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Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
I'm Fine.
I'm beautiful.
I'm healed.
I'm blessed.
I"m feeling great.
I'm not lost.
I"m not confused.
I'm not living in fear.
I'm moving forward in life.
I'm not broken.
I'm not hurting.
I'm not suffering.
I'm not stressing.
I'm not giving up.
I'm am trying harder.
I'm a winner.
I'm not weak-minded.
I'm not negative.
I'm more positive.
I'm fighting for myself.
I'm not angry.
I'm not disrespectful to others.
I do make mistakes.
I fix the mistakes I do make.
I don't feel guilt.
I don't care about people judging me.

Listen to me when I'm saying what I'm saying.
Listen to me
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
To hurt.
To pain.
To stress.
To being weak-minded.
To suffering.
To angry.
To drama.
To being messed understood.
To moving backward.
To falling.
To living in fear.
To violence in the world.
To negative people.
To disrespectful.
To hearts being broken.
To be confused and lost.
To mistakes being made.
To try to please others.
To the world judging you.
To feeling guilty.
To running away.
To not being real.

No matter what the world may say about you, Just say no more.
because it's not what people say about you, it's what you say about yourself. you have the last say in your life, not the world.
Say No More.
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
love yourself.
Believe in yourself.
Respect the progress.
Be strong and fearless.
Be stress-free.
Love with your whole heart.
Use your overactive imagination.
Understand with a clear mind.
accept the things you can't change.
Fight for a brighter future.
laugh out loud.
Keep negativity away from you.
Be positive no matter what.
accept all your responsibility.
Be happy, and drama free.
Cry for joy.
Be who you want to be.
Run your own life.
Dance and sing like no one are watching.
Be comfortable within yourself.
Grow into a fearless person.
Be down to earth.
Be more determined.
Be Beautiful.
Smile for days.
Be proud of yourself.
Rebuild your life.

Yes You Can do what ever you want to do in life, so go for it.
Don't Stop
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
Pushing for a better you.
Hoping for a better, and brighter future.
Moving forward to where you want to be.
Learning something new.
Trying, because your day will come.
Believing, because miracles happen every day.
Being fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul.
Dreaming, and believing in what you can achieve.
Doing your best, because others are not giving you credit.
Testing, your advertising will never stop improving.
Showing someone how much they mean to you.
Fighting for what's for you.
Trying, because you are wise it.
Loving yourself.
Doing a great job.
Working for a great future for your children.
Loving who you are.

So no matter what gets in the way even just for a minute Don't stop.
No matter what people say about you, Never stop making your life better.
Don't do what you see others do, do things what's best for you.
Never Stop.
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
To see the sun shining.
To see the beautiful trees.
To see the rain falling.
To see the blue sky.
To see the beautiful stars in the sky.
To see the good out of the bad.
To see love around you.
To see the beauty in life.
To see your wise.
To see what your missing.
To see what's right in front of you.
To see your healing just fine.
To see how far you came from.
To see how happy you are.
To see that the past is just the past.
To see a person hurting.
To see that things are not as easy as they may seem.
To see what people are trying to show you.
To see how smart you are.

use your eyes for many things, not for something that's going to hurt you.
use your eyes for good and not for bad.
love your eyes because there are beautiful.
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
Where it gets so hard to see the sun shining.
Where it gets so hard to feel.
Where it gets so hard to understand.
Where it gets hard to sing my favorite song.
Where it gets so hard to dance to good music.
Where it gets hard to ask for help.
Where it gets hard to listen to good news.
Where it gets hard to be happy.
Where it gets hard to move without hurting.
Where it gets hard to move forward in life.
Where it gets hard to relax.
Where it gets hard to look at things around.
Where it gets hard to see the good out of the bad.
Where it gets hard to be a leader and not a follower.
Where it gets hard to release the angry inside.  
Where it gets hard to let someone go.
Where it gets hard to help someone you love.
Where it gets hard to hold back all your tears.
Where it gets hard to run, and feeling like you can't move.
Where it gets hard to see your self in the mirror.

your lost days will become better for you, it's only for right now, and not forever. move forward
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
someone new.
someone great to be with.
someone who takes my breath away.
someone whose hands are so warm.
someone with a great heart.
someone I love.
someone whose one of a kind
someone who shines like a star.
Someone who smiles so bright.
Someone who talks so peaceful.
someone who makes me laugh just because.
Someone who makes me want to sing like no one is watching me.
Someone who makes me forget what I may have been doing.
Someone whose dimples are deep, and beautiful.
Someone whose eyes shine like diamonds.
someone who makes me feel so new.
Someone who has good intentions for me.
Someone who brings out the sun each day.
someone who just knows who she is.
Someone who believes in all her dreams.
someone who loves to have fun.

Lynell someone wonderful in and out; who loves to be free and just to have fun.
I love this woman with every bone in my body.
Say it with me
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