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Mar 2015 · 415
I love you
Kylie Loth Mar 2015
I love you as high as the sky
And I'll love you to the day I die
I love you as deep as the ocean
Let's start our new lives and put our love in motion
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
Love is Love
Kylie Loth Mar 2015
Is love patient?
Is love kind?
Is love stomachaches and butterflies?
Is love worth it?
All I know is love is complicated
It can amaze you
It can break you
It can take you to places you never knew
It can make you realize what's really true
Love is love
Something once discovered
But never understood
Feb 2015 · 302
Kylie Loth Feb 2015
She tries to hide
From the hurt, the lies
She cries all night
Thinking why is she alive?
Feb 2015 · 457
Hate and Pain
Kylie Loth Feb 2015
Hurtful hate
Piercing pain
All I want now is change
Feb 2015 · 1.3k
Kylie Loth
Kylie Loth Feb 2015

Open minded
Kylie Loth Dec 2014
Let your smile change the world
Don't let the world change your smile
Cherish the good times, learn from the bad
And your life will become worthwhile.
Dec 2014 · 514
Live with Intention
Kylie Loth Dec 2014
Live with intention
To leave a great impression
Whether others will follow you
Is their misconception
Dec 2014 · 298
Dance in the Rain
Kylie Loth Dec 2014
Its not about waiting for the storm to end,
Its about learning to dance in the rain.
Its about learning to not refrain,
And live it despite all the pain.
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
Kylie Loth Dec 2014
Remember when our love was happy?
Remember when our love was strong?
Back then we thought it was perfect.
Back then we thought that we belonged.
Where are our unforgettable moments?
Where the hell did we go wrong?
Dec 2014 · 254
Some Love
Kylie Loth Dec 2014
Sometimes love is broken
Sometimes love dies down
Sometimes love is forgotten
Not all love is forever bound
Nov 2014 · 287
If Only You Knew
Kylie Loth Nov 2014
If only you knew
What it felt like to go through
The feeling of not knowing
What they're doing to you.
I was so young and so bold
Until he did the untold
To me, I was lost
But he thought it was gold.
I felt myself tearing
But somehow I was bearing
Now I can’t believe that
He was that daring.
I now know what he
Had the guts to do to me
I was ten, he was three years ahead
And nothing was done to any degree.
Because of those times
That he ‘put me in line’
I am now lost
And a good life I need to find.
If only you knew  
What it was like to
Be the victim of a crime
And have it run your life askew.
About a personal experience Ive had.
Nov 2014 · 424
Kylie Loth Nov 2014
Does anyone feel
The pain your going through?
Does anyone see
The **** you've been made to do?
Does anyone hear
The comments made to you?
They might hear the story but they wont feel the pain
They might think differently of you but nothing they'll gain
They might not get it but there's a good reason to explain
Tell no one says the voice in your head
Show no one says the monster under your bed
Isn't it time that you change so your not feeling dead?
You've found that many people don't care
You've found that many people wont even dare
You quietly sit in church listening to another's prayer
Why can't I be happy like them? you ask
Why do I have to suffer for things done in the past?
Why does God have to make these bad thing last?
Well my friend, you just need to learn
That most good things in life are hard to earn
And by dealing with bad you'll get good in return
So pick up the pieces of broken glass shards
Put them back together and don't mind being scarred
You'll find a better life if you just try hard.
And soon you'll find that someone who will help you
They'll be your savior and you'll be theirs too
They will understand what you're going through.
Nov 2014 · 320
Give Up or Give In?
Kylie Loth Nov 2014
Give up or give in
Life is just beginning
It feels like its ending
But really its bending
Don't worry it wont break
As long as you take
Enough time to think
To connect the links
You will be okay
Cause you've forgotten and forgave
And you can continue to be brave
You've already been saved
All you need is a great
Thought, a great person
A great anything that wont worsen
Your great start to a great life
You've been through enough
Give up or give in?
Don't do either
Just keep living
Be who you are don't be who you're not
And just do what feels right and give life all you've got.
Nov 2014 · 312
Dr.Seuss Quote
Kylie Loth Nov 2014
Be who you are and say what you feel
No one should care as long as you're real
But if they do don't be fake just to deal
Because those who mind don't matter
Don't beat them up just to see them scatter
Act just like angels be good and flatter...
And those who matter don't mind*
If they do then you are so blind
Real people who stay are the friends you need to find.
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
Nov 2014 · 253
Lonely Child
Kylie Loth Nov 2014
What happened to this little child
So sweet yet lonely with a life so wild
He lied, he cried, he died inside
Why'd he have to be so blind

