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Nov 2016 · 924
A happy place...
Giving up the ghost
It really is only Monday
Experiences are not over yet
Your happiness should be your choice

Avoid the bad the most
With yourself you must stay
You are the safe bet
Allow your dreams a voice

Humbling theatre of a sun setting coast
Enriched mind and soul from more play
Happiness is a human right, not a debt
This moment, your time to rejoice
Worthless rebirth do gun admiration
Two revolution mental illness misunderstood
Cummings same door danger
Karma paranoia temptation come

Endless pathetic chances room
Wedding land skies piano
Cloud farewell awkward Satan
Accident key slow sober

Sunday blade wordplay hugs
Annoying lazy restless student
Cruelty self-love logic curious
December conformity tonight am writing

Form rambling excitement sadness
Independent bodies three someday
One's lucky offline relax
New Year legacy reckless test

Wood negativity belief alliteration
Dress woah I found a grape
Assault sheep classic ****
After hypocrite attachment India

Grizzo listening witch point
Smiling ball exhaustion action
Movement charity ****** clothes
Come ya girl sharp pizza

Freckles bottom delicate prevail
Partner imaginary reflect columnist
Said Monday troubador fairy-tales
Fair floor got crap

Main case terrible writings
Noose habit vanquish relieve
Explode what if vampires narcissism
Mixed fragments stop mollify
Co-written with Sam Title
Dec 2011 · 755
Sitting alone...
Sitting alone, winter offers her company.
Center facing outwards, it's bitter tonight.
Solitude lingers, flowering stars.
Head in hands, but both share the moon.

I so wish you were here beside me.
Without you, crumble I might.
No matter how poor, the World is ours.
Glad I found you, not a minute too soon
Dec 2011 · 936
Man in the one-way mirror.
The Spanish Inquisition wasn't exactly full of questions,
Not that I was expecting an interigation in to my passions.
But something happened, almost yet again,
And now I'm left once more to pick up this pen.

What can I do when I'm told this is merely a fantasy?
Who says a dream can't transcend to a reality?
When something feels right, in my case it seldom finishes.
My faith in finding the love once had, diminishes.

But I'm 'amazing, wonderful, super, brilliant, fantastic'
How can my worth be comparable to recycled-plastic?
A spine-tinglingly wonderful kiss is all it took,
To tear my flesh with this big old rusty hook

I'm not waiting but that's a lie and I have no choice,
Seriously, what can I do? I have no voice.
I done all that is right, and maybe too much,
Utterly fed up of being 'too nice' to touch.

But then again, it's not about me is it?
It's the few women, who do what they see fit.
Was I just a toy, for a weekend break?
Not entirely sure how much of this I can take.

My brain spirals out of control with matters of the heart,
Never shall I roll the dice, and turn to the brazen ****.
For I touched greatness and I want some more.
Just another one-way affection story, we've all heard before.
Nov 2011 · 3.1k
Boat Pudding
Distant clown, over-grown cow.
Greed, fled, fed, boat-led Sam,
Getting nowhere, near no fear.
Inner, sinner; surrogate's recycle-Bin.

Learned not we have, might constitute.
Flog a sand-bag, get dusty.
Provoke, take a stand for right.
Resolve why the hate. Quite!

Speaking of cows- inquisitive beasts;
Shouldn't be cast the wrong role.
Directors fault; new term. Choice-less.
Exactly. What would you do?

It's not of oppression, strike-down obsession.
Internal bee-stings, are not the painful.
Whatever the previous past, catalyst presentation...
On-going retaliation, stains not a few.

****! Rocks are heavy!
So what of the boat pudding?
Not constructive. World should bear this too.
Culinary dialogue. O'Bam, more custard?
Jul 2010 · 1.8k
Hey you
Hey you,

Just got back to the flat, not the same without you sat at the top of the stairs typing away.

Reminders all over, showing me of your recent presence.
First sight at pile of dishes that you washed,
Empty grissini breadstick's box,
Still some tzatziki and houmous left though.

