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T Stevens Dec 2013
Someone said I'm a so so writer and I'm not that good.
The words didn't offend me and I'm working at improving.
Here's the short list of what I'd like to do with and for you.
I embrace words most need to look up and love when you use them.
Sit back and read this poem I wrote and hope you like.

I'd like you to walk beside me enjoying the view from the pier.
I know you have difficulties walking without pain
so we take it slow and stop as much as you required.
I'd like to talk to you for hours using intelligent words.
I'd like to gift you long love poetry written on parchment paper.
I'd like you to write poetry for me using a King's English.
I LOVE it when you use words found in a thesaurus!
I like the way you make poetry writing easy breezy.
I'd like to get to know you better face to face and use our words.
I've heard you speak and I love hearing the sound of your voice.
I would love it if you called me and said you want to hear me breath.
I'd like you to write and sing a song just for me one day.  
I'd like to know your favorite perfume and gift it to you.
I'd like you to paint a portrait of me and I'd hang it on my wall.
I'd like to know what you do when you're off net.
I wont follow you around town to discover where you go.
I'd like to know your secrets if you wanted to share them.
I'd like to know your favorite foods and prepare them for you.
I read words and know you like being read to and would like to
read works by your favorite authors to you under a shade tree.
I'd like to build a time machine for you to go back in time
to before you lost trust and faith in all men not to hurt you.
I like your long poems and love we share a love of big and small words.
You could be the bird in the D.H. Lawrence poem called "Self-pity"
I like how you inspire me to keep writing poetry and to get better at it.
T Stevens Dec 2013
I just read a poem by a young person who says she's eighteen.
I don't like sadness and her words made me not want to be on this site.
How can you criticize anyone who using words you personally don't like?
I've read poem I don't like but I keep negative comments to myself
and never write comments that make people feel bad about what they write.
There's something twisted in writing poems about hating what people write.
There's only a few types of people in the world and I wont be one who puts
others down for expressing feelings using big or small words.
T Stevens Dec 2013
I'm hoping you have no doubts I'm writing this to and about you. : )
Thank you for finally letting me know you know I'm alive.
Just thinking about talking to you makes the butterflies go crazy.
My heart beats then skips a beat when I see you around town and I
swear it's strictly by accident. I'm not actively following you around.
I haven't been to sleep because I'm up thinking about you
but not in the sick and twisted Bardo way of stalking then killing.
I haven't been searching for your address or where you hang
out like that anonymous lunatic posting that on Craigslist forum.
I still want your phone number but only if you want to give it.
You asked the impossible melting snow against weatherman's
predictions and you got this hold over me like I never felt before.
Are you a keeper of  unworldly secrets of magic or someone who is
quite lovely and is just plain an extraordinarily special and gifted lady?
I'd like to discover that for myself if you would agree to meet me at
Little Bohemia it's aka Lil Bo's by us locals to hear a Jazz band.
It's a public place and I heard it through the grapevine you popped
in a few times but I can't say that's true, I wasn't there and it's hear say.
Person said you entered alone but didn't sing and it looked like
you were having a good time being a chatty patty and hearing the band.
The more I get to know about you lady the more I want to discover.
You got a wish and mine is not as impossible as yours I'm hoping.
I want in my life a lady like you who oozes confidence when she enters
a room and when she's being chatted up by complete strangers.
I will be in the parking lot watching the door and enter if you enter.
Hoping to see you Friday night and hoping to see that gorgeous smile.
Hoping you agree to meet me but if not I will keep on hoping for that.
T Stevens Dec 2013
Hope you're happy and wiser.
Hope you read one of my poems.
Hoped you would after our comment exchange.
No response from you on any of mine about you
tells me you never read any of my poems.
Hoped you would say hello to me by now.
Hoped you would be the one I would take on vacation.
Sorry if you are still scared to death of relationships.
Hope one day you realize not all men leave.
I hope you're not thinking I posted garbage about you.
Hope you read this one because it's about you.
Hope you know I'm not into head games.
Hope you realize I would never hurt you.
Hope you come to realize I'm alive and not
just anonymous guy who writes poems about you.
Some days I want to lose hope that you know I'm alive.
T Stevens Nov 2013
This is no personal ad so please don't apply - I'm thinking in print.
Number one on my list is to be happy - want delivered a soul mate.
Planned long vacation - want that interesting talk all night companion.
Got the dream house - now wanting for a non-anorexic doll like barbie.
Got the job I always wanted - want the perfect one to call mine and spoil.
Love hearing musical laughter - want unique person with sense of humor.
That's 5 of 20 things on my list of what I want for Christmas & life.  
I've been a good man most of my life and know I deserve a great woman.
T Stevens Nov 2013
Give me a break from nightmare shopping.
I called, they said they would hold items.
I go there and you say sorry you could not hold.
I'll be an online shopping fool so ***** local economy.
T Stevens Nov 2013
Easier to retell events by saying, "I have a friend" when I say friend it's me.
I have a friend who created a profile on a few sites. This one was for wanting
to get to know someone who writes poems but my friend is a not so good wannabe poet.
My friend is a good looking guy but with working on net  for hours he joined
Facebook because my friend has a busy life but wanted to friend and
chat with people while working who post little of those tmi headliners updates.
He joined Google plus adding interesting lady he likes to his circle.
He didn't break the law last Friday but met someone in a parking lot thinking
she was nice and maybe he was ready to throw in the towel on meeting the interesting one.
The goal was to **** butterflies he's got in his stomach he gets thinking of interesting lady.
He made a mistake giving out his cell phone number after a long talk
at dinner with the new lady he met and who asked him to dine and she insisted on paying.  
My friend wishes he'd figure out she was a Facebook friend who used a different name,
much younger pics and ones of others. She had been trolling the net stalking his profiles
and comments to figure out what he was seeking and what he wanted in a lady.  
He's now regretting his actions and feels dumb after learning Miss sneaky was a fake.
Miss Sneak Fake figured out pretty ****** fast which poet he was posting as.
His vm is full from all calls she's been making since they parted late Friday.
He's thankful he did not give in to her requests of seeing his place.
He prefers living with being patient and the butterflies in his stomach over that
one with fingers that wont quit dialing. He regrets believing she was normal.
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