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I  see you on the other side of the street.
And have the urge to cross.
But i'm too shy.
You have your head bowed to your feet.

Your eyes glance my way.
My heart  beats.
Were you going to close the space between us?
What would I say?

In my dreams.
You keep walking.
Oblivious to my fantasy.
A penny on the sidewalk gleams.

I check and see it is heads side up.
My fingers close around the copper.
And as I raise, there you are before me.
I guess a  lucky penny really does bring you good luck.

You smile .

And in the blink of an eye.
I tumble to the ground.
I fainted.
Because you said "Hi."

Guess not.
As night falls, the moon calls.
The cool wind blows across the lands.
Yet, here I still stand.
The flames of our love have long since burned.
And my heart misses your touch, I have now learned.
I gaze at that spot where you once stood.
Loving someone else, I never could.
But you never did know my love for you.
I wish I'd told you before you flew.
Off into the night, to begin a new life.
Yet, here I still stand,
My heart filled with strife.
In my dreams you return to this place.
And without words, I close that space, between us.
Maybe you felt the same about me,
The sadness i your eyes is easy to see.
But no tears ever spilled from those eyes.
Not till we said our last goodbyes.
Yet, here I still stand,
My tongue tied.
Wishing to take back all those lies.
That I told about my love for you.
Now I can't deny, it's purely true.
The piercing wind, covers the sound of your foot falls.
As I stand here unknowingly, not hearing your calls.
You put your lips to my ear.
And tell me I have nothing to fear.
Our lips were made for eachother.
It's like we were forever lovers.
Our hands clasped never to release.
You have put my mind at peace.
But this all seems too good to be true,
And then I awake, without you,
My hand is empty and alone,
My love has been shown.
Yet, here, I still stand.
My love bundled up in my chest.
Never, to rest.
Time, takes years in my mind.
From day to night takes a century.
But you are still with me.
My heart ticks away the time.

From day to night takes a century.
As I live my life on.
My heart ticks away the time.
Counting every moment we are not together.

As I live my life on.
My heart still sings our song.
Counting every moment we are not together.
I wish your heart felt as mine.
I feel I barely know you,
But I know you're true,
I first saw you from a distance,
And you brought me back to existence.
Your eyes, a deep blue,
Made me feel like time flew.
I caught your eye,
and you caught mine.
For a moment, I felt we had met before.
Possibly along a dreamy shore, within our minds.
I've never had many of these binds.
Yet, somehow, it still felt the same,
So I didn't ask your name.
I saw your face on a TV screen.
Things aren't as they seem.
They got it all wrong.
I know, though we haven't talked for so long,
You don't know the half of it.
Our lips had the perfect fit.
Back when you and I were one.
Together, we were the sun.
But, apart, we're both stuck in the dark.
And now your mind has begun to embark.
Away from what we used to be.
I still can't see,
Why you've changed.
Now you're a stranger to me.
But my heart can't seem to let you go.
Hello love,
Did you fall down from above?
Those wings on your back,
Are the one thing I lack.
My heart has been pierced by your arrow,
But it hasn't taken away my sorrow.
Of losing who I thought was mine, forever.
Find a new lover never.
Your spells have no effect on me.
Because he and I were meant to be.
So just fly and five someone else this curse.
While I finish my last and final verse.
You tell me oh, how I love you so,
And I reply I love the snow.
Because it will always love me.
The cool kiss on my cheek,
Makes me weak.
It covers the ground,
When you're never around.
Why can't you see?
I guess I have to say my goodbye.
Cause my one  true love,
Falls from the sky.
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