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sweetie pie Aug 2013
You know whats funny ?
you almost had me ..
Depressed & hurt very badly
you almost had me crying everynight
you almost had me not trust another guy
lol your hilarious & foolish
you complain about hoes & how there stupid
how u want a school girl who's still a ******.
But in your mind im guessing
loyal girls are dumb , & havin hoes is a blessing
what if i would of layed down for you?
Id probably regret it & be obssessed with you.
Im watching you give your self to all these hoes
who dont love you & just like your flow.
5 Yrs from now the hows you were ****** with
are obviously worried about someone else ****
1.8k · Aug 2013
sweetie pie Aug 2013
YOU UGLY ***** !
1.7k · Sep 2013
She's perfection..
sweetie pie Sep 2013
I know this girl with red bouncy curls
she's the nicest person in the world.
She does for people who doesn't do for her.
Shes a positive soul who speaks positive words.
she's perfection. I swear she is,
wait till she has a perfect husband.. and has perfect kids.
she's a wonderful gal who drinks tea and does homework.
she's my bestfriend, & i love her.
1.4k · Sep 2013
break time, anytime.
sweetie pie Sep 2013
I need a break ..nope not like kit-kats
Not like passing time in a school
not like vacation worried about who's down at the pool.
I need a real one.
Not to just get away from home.
I needa break before i break down like stone.
I'm exhausted.
1.3k · Sep 2013
my birthdays already ruined.
sweetie pie Sep 2013
My birthdays tomorrow
On labor day.
its suppose to be a very special day.
But its not.
because of my mom.
who wants to hang with her friends & get drunk.
You say you dont have the money to do this & that
maybe u would if you werent tryig to impress you friend.
I understand you havent seen her in a long time
but ***** its my birthday tomorrow.Its My time to shine
None of this is for me.
None of this is about me.
but hey , its my birthday! i hope your happy.
since you seem to wanna party like its your day
ill let you have YOUR shine & ill just lay
in bed with all these bad emotions in my head
alone im here
"Enjoying" my birthday.…
1.3k · Jul 2013
playa playa
sweetie pie Jul 2013
I'm inlove with a stranger
His presence is danger
He'll love me now but ,
Tomorrow he's a player
There's not one day he doesn't cross my mind...
Why am i inlove with a person who doesn't pay me any mind?
....doesn't give me the day or time!
... But why? Is it his soft lips or ,
how he holds me just for a little bit..
until he wants more , more & more im scared so i run out that door .. he's back to ignoring me because i don't give him what he wants he's back to loving all those *****! & I'm just STUCK inlove with a stranger.
1.0k · Sep 2013
sweetie pie Sep 2013
Im just supposed to like you ?
Naah im good.
Not to put u down or mess with your man hood.
not to sound conceited or stuck up.
But if you hear lies your whole life you would do the same stuff.
That sweet talking **** is nothing.
The hi beautiful , what are you doing ?
The i love you but i don't really know you.
The im not like other guys let me show you.
You all are using the same lines. The same foolish ****. The same pointless lies.
But .. guess what ? I've finally learned the game
You know the one where u "like" us but we end up getting played? The one where you play with are minds until we catch feelings.. about a week after that we'll need some healing. You'll take the feelings throw them away say you never liked us & throw it in are face that you just wanted one thing didn't give it so you got erased. Ya'll act like having hoes is godly & that yall should all be praised **** BOYS.. im done
Playing this game.
921 · Sep 2013
Miss me
sweetie pie Sep 2013
I really want you to miss me.
Not "imu" but "i miss you lene"
I want you to notice that I'm gone.
Because you frustrate me but your never@home
But see when i am.. its nunu shutup ****!
Is get out my face do the ****** dishes.
It's not my fault you're hungry.
Well it's not my fault you don't have money.
If you didn't want a kid why did u have me?
I woulda been happier to be in a basked..
Awaiting for a stranger to see me on his doorstep.
Because you see that silence hurts when i tell you something important.
You see they say I'm loud at school but at home she's unwanted..
894 · Oct 2013
sweetie pie Oct 2013
I shouldn't be forced to live in this ****** up world.. it's no fair.
877 · Sep 2013
baby boy you different..
sweetie pie Sep 2013
Ok.. so i kinda think i found him
He's cute and is a positive person..
I like him.
Yea i think i do ..
but im not sure, ya know?
Cause boys "like" u but end up like ghost.
But he's different.. i like his vibe
He's different.. so imma give him a try
818 · Jul 2013
bad ..
sweetie pie Jul 2013
I don't wanna hurt you
That's why i put up caution signs
I wanna make it clear since u seem so blind
You wont listen to the warnings i give
You are cute but to sensitive
Its not because of you but other males
Who turned the sweetheart into a *****
which will soon turn a sweet boy into a *******
Its not nothin new , that's just how the world goes.
728 · Oct 2013
The usual..
sweetie pie Oct 2013
Today i was feeling sad, as usual.
So i starting crying, you know the usual?
What can make me feel better?
The cigarette shorts my mom left here.
The whine i always mix with my juice.
After that i do the usual..
Sit here, in this cold house alone.
Even tho it's my mom's day off she doesn't wanna be home!
Or even worse, she doesn't wanna be with me.
As i come down from my buzz
I notice that I'm still sad and still wanna fuss.
But hey, at least for 15 minutes my problems went away.
It's not like my mom is gonna have something to say.
She'll just by more liquor that'll come up missing the next day..
When I'm sad again and will have something else to cry about,
Don't feel bad for me..
it's just the usual.
711 · Jul 2013
let's live.
sweetie pie Jul 2013
When im not high im low.
Were young lets drink,eat and smoke.
Lets party until everything is sore.
Wake up in a strange place and figure out how to get home.