Need a ****, can't deal with this already.
Ahh, that's better. A tooth-brush is missing,
Spa Covent Garden Sanctuary, Irish Meadow?
Will upstairs be any better?

Must pause, plug in interent hub. ****,
Back to old self so soon.
Duvet squashed up to the back wall,
Can almost make out your imprint.

I'm reluctant to throw out the remaining *** butts,
Seems as if you're still here.
Half drunken mugs of tea, finished quiche,
Can't believe I was so sick on the last night.

Bad dreams yesterday, two in fact.
Both being hung over ridiculous heights.
No good with that, big fear.
A sign of pressure bearing down?

Held council to rights, no joy.
Start the whole drawn out claim again,
Lot's of boxes to tick and fill.
Toss pots, must bite tongue and get on.

Doctor’s waiting room has mags for women only,
Nothing to chill my nervous mind.
'But are you going to faint on me?'
I made it through allright, lost some blood.

ECG scan on Thursday, for what though?
Chest or heart? Probably heart.
Mid-life wake-up call come early.
Do I really want to know? I suppose.

Where's my lovely? I need her so.
A cuddle, a smile, all better.
Action time- phoned all bills, extra time.
C'mere money, pretty please?

What thong then? Suspicious...
I was right (kinda)! ***!!!
So excited, so touched, wow!
We will work it out Dee.

Thoughts of wild horses scare me not,
Something feeling very right, not at all wrong.
Hardest thing ever has already been done-
Finding that special little someone.
Jul 2010 · 1.3k
The good dragon
The good dragon, thankless in his task continues faultlessly
Fitness training session is in full swing, mentally also
Preparations for an imprinted idea of a future prevail
******* on the porch is perfectly acceptable

Critter/blob; doctor/judge breed relentlessly
World of possibilities, even the Cosmo
Royal treatment- worship their Holy Grail
To any other sane beast, it’s debatable

Poor warning, little time, taken so depressingly
Peace out now, the path I wish to follow
It’s all good though, you won’t bail
Contentment cultivating Deelectable
Jul 2010 · 987
Monkey 4 Pink
Cloud gazing, and yet head hung low
Duct workers maintain their pumps
Assumptions of the first red curtain show
Will the Black Lady come up trumps?

Defending she does of a savage blow
Boundaries pass, still have that lump
Fear dissipates fast, you just know
Wet fish slap, touch down bump

Mission seamed so clear at this fresh start
No predictions of a brain confuddulation
Hike, zigzag, spin to the coldest part
Lump no longer lonely, face mutation

Back to back days of kart
Winning is a fictitious temptation
Easy(ish)-flow braced up for the heart
No longer now is there frustration

Excitement and passion, give me a smack
‘Give a ****’ overtakes fear in a split
Dee Bath bound, spells **** good craic
‘cos you know darlin’, you are fit!

