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Jan 2020 · 102
Writing as Exorcism
Writing a kind of exorcism
Yes! Exorcism of my feelings
& all the emotional imbalance
I go through.
Whenever I feel intensely about
bad circumstances or
I can just say
Whenever my emotions get
I write.
I write , and only after that
My heart throws the weight of
those abyss deep feelings.
Yes, I write to only share my thoughts
with those white papers
To fill them with the soul,
the soul of those pure words
that comes out to take away
all the emotions ,
and make me free from them
and throws out that sensible me.
I write in hope of freeing myself
from my soft heart
to release all that love & pain.
Writing sets me free
Or atleast it's supposed to be !
Jan 2020 · 119
A Walking Contradiction
Her soul gets attracted
towards uncomplicated events,
She gets euphoric while exploring
transparent and authentic souls .
But when she throws a light on her gypsy soul ,
the puzzle of complexity
come into sight
Contradicting her interests .
She has been a walking contradiction
making her aura complicated
all the time !
Jan 2020 · 124
In this hassle of life most of us have actually forgotten the true meaning of self-love because we people are busy finding our happiness in others and end up living in misery. Self-love is taking complete care of our body, mind and soul which eventually opens the various doors of this magnificent life. It is embracing our own flaws without developing self-hatred. Some people confuse the self-love with selfishness. It is not about becoming very possessive and getting obsessed with your own self instead self-love is making your aura so influential and positive that even the folks around you can feel the fragrance of the love you do to yourself.
Stress, anxiety and depression are very common in each age group of people whether it’s a teenager or an adult. There is so much of chaos in everybody’s life that people end up criticizing their own self. You can’t just hate yourself just because the circumstances are not in your favor.
The best remedy is self-exploration. When you start exploring in depths about your own self rather than deteriorating your mental as well as physical health, you’ll observe wonders of your own soul. You’ll acquire peace in this chaos of life. But the question is how to start this exercise of self-exploration?
Go into the abyss deep and know about the kind of person you are. Explore your capabilities with creativity. Yes, if you love any creative art skill whether its writing, public speaking, painting, photography and anything else then start working on it and you’ll easily find the answers to various questions you have with your own life.
We humans feel more anxiety when we are alone and overthinking. But what if you make the best version of you with productive outputs in that alone time! Solitude leads you towards peace and peace leads you towards acquiring the prodigious life and nourishes the mental health of a person. And the one who lives in solitude creates more productive outputs. There is a pool of pessimists around you who always try to put you down and hinder your growth and make you to criticize your own self. But if you really love yourself then there is no negative power in this universe which will stop you to move forward in your path. Just abandon self-criticism and replace it with self-love and your soul will set on the quest to discover its magic!
Jan 2020 · 107
That name to her was like
a warm evening breeze
That unheard voice coming from
those imprinted words
was like a melodious
symphony of peace
Those crystals hidden deep
Under the plain rock of lips
were like the dancing starlights
That vibrant aura to her was like the
Bowshot of happy sunflowers
Bringing out the much awaited
Sunshine !!!
Jan 2020 · 140
A holyspirit who redempted a sinner
Set it to transgress again
while the other redemption process
was going on !
Oct 2018 · 327
Tsunami of emotions,
Waves of different feelings,
Drops of thoughts,
and I am speechless .
Aug 2018 · 868
They wonder how she got
smarter and harder
in the nick of time,
They fear her wild aura
repelling all the negative vibes everytime.
"Why she is laughing"?
They felt envious of her happiness
Every looser living a low life
Interrogated her vigorous soul
cause they are haunted,
Haunted with her combination of hellfire and holy water soul .
Always pretending like cold hearted,
So unreliable
no one can never count on her
in the matters of secrecy,
and this world can't bear her strong tenacity ...!!!
Aug 2018 · 8.8k
Power of resilience
Defeating the power of pain by resilience,
and defining themselves
by the number of times they
get back up ,
they are making a head towards
cherishing the every moment
they still have in their own life.
Mistaken for being numb,
They not even feel
the intensity of pain
that comes with life,
Socially detached ,
they feel nothing .
Oh but they do feel something ,
In fact they feel everything,
The feeling of loss ,
disappointments and regrets
with heavy heart .
But the power of resilience
does not let their pain to define them ,
Instead it defines their tenacity and strength !
Jul 2018 · 780
Beauty of open minds
You are the beauty of being open minded
I always feel refresh to know
that accepting minds exists,
That there are those
who understands me
in my chaos without judging.
You are a fiercely independent soul
Who does not care
If hears the word no
cause you are always  going to
keep pushing the doors down.
You are a person
Who fights for what is right
Who takes stand for their beliefs
and keep on heading towards the
best version of yourself !
Jul 2018 · 285
They drowned her
into a dark swamp,
and she was sunk
deeper and deeper.
But with her robust spirit
she emerged out and
existed again but as a
disfigured entity,
Then they say 'she has changed'.
Her soul exclaimed that ,
"She was sunk into the marsh of bliss ,
changing her for amelioration."
Jul 2018 · 239
Fierce warrior girl
She gave birth to
the firechild inside her soul,
making herself fierce
like a Phoenix risen from ashes.
Her dark brown eyes
Shining bright with
dangerous charismatic powers
Hypnotising the lamebrains.
She is now a fierce sweet warrior
burning the villa of demons
and brightening up the
Paths of pure souls!

— The End —