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t5 Feb 2010
(work in progress...)

I’m being tossed, I’m being turned,
If I’m not careful I could be burnt,
By now you would have thought… I should have learned!

Hands bound, fingers burned…

That image of you etched into my soul,
Burnt into my heart

Push in the dagger, rather than to break my heart…
Sometimes the heart doth not know it’s part…
If I were smarter, I would have found a way to depart, before the woeful words:
"O is it a dagger I see plunged into my heart?"

Your words have certainly done their part…
The music has left me, so what have I learned
I left the life I yearned for, for the one I earned
O what a pity to be so well learned
And not have the courage to be turned

And so one night I watched as Africa burnt…
Reminiscing of what we’ve seen and what we’ve learned…

Ain’t it strange how the journey sometimes ends where it had begun…
We had some laughter, we had so much fun,
The battle may be lost, but the war is won, next year we will give it another run!
Pack up your tents and pack up your gear, but above all have no fear! For Africa will be here next year!
t5 Feb 2010
Break the form
Defy the norm
Despite the scorn
For your new purpose
you were reborn
t5 Feb 2010
An early morning packed and good
The long road in front of me
The rising sun at my back

It’s a beautifull dawn
But why the big yawn?
Is it because yet another night is gone?
t5 Feb 2010
Two in me
Me in two

In love with love
In love with my love

Lost in thought
Thoughts of loss

Half empty
Half full

Best of luck
Luck of the best

Blonds have more fun
Brunets are more fun
t5 Feb 2010
Let in the rain
And the pain
And the mentally insane!
Too vain to recognise pain?
Open a vain so you can see me bled?
Lose the thread?
Simply forget?
Crawl back into bed?
But yet…

You bleed my heart
You bleed my soul
You lead me on
You put me off
You lead my boat on the shoal
You give me hope
You break my heart
You take your toll
With you around i'm never in control!

I'm a sucker for a punch
I'm a sucker for a hunch
I'm a believer
I'm a deceiver
I'm a hopeless romantic or maybe...
just romantically hopeless
I'm afraid of loss
I'm afraid of gain
I hide the panic
I hide the pain

I know, you know
I know you, you know me
We've both learned how to see
There is a history there
But is there a future there
Cut your losses or make your move
How did we ever land in this groove?
t5 Feb 2010
I’v had enough
Despite your love
I had to get a bit tough.

You were breaking my heart
Breaking my heart apart
All the while I thought it was art
But you were only getting ready to part
To discard

Money in my pocket
Hole in my soul
Was that ever the goal?

That was never the goal

My fathers face in mine
A chill down the spine

I miss someone who does not miss me
Can you see?

The jealous type
The callous type
now ain’t that an irony?
t5 Feb 2010
Tell me what you think...
Tell me what you do...
Tell me more bout you...
Tell me who you are...
Tell me who your not...
Tell me who you wanna be...
Tell me what you see...
Tell me what you wan't to miss...
Tell me what you need...
Tell me what you can give...
Tell me how to see into your soul...
Tell me how to steal your heart...

— The End —