Anticipations of caressing your back
I’ve even tidied up my flat of a pit!
Panic not of spending a whack
Fly when cheapest, I’ll see you in a bit…
Jul 2010 · 706
Zoo of nothing
Other fish aren’t enough!
When will you realise their potential?
My head’s already too full of stuff!
It doesn’t have to be painful, try something conventional.
You advising me? You made Billy’s goat gruff!
I mean it’s all in your head, don’t be mental!
Jul 2010 · 883
What Women Want
Little pretty thong,
Silly ****** song.
Take me! Wear.
*******! Stare.
Jul 2010 · 1.8k
Spatula and Bourbon Painting
Spatula and bourbon paint with blood,
In an attempt to woo Dracula’s mud.
Walking down an alley cat zoo,
Along came Sid with Captain Voodoo.
Painting, decorating, sanding and building,
Cleaning mountain goat’s spectacular guilding.
Given a job however dull and blue,
Being a decorator is what you should do.
You’re all on your own now,
What the hell are you gonna do?
Nobody left to protect you.
You might find what I have to say, may annoy you.
I know what it’s like,
Out on a limb and all alone.
If you love yourself then you love you,
No-one else to answer to, it’s only you.
Jul 2010 · 1.7k
Jo and Umbrellas
Many of my friends like umbrellas,
However I would rather eat Nutellas.
Give me a best before end?
**** it, let’s pretend!
Moving into a new house went Jo,
Come along let’s go with the flow!
Protecting came an umbrella,
Me and Jo gonna be friends forever!
Jul 2010 · 959
It’s been coming out all ends,
Erupting in crucial ways.
Squirting, splurting everyday.
You’re a sick ****!
You ******* bell end!
Jump up a kangaroo’s ****,
See him enjoy your warlock warrior.
Now roll in **** on that grass,
Revel in rounds of Wadbock Collies.
Followed in great succession by brollies.
DANGER! DANGER! Total stranger!
How can I do this denial thing?
It’s consuming me inside out, it’s ****!
Chocking and smoking in a painful ring.
Beating you down deeper in an endless pit.
Can’t control, can’t maintain inside,
Must find a way to get beside.
What the **** did I start to say?
Write some ****, do some ****.
Jul 2010 · 1.4k
Hong Grrr Kong
The tall buildings literally scrape the sky.
I wonder what it would be like to fly?
Travel by a clone taxi or a bus?
The long one-way escalator is an option for the two of us!
Freaky meet with Emily in the street,
Led us to not use our feet.
I tried to explain what was bothering me,
Lack of understanding yet again,
Leaves me to be alone again.
Jul 2010 · 5.1k
Fish Market
Yesterday sugar became unspeakably irritated because mother’s apron crushed ants wearing stillness caped wonder just William author wrote ****** explicit headlines newspaper columns pillar architecturally sound villages super-imposed images quivering Shepard’s ******* antelopes jumping furiously with tyramisphorising fornicating flanges woodwork lessons gym period ****** advert teasing testicles sumptuously ravishing me sideways and erupting deep blasts suffocating you inside without ******* headlong in my armpits.