He'd realize his life was array
When he found out that this dreadful day
He'd wake up broke with his father gone
He lost all hope and where he belonged

That day at school he lost his cool
Went of on a friend and felt like a fool
But this awful day was about to get better
Once he received the new girls letter

It said she knew how he felt
This sweet-sided neighbor had dealt
With the loss, the pain, the drama, that game
In which life screws you over and leaves you with shame

They became good friends and always had a blast
He noticed that he was how he was in the past
Sweet, fun, bubbly just as a child
But this time not lonely, now his pain is just mild
Nov 2014 · 909
Life Ain't Fair
Kylie Loth Nov 2014
Life ain't fair
Life just wanna scare
You into ******* up
Situations that play rough
Life in't fair
Life is just a game of dares
It wants to bring you down
Into a lazy life you're forever bound
Life ain't fair
But don't pull out your hair
You can get through it fast
Just stop living in the past
Life ain't fair
But you can escape the devil's lair
Just play by the rules
Your not the person you knew
Life ain't fair
It changes up so you think you can't bare
To live anymore, but you can do it
Just crawl yourself out of the pit
Life ain't fair
Get up, get active, get everywhere
If you want a good life you need to try
You gotta do more than just get by
Life ain't fair
But your almost there
You're going through so much pain
The good is coming, there's a lot to gain
I know, life ain't fair
Nov 2014 · 260
Kylie Loth Nov 2014
We don't have the same story
But we have the same pain
Were not going to the same place
But were on the same train
We've gone through the losses
Now its our time to gain
The things we've missed
And the things we once obtained.
For my old best friend whom I miss so much. I don't know exactly what its like to go through all you've gone through but I know how it feels and I know how to deal. I know we aren't as close as we used to be but Id love to help you through or at least see you again.
Nov 2014 · 412
The Future
Kylie Loth Nov 2014
The future is mine
Ill leave the past behind
If I choose, Ill color outside the lines
It will be mine
The future is yours
Go open new doors
Don't get caught up in the horrors
It will be yours
The future is ours
We can climb any chosen tower
You and I, we have special powers
It will be ours
The future is never ending
For so long we've been breaking and bending
It will be amazing
We will go star gazing
The future is in our hands
We will go and make great plans
It will be perfect
We'll go on the biggest wave and surf it
The future I can see
Right around two corners, maybe three
It shall be hard to get to
But I know we will get through
The future with you
I cant wait for it too
For my amazing bf which words cannot describe how much I love him. To me he is perfect in every way. We both have been through a lot and the past is coming back to bite us in the ***, but if we try and if we stick together I know we can make it past the bad stuff that's going on right now. We will have an amazing future together and I cant picture me being with anyone else but you. ily as high a the sky and as deep as the ocean. Together forever babe <3<3<3<3<3
Nov 2014 · 458
Kylie Loth Nov 2014
The scars, the pain
Those feelings, this game
It used to control me
But now I'm ready
To face my fears
I'm ready to hear
The truth and lies
Ready to feel so high
High in my happiness
Dying each day less and less.
Nov 2014 · 567
Used To Be
Kylie Loth Nov 2014
I used to be
So happy, so free
Until the darkness reached me.
Now with weak legs
To God I have begged
And tears I have shed,
I am standing
Not tall but heading
In a direction, soon Ill be flying
In a bright blue sky
Feeling so high
Living not surviving.
I used to be a nice sweet child
Until my life got so wild
But now the pain is getting mild,
Soon I hope to be
So happy, so free
Just like I used to be.

— The End —