you
I've alwayse had you in my plans
For my future
Its always been you

your the one I've dreamed of and
Longed for even though I didn't know it
It all makes sense now

all the times I lay awake at night
Missing someone
I was missing you
When I wished I had someone to talk to
I wished I could talk to you
When I was sad and
I wanted someone to hold me
To tell me tomorrow will be better
I realised I wanted you

i wanted you to tell me to not be sad
To tell me that your here for me
i realised that even though
I haven't been sure about
most of the things in my life
I've always been sure about you

it all makes sense now
Every cell in my body knows*
Aug 2013 · 688
standing next to you
I imagine that day,
How the orange leaves will fall
As I walk towards you
How the wind will softly blow pedals
around us as if the wind is playing our song

I imagine seeing everyone
We love and some we don't
Standing watching as I flow towards you
They all watch us
As you watch me and I watch you

I imagine wearing me dress
That swifts with the air
Making me feel like a princess
Walking to her prince

I imagine looking at you
As if seeing you for the first time
I imagine standing
Next to you for the rest of my life.
Jul 2013 · 405
I feel more
This feels different
More intense
More strong
More real

I've felt this before
The sweety hands
The butterflies
The vivid dreams
But this feels more

This time its more
This time you long for me as much as I long for you
This time your thinking of me as much as I'm thinking of you
And this time
Your loving me as much as I love you.
How much prettier
Everything was
When I was with you
The sun was warmer
The stars were brighter
How much more I loved life
When you were mine

If I had to die today
I have this to say

Its all for you
Every poem
Every song
You are my muse
my inspiration
My light in the darkness
You kept my heart beating

If I had to die today
Atleast I had you
Jul 2013 · 755
slowly slipping away
Its slow and its painful
But its happening
I feel it slowly faiding
I feel it drip out of me little by little
And I cant stop it
I feel you slipping away

Your less in my dreams
Less in my thoughts
Less in my plans for my future
Your less to me

But I don't want to lose you
I don't want to stop dreaming of you
Or stop thinking about you every second of every day
Or stop making plans that I will be with you forever.

How do I stop you from slipping from me.
Jun 2013 · 361
I miss you
I miss you
It feels like
You haven't just left me
But like you've left the world

I'm trying hard to get over you
But things still remind me
Of you

And I know I'm not over you
Because when I go to sleep
I still wish
I was in your arms.
May 2013 · 309
until it end
I'm happy with this
With you
Doing what we do
It might not make sense
But I don't care
I'm having fun
And I know you are too
Just remember all good things
come to an end
Just let it be good until it ends.
May 2013 · 547
Erase you
I wish I could erase you
Like a picture off paper
Make you dissapear
Like you were never here
But my heart won't let me forget you

The scares aren't fading
The memories won't stop
When I close my eyes
I see your face
I miss you here
Why did we end this way?

If only I could erase myself
From your equation
I would replace myself with someone
You would love
I see right through you
I know its all lies

Why did we end this way.
May 2013 · 507
Do you know this feeling
Do you know this feeling,
It starts in your heart then travels to your mind,
It takes control of every emotion,
Makes you lose all common sense
It makes you heart race but still you feel you could die.

Do you know this feeling,
It leavetou stunned without words but you feel you could scream out loud
Where your heart feels like it being crushed
By your ribs and the harder you try
The less you can breath

Do you know this feeling
it takes control of all your thoughts
Making all the good memories feel like lies
And the more you try to put the pieces together
The more you see they don't belong

Do you know this feeling
It makes your mind scattered,
uncontrolled, obsessed,
Trying to figure out where it all went wrong
Trying to make sense out of it all

Do you know this feeling
It leaves you heart broken,
Your body aching and your soul begging
For everything to stop
Begging your eyes to stop crying
Your mind to stop thinking
And life to stop ending

Do you know this feeling?
May 2013 · 434
the view from my window
I try to see the view through my window
But I keep looking
Into my own reflection,
I try to hear the worlds different
But my mind is drowning them out,
Its a slide show of
Words, memories and heartache
and all I see in it
Is the pain
The snapshots of falling tears
And lost love,
I'm trying to live in the moment
But I keep replaying the past
I'm trying to see the view through my window
But all I see is
May 2013 · 458
my book of poems
I write this book of poems
An expression of feelings,
Only words can explain,
I let out my emotions, completly let go,
Screaming silently, writing violently,
Showing nothing but telling everything.

I write these poems,
A story of my life, of my trails and battles,
A war of a life,

I write to express,
To show, to tell of a life so
important to many yet
Important to none,

I live to write
I write to live.
May 2013 · 854
Would it be true.
Would it be weird if I said I would be yours forever.
All you need to do is ask.
I would forget all my dreams and hopes,
Change them for yours.

Would it be wrong if I said I would give my life for you.
I would gladly take a knife to the heart,
It if ment saving yours.

Would it be sad if I told you I long for you,
I vision you here with me
But then reality takes over and you dissapear.

Would it be the end of me,
The end of who I am if I gave my all to you,
Would I vanish if I lived to be with you
Melting into your life.

Would it be true
If I said all I do is for you.

— The End —