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He went away to save the world
at least that is what he thought
his government claimed that it was needed
a great lie that he had bought

But he went and served
then injured came home
where his government bailed
leaving him on his own

His body was broken
his mind had failed
no longer protecting him
he and his madness were jailed

Could no longer find work
losing his family and home
living now on the streets
he'd sit sadly alone

The days would pass by
one after another
till the day that he died
one more lost veteran brother
Though I grow older
and closer to death
there's no reason at all
till I take my last breath
that I must act my age
or act as I'm old
I'll pause here a moment
you must find my statement quite bold

Yes I'm living longer
but I refuse to grow old
it's true, older I'll be
but the world I will see
through the mind and the eyes of a child
living my life free and wild
you see, youth
never goes out of style
Our youth
the pressures they face
children fighting
for acceptance

fitting in with their peers
they strive for
it's a shame
so many have died for

where have we gone wrong
did we sing the wrong song
the lessons we taught
seem to have gone for naught

are we actually failures as parents

is it really our fault
have we pushed them away
what can we do
to help them today

turn this tide
so they've no need to hide
the feelings they harbor
so deep down inside

the hurt that drives them
beyond our hearts reach
unto the point
where their spirit's been breached

how can we help them
bring them back home
help them to feel
they're not so totally alone

get them to realize
that they're loved beyond measure
and here in our hearts
they are the greatest .of all treasure

I ask you
are there answers to this
if not we must find them
yes, that is truly my wish
Though the days ramble on
and the years move ahead
a mind that grows old
is the one thing that I dread

A mind should stay young
the negative severed
keeping a fresh attitude
that we can cherish forever

Growing old
and growing older
to me they're two different things
the one is as winter
while the other
still spring
Feeling trapped
yet I must muddle through
the day dragging on
never sure what to do
but I make it each day
and I think I know why
at the end of each day
I just wave good-bye
The dawn breaks
the sun aches
those left behind at setting time
cannot be found
only a cloud of despair

The cloud blocks the earth
from receiving his life giving warmth
the brilliant rays are stopped
this day sadly lacking now in any illumination
the people languish in their depression

Hope falters
when the sun
no longer shines
upon the earth
and its people
Before him an angel
as if sent from heaven
to raise this mans spirit
as bread is from leaven

The man thought his needs
would never be met
yet right here before him
a new table was set

He ate of the bread
once again he felt whole
it was that angel who came
and returned him his soul
When ones heart is giving
their life is worth living
the smiles they receive
are quite enough

As their faces say thank you
and eyes well with dew
their need filled
today won't be as tough

This day they'll survive
once again feel alive
your heart being thrilled
your life being filled
your giving
to the living
has done the right stuff
Is it couldn't or wouldn't
you know they're two different things

Do you not have the time
or simply won't take it
you've called me your friend
why do I feel that you fake it
each time that I need you
you just never do make it

Couldn't, no wouldn't
that's an action that stings

You said that you'd be there
but never did go that mile
should I accept this abuse
the way it's been done with a smile
you know I hate being lied to
but it really seems that's your style
The time that it takes
in order to judge
is time really wasted
when you could have shown love

As it is love that is needed
just someone to care
to lift up another
from their life of despair

A new man will emerge
yes from out of the blue
no, not the down trodden
that new man will be you

Your heart can be healed
simply by ending your judging
and channeling that time
to the practice of loving
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