Eventually everyone always signs legal documents leading to ****** bondable zoos inserted buffalo sized puddings eaten by frogs spanking archbishops underwear while licking toes crushed under fridges dropped from clouds of buttercups being pushed into ovens smelling gorgeous not consumed pimps and alarm clocks ring people to talk for hours and pineapples exchanged cod fish for tickets to see S Club 7 being caressed internally whilst ******* bags covered in water deserts sunk from space aliens from Tescos selling hardback fish cleaning toilets and singing in pink wellies dancing to Madonna look-a-likes prosecuted for *** shops selling frozen fish socks washed daily in cranberry coffee after being passed under bridges flooded in margarine soaked pillows.
Jul 2010 · 799
A Dog In The Street
A dog in the street,
Such an amazing feet,
Perfume sellers and ‘Hombre’ boots,
Always cut your hair and you’ll be bald as a coot.
Moor them in a ferry park,
Dogs are ruff, and cats are ****,
Dogs say gruff, and cats make me sick.
Stepping off the pavement, and peeing on posts,
To them, humans may as well be ghosts.
Fluffy dogs and meowing cats,
Wag their tails and scratch like a bat.
Their cute looks never diminish,
That is the fact and this is the finish.
A candle is grazing in the snow,
Come and have a look, you never know.
Look, it’s cute, it’s got something to show.
You horrid filthy disgusting little *******.
What did it do? Are you going to go?
Do you really want to know?
Tough! I’m not telling diddly squat!
Jul 2010 · 927
Do you know Tart Tracy?
Green yellow black Tracy,
Tan mustard **** pink,
Blue know purple grey,
You yellow ochre violet,
Black do orange white.
Jul 2010 · 2.4k
Bicycles And Turnips
Give me a fresh *** of your nips.
Ehh?? Give me a ******* turnip!
I went to Peterborough, came from Marrakech,
Which one should I rip to flesh?
In summer I love to chew icicles,
Whatever! It’s to die for!
I rode a bike and had a stew,
Never mind this poem, go and have a poo.
Mar 2010 · 2.3k
Define young camel
She drives me crazy!
That little care-free Jalfrezi.
You see where I’m going with the curry?
‘Course you don’t, you’re ******* vindaloo!
Who the **** are you?
And as for Tarka Daal and Argy Bargy?
If they ever get off the carzy we might be able to talk.
So are you ******* listening?
She drives me crazy!
Both of you are too stupidily lazy,
Nor are you like Jalfrezi.
Re-arrange; re-word the last two lines?
Yeah right, I’m Mr Lazy.
Mar 2010 · 3.3k
Lucky Strikes and Mangos
Lucky Strikes and Mangos,
Which one would be good at the tango?
Indulge with them at a watering hole.
Intolerance placed on smoking fruitiers,
Intolerance placed on back-packing Reindeers.
Both come up close,
But always fish off long piers.
Mar 2010 · 888
Burning arms mean no harm
Burning arms mean no harm,
They’re gentle, soft, delicate,
Oh so wonderful.
She sat next to me on a friend’s sofa,
All I was doing was being a lofa,
Even still she was getting closer,
**** me I love her,
The ex is basically my brother,
I want to be her lover.
Risk of sounding corny,
I’ll change the story into something more boring.
I’m not fussed, don’t give a ****.
Sod your silly rhymes,
Moving onto better times,
Like ******* on limes.
How can I enjoy writing lines?
You’re supposed to snort them,
To be like real men,
Not you, you ******* hen.
There we go again, back with his pen.
Stab it in deep, right in your feet,
In the middle of the street.
You can’t decide nor go anywhere,
You’re stuck there.
All the pain you gonna bear,
All ‘cos you care!
It’s completely pointless,
No-one to say ‘ah-bless’,
You’re a ******* cunting mess.
What you gonna do?
Sit there and stew, squirm like a *****,
Say *******! Say *******!
That’s what to do,
It’s all down to you.
So get on with your boo-hoo’s,
Stand up and fight,
Don’t ever lose the sight,
You might just, you might!
Bit dark,  so were some of my years.
Alligator! Alligator! Alligator! Alligator!
Bite me whole and take me to space.
Staple my **** and spaz my face,
Plaice defrosting in the refrigerator.

These things all seem to come together,
Throw them far apart will be for the better.
I hate this ******* verse,
‘cos it all rhymed from Alligator!
Mar 2010 · 1.3k
Captain Flash
Mountain hill ranges,
Goes on for ages.
Goats eating strangers,
Like dogs in mangers.
Back-stabbing bears in cages,
All through the dark ages.
Dying off in stables,
Evil continues his rages.
Wake up it’s a beautiful morning,
like the infinity of a closed chain;
lists keep growing, brain-freeze again.
As long as there’s tomorrow, not today.

Succinct intentions imprinted by a hoot;
how can a sub-conscious refuge,
de-commission the projected truth?
A 24-hour religion, is that all it is?

So which way is it to be tomtom?
Intrepidation never failing,
or honour ‘the’ grand unveiling?
Side-step: back to back-warming Oracle.

Pride appoints a distilling of hidden stature;
forget the dentistry of a mounted gift,
sensitivity not deserving an emotional spendthrift.
No mentions of a game, but you have to play.

Rationalising the intensity of late;
surely that’s an impossibility of squirming feet?
Solution follows a tryst of the elite,
subjects must therefore be; for it to make sense.

Periodic patterns of revolving chrome-vanadium,
lends itself nicely to discontentment
and occasionally promotes relinquishment;
summer sun; does it matter?

Survival make-up – check.
Abrupt journey’s end; in your face.
An odyssey not started yet, offers no grace.
Relax, the God’s haven’t even begun their terror.

The bottom of a barely coping universe it might just be;
Curious are the similarities to sinking sand.
Submerge as you extend your hand?
Or do I just simply do nothing, and nothing happens?

Rat-out the analytical introspection monster;
For when you can see your own reflection in a black-hole;
A bonus penalty shot at life’s ultimate goal;
Then a neutered Neutron star is a good thing to be.

— The End —