Lets enjoy these days ,
Lets make memories.
Were living in are moms house
Everythings ****** free!

Forget about tomorrow
Lets all have fun
Get caught for curfew , get caught using drugs.
Every single day is Friday

Every single day is a piece of cake.
All you have to do is live.
Stand up for what's right ,
Don't fall for the *******

Go to sleep late , wake up late
Go to bonfires , go on dates
Don't care about what they all say
Because this is the youngest you'll be
Before any forward days.

This came from being a teenager and it being summer and thinking about how we can take advantage of us being young.
654 · Jul 2013
i think its the burn
sweetie pie Jul 2013
I think its the burn..
That keeps me so happy
It may feel good , but it makes me look sloppy
Not being able to control myself is getting normal
The burn of the drink sinks in like soil
Pour me up a drink hurry hurry before i get back sober and have to live unblurry
I know im not an alcoholic but it feels like that's what I'm becoming.
651 · Oct 2013
sweetie pie Oct 2013
No one understands
Not even a lil bit
I'm always the mean stuck up *****
No one really knows
no one comments on the nice feelings i show
you see i yelled at a boy who wouldn't get out my face.
But i also gave five dollars to another body earlier that day.
But guess what the talks about?
About how i just snapped and tried to hurt him.
but if i just cry in side I'm acting different. Take some steps in my shoes.
Just take a couple.. take your time because it's double the trouble because your not used to being alone your used to having dinner server when you arrive home
sweetie pie Aug 2013
I ****** up just a lil bit
but when will you get over it?
it feels like i cant do anything right
you'll hold this against me until a other life.
Im sorry.
I really am ive never been so sorry..
so its like ****?
Can you except my apology this one time?
Even if it doesnt make everything fine.
im stuck here alone , like this is teaching me a lesson
When in reality it just has me going into depression
In need of a session.
But im kinda tired of this ****..
if it was any other kid youll be over it
But its different because im the most hated.
MOM when will u get over it ?
616 · Aug 2013
im weak.
sweetie pie Aug 2013
What if i wanna cry for no reason?
what if i yawned.
Stop asking me why im crying.
Its obvious im just not strong.
581 · Aug 2013
Im waiting.
sweetie pie Aug 2013
Laying on the tracks , waiting on the train.
Sitting under the clouds , waiting on the rain.
sittin here sad tryna get rid of the pain.
Pain pain go away come back on another day.
But i shouldnt have to say this everyday.
When i cross the streets i dont look both ways.
Sitting here alive , waiting on death.
i wanna look pretty when i take my last breath.
Im waiting.
Waiting to see how soft my casket is.
Im waiting.
Cant wait until im done with this ****.
555 · Sep 2013
they used all the love up.
sweetie pie Sep 2013
I might be wrong
but in my eyes are generation doesn't love.
Maybe there was a expiration date back then
That if you'd liked someone you'd better make it quick.
The older generation took are love..
& now brainwash us saying all types of stuff
Like " your to young to fall inlove"
Because you see , true young love are only in old movies.
They took it away as if we didn't deserve it.
They took are love , put it up & now we struggle to do lovely stuff.. don't ask about this because they don't admit it. They have all are love & won't give us ****!
555 · Sep 2013
i guess
sweetie pie Sep 2013
You don't know me but let's act like you do.
When you say you love me I'll say I'll love you to.
Lets fake it until we make it, i guess.
535 · Aug 2013
i love the dark.
sweetie pie Aug 2013
I guess ive never been scared of the dark
i guess ive always loved it.
It hides all my flaws & ****.
you cant say im ugly. you cant say im tall.
You"ll be forced to listen to my personally & my call.
Because you can hear my voice & hear my movement.
you cant hear my smile & you cant hear my touch.
Ill always be more than enough.. in the dark.
Everyones equal , you dont have to be shy!
Its so much easier to just cry.
You & i have the same amount of pride.
Why is everyone looking for the light ? when its so much easier living at night.
Im not scared of the dark , im in love with it.

— The End —