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Rachel Gosby Dec 2019
When you need a shoulder to cry on.
I'll be there.
When you need someone to talk to.
I'll be there.
When you need a break from the outside world.
I'll be there.
When you want to laugh out loud
I'll be there.
When you want to dances or sing out loud.
I'll be there.
When you're stressing the **** out.
I'll be there.
When you feel like your all alone.
I'll be there.
When you need to smile.
I'll be there.
When you need me.
I'll be there.
When you don't know what to do.
I'll be there.
When you feel like running away.
I'll be there.
When you get in trouble.
I'll be there.
When you're feeling scared.
I'll be there.
When your feeling lost.
I'll be there.
When you make a mistake.
I'll be there.
When you don't feel beautiful.
I'll be there.
When you need encouragement.
I'll be there.
When you get disrespected.
I'll be there.

No matter how you feel, what you may be going through, I'll always be there for you no matter what. you're always will be able to count on me.
I'll be there.
Rachel Gosby Dec 2019
Living in fear.
Not believing that there's no love.
Keep getting disrespected.
Wishing bad on someone else.
Not keeping my promises.
Running from my mistakes.
Being stressed all the time.
Helping everyone I know and don't know.
Keep getting my heartbroken.
Stop letting everyone mistreat me.
Moving slowly causes everyone else is.
Letting the world control my life.
Crying over the things I can't change.
Spreading time on someone else shoulders.
Not having someone to lean on.
Letting my insides rot.
Letting people think it's ok to hurt me.
Letting my temper rise.
The fighting, arguing, hitting, punching the wall.
the name-calling that people do to me.
Feeling like I'm sitting on a time bomb.
Feeling like I'm being ****** around.
Believing people lie they be telling.
Being tired of being tired.
Falling for everything.
Not trying my best.
Giving my all, when everyone else is giving 10%.
Being afraid of speaking the ******* truth.

I'm to done with all this ****, it's my time around.
I'm Done Done Done.
let's say it together we're Done Done Done frfr.
Rachel Gosby Dec 2019
Judge me.
Look at me strangely.
Spread gossip about me.
Walk by me as if I don't exist.
Laugh in my face.
Treat me like I'm an animal.
Lie to my face.
**** my happiness.
Play with my heart.
Tell me to throw in the towel.
Put me out in the rain.
Tell me to give up on myself.
Tell me that I'm a failure.
Steal from me.
Make me feel uncomfortable.
Put me in harm's way.
Try to intimidate me.
Try to destroy my soul.
Beat me inhumanely.
Block my progress.

All I'm asking you is to
Please Don't.....
Rachel Gosby Dec 2019
Running from beatings.
Suffering from depression.
Crying out for help and no one there.
Not having food to eat.
Wishing I was dead.
Struggling with sickness.
Being talked about and being prosecuted.
Being burned by my own.
Constantly in the hospital.
Being afraid to live.
Recovering from broken bones.
Walking the cold street looking for a place to sleep.
Losing my mother so young.
Waiting for someone to adopt me.
Being homeless staying in shelters.
Having children prematurely.
Drinking so much alcohol to hide from my problems.
Always getting in trouble.

But after all that I've been through I am here, I am still standing through it all. Nothing stopped me, Yes I have fallen, but I got back up and still fighting like a winner.
Rachel Gosby Dec 2019
Let people talk their **** like they do.
Let people judge until Judgement day.
Let people roll their eyes until they fall out.
Let people do what they do.
Let people see what they want to see.
Let people hate on you.
Let people laugh on.
Let people miss their own opportunities.
Let people walk on by.
Let people have their own attitudes.
Let people as many questions as they want.
Let people wonder on.
Let people hold on to their grudges.
Let people keep their secrets.
Let people have their own opinions.
Let people be negative all they want.
Let people stay in a world of violence.
Let people try to tear you down.
Let people think what they think.
Let people hold on to their fears.

Because after all that's been done to you, you still are going to come out on top of the world. you're still a winner because you didn't give up.
A hater knows a winner when they see one.
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
Who keeps her word.
Who's not afraid to live her life.
Who's willing to forgive and move the **** on.
Who's brave enough to try something new.
Who would beat that *** and not think nothing of it.
Who stands up for herself.
Who's not afraid to admit when she's wrong.
Who's not afraid to get her hands *****.
Who knows what she deserves.
Who can be a ***** at times and sweet as pie.
Who won't apologize for being who I am.
Who won't accept anyone's BS.
Who's not afraid to walk away from drama.
Who will give out a helping hand.
Who doesn't mind being a ***** to get things done.
Who's a genuine ***** and with a big *** heart.
Who will say thank you for calling me a *****.
who will talk mad **** right in your face.
Who knows how beautiful she is.
Who has a kick-*** smile.
who can beat you at your own game.
Who's in control of her own life.
Who's not afraid to make her dreams come true.

I'm That ***** that will make you think before you say anything to me.
That's how you should see your self. no matter how people may think of you or even say about you. it doesn't matter why because
your that *****.
Don't let anyone tell who you are. If you a ***** then be the biggest ***** you can then. Don't be afraid to be who you are in life.
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