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Feb 2014 · 391
The painting
In the dark and shabby room, lies a picture
The portrait of a beautiful girl
Signed by the anonymous
There lay the picture for years

Her fair glow lighted the room
The perfect dame for every groom
She seemed to have been waiting
Was it her end or a new beginning?

The white gown was sparkling
The moon lighted the gathering
Even though it was finally happening
She looked more like in mourning

That perfect beautiful dress
Yet her face failed to impress
The drops from her eyes
Clearly reflected her cries
The picture of a beautiful girl
Alas! A scene always to remember
Behind in a small corner rested him
Silently, peacefully in a black coffin**

Feb 2014 · 832
The mistress
I hate you
I really do
I hate your black curly hair
Your white glow, Oh! Why are you so fair?
I hate your attitude
I like you, I don’t need your gratitude
Your charm, why is it so irresistible
Love is evol, it’s just terrible
Like a pampered princess you are treated
With impossible demands, you always dominated
Your sweetness melts me every time
Why does your cute names makes my heart rhyme?
Your smile is a dream come true
So much humiliation I endure to satisfy you
Your thoughts are always on my mind
For you till late night I stay online
Like a ***** you stole my heart
For you I keep on trying so hard
Who do you think you are?
Couldn’t you just stayed afar?
You say you don’t love me
But you don’t even leave me
An obedient toy you made me
Purely hypnotized by your beauty
I hate you
I really do
- Swarnabh
Feb 2014 · 783
The Martyr
Sweet child of mine
Thy time hath come
Fought since thou birth
Thee knew no fear

Categorized as a vigilant
Battled for the country
Wounded in the struggle
For peace and prosperity

Was criticized and mocked
Accused as a rebel
Arrested and even tortured
But thou carried on

Bombed the central parliament
Succeeded but was hanged
Left with a smile
Thou found thy paradise
This poem is a tribute to the legendary Indian freedom fighter Bhagat Singh. He gave his life in the struggle for Independence of India.
Feb 2014 · 392
The Last Song
Love will last long                  
Till goes mine song
Once upon holy time
Fair dame took mine

Left hate for love
That lady like dove
Soft glow bind mine
Love life, good time

They mock mine bard
Alas! They were hard
Thou left, fair girl
Hate mine face ever

Tear drop fell mine
Thee left, rose hell
Lost mine, still bide
Alas! thou hath died
This poem has been written in the form of a quad. A quad is my own creation. It is a poem having 4 paragraphs, each paragraph has 4 sentences, each sentence has 4 words and each word has 4 letters.
Feb 2014 · 298
The Flow
High above in the sky
Like a bird she flies
She watches you all the time
She is the founder of every rhyme
She was there when you took your first step
She was there when you when you made your biggest mistake
She was there when you found the depth
She was there when you cried and wept
High above in the sky
Waiting for none, she just passes by
Feb 2014 · 428
Teacher’s special
The second greatest gift from the lord
Who shaped my entire form,
From knowledge to education
You taught me with love and dedication

The subjects I used to hate
You made them my craze,
Like a messiah from above you came
My archaic and savage mind you tamed

I was always a loner and quite serious
But you made me gregarious
When I disobeyed you scolded me so many times
And angrily I would reply back in the same rhyme

For all my past sins I apologize
Today I will make you smile...
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
The smoke never seems to cease
In it most people decease
We understand it
And yet we don't
People spend their lives
Searching for the will to survive
Until they abandon all hope
And vanish in the smoke
The smoke cloaks our life
To find the smoke we strive
I don't want to live in this life anymore
Haunt me no more
Take me away smoke
I have abandoned all hope
Feb 2014 · 547
School Days
The sun glared at me furiously
My mum hugged me tightly
Dad pulled my hand and started walking
But I continued crying and shouting

"You have to go to school son"
"But daddy why can't I stay with mum?"
"It's your first day, stop being a cry baby"
"I don't want to go daddy"

The huge building stared at me like a stranger
As if it was saying, "Here comes another"
Strange unknown faces everywhere
All of them crying like hell

The teachers were kind and caring
But only the students shared a common bonding
We looked at each other's weepy faces
And a friendship aroused that lasted ages

Break was the time for sharing
But soon it became the time for snatching
Earlier there was plenty
But in the later years, food soon became a scarcity

First it was parents
With all the brains
Then came the teachers
But finally it was friends who became the preachers

The bond started with friendships
But later came new relationships
Fights aroused different sides were taken
But true friendship was never broken

Class was the time for chatting
Tuition was the time for learning
Exam was the time for cramming
And results were the time for praying

Earlier day before exam was the time to study
And marks still were satisfactory
But later study all the time
Yet marks were never mine

Open day was the day we feared to share
The parents-teachers nightmare
Our dark deeds would be exposed
And dad would never let bygones be bygones

Here it began
Here it will end
Here's where we grew up
Here's where we loved to come

