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 Jan 2012 Suzan
 Jan 2012 Suzan
I work as a bagboy at a local grocery, and today, a woman
Stained white blouse
Offered to pray for me as thanks for my service.
Godless, simply replied,
No thank you,
I can handle that myself.

Later I was marching around the parking lot, hunting for carts
Like a mother for missing children when I spotted
An elderly couple. Their hands joined
As they shuffled into the mouth of the store. I was still outside when
They left, and noticed then that they held hands only at the palm, fingers
Resting clumsily upon each other. The both of them, I now noticed,
Suddenly I wished I could
Will myself back an hour
And tell the lady with the stained white blouse,
Pray that arthritis is cured.

— The End —