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Feb 2014 · 560
Sydney-Anne Feb 2014
Love, a sickness,
   and if you are not careful,
      it will **** you in ways
          you thought were impossible,
                it will **** your happiness,
                   and it will eventually **** you,
                       and now I understand why they say,
                          don't let your happiness depend
                                on something you may lose,
                                    but I think the worst part,
                                       is that it will leave you numb,
                                          and completely empty inside,
                                            and sometimes I can't help but think,
                                                  a bullet would hurt less,
                                                     than this loneliness
Jan 2014 · 376
What is Love?
Sydney-Anne Jan 2014
Love, a feeling and emotion,
nameless emotions happy and sad,
which flow through my veins,
leaving my heart paralyzed

— The End —