It began in tears
And it is going to end in tears
These memories I'll forever gaze
As I end my school days....
Feb 2014 · 638
Gone are the days of all play and no work
When life was never bore
The day went watching teletubbies
Without any worry of studies
Early to sleep and late to rise
Kept me shining and bright
My favorite was Superman
Like him I wish I could ran
I can never forget dearest Mickey
The one show I loved to see
But Pokémon was the best of the best
And the coolest of the rest
No matter where I gazed
I would always be praised
So many games to play
All those kept me happy and gay
I remembered my favorite past time
The game where I spend most of my time
The pencils were my army
And the pens, my enemy
The battle would go on
Till all the pens were gone
Those days were so fun
When everything was easily done
Though those times have begun to cease
They will forever remain in my memories..........
Feb 2014 · 333
Endless melody
She’s the soul I live for
The companion never abandoning my side
She soothes me in every mood
Never betraying me in times of need and desperation
Her voice calms me every time
Her soft melody warms my mind
Lady music, for you I sing this rime (:
Feb 2014 · 317
Confessions Of Love
I’m not going to say some lame line
Like “you have stolen my heart”
I’m just going to say what I feel
When I see you, I feel something in my heart
It can’t be expressed but if feels good
I just can’t stop myself from staring at you
But when you leave, I feel alone and depressed
Your image keeps coming in front of me
I keep hearing your voice
And it just kills me inside
I’m not interested in romancing
I just want hold your hand, look at you
And tell you how much i love you
I won’t promise that I’ll love you till I die
I can’t predict the future
But as long as you are here with me
Nothing can stop me from loving you…..
Feb 2014 · 875
Season’s Greetings
25th of December
Came Christ the redeemer
Emerged the age of Christianity
The largest in the history of humanity
Along rose the Church and the Pope
Jerusalem gave people a new hope
The 12 apostles followed his sign
Spreading the words of Jesus Christ
But good never comes without its parallèle
And it came in the form of Pontius Pilate
30 pieces of silver satisfied Judas
A man's greed killed Jesus
Betrayed but never abandoned
Crucified and yet reformed
Two days passed after that cursed Friday
And he returned on Easter Sunday
Easter came with the Easter bunny
Began the egg hunt, entertaining so many
And then came the best of the best
The festival which cloaked the rest
Jingle bells, reindeers, mistletoe
It won the hearts of both young and old
Began the Christmas fever
T'was delightful for every believer
The quest for the right tree
The perfect gifts for family
Even the children were not left behind
Santa Claus brought their shine
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, *****, Comet, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen, and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Made his coming a sight to remember
The lovely winter announced its coming
And spring notified its leaving
The glorious season made everyone gay
The white snow, the one horse open sleigh
Carols made Christmas melodious
The community greetings made it glorious
A holiday Longly waited for
A season always remembered for
Christmas, the time of joy and love
Enjoy this season and await a new year with a fresh beginning and hope...
Feb 2014 · 1.9k
A decade ago
A small child cried
With all his might he tried
But he still lost to Don Bosco    

He came and conquered the arena
Along with hundreds of companions
But from his first day began the division
Lachit, Phukan, Bordoloi and Bezbaruah

The teachers dominated him
Homework increased his load
6 hours soon became a bore
The strict discipline frustrated him

He survived only for friendship
Together they defied the rules
To resist he rarely brought his books
With the teachers he created a bitter relationship

The school responded quite effectively
Punishments soon became frequent
Parents were called often
Indiscipline was not tolerated so easily

When he roused to secondary
He realized it wasn't like he had though before
His hatred was no more
He now began to see everything differently

He saw the teacher's love and care
All the hardships they had suffered
He repented those he cursed
So much hardships they had to bare

He changed his attitude
He paid attention in class
He began to get positive remarks
The teachers loved his new look

Not a single favor he denied
Without questions he obeyed every order
To win their love he kept on going farther
For their trust he strived

Finally he got what he wanted
His fame spread among them
Every teacher began to know his name
The boy on whom they could depend

Today he is about to leave Don Bosco    
All those memories will just remain as a phase
Never to forget till his last days
Those years seems just like a minute ago

The boy is now a man
He laughs when he remembers those memories
The fun they had will never cease
He knows most won't understand

"No matter how hard you try to learn,
You'll never know the perks of being a Bosconian"  
                                                                                 - Swarnabh
                                                                               6:22 pm,  12/10/13
Feb 2014 · 547
The poetess
She writes with a poet's passion
Emancipating her strong feminist emotions
The reader's filled with ecstasy
Simply in love with her rich vocabulary
Her words so strong
Her rhymes, shares a rich bond
The ebullience with which she writes
Graceful, always with a smile
Her devices so prepossessing
Simply mesmerizing every being
There is nothing she can’t conceptualize
There is nothing she can’t contrive
Her every world is magical
Her flair, simply phenomenal
Her ingenuity is myriad
Her world is simply red
Her creations, so enthralling and ardent
It can send people into a dreamland
Her eyes sees a different world
An enchanting, mystical land of words
Her rendition is stupendous
Her imagination is tremendous
She illuminates like an anecdote
Capturing the reader with her word
The writer so passionate
Her works, so easy to impress
She’s the poetess of mine
And she writes this rime
Feb 2014 · 502
I breathe the black air
Fruits of endless toil
I see the red everywhere
Signs of disobedience
I taste the food of woe
Made from failure
I feel the cage around
Gifts of superiority
I hear the silent voices
Crying for empathy
I still haven't given up hope
Always searching for that tiny beam... (:

— The End —