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3.1k · Sep 2013
I Am Poem
I am a dreamer and a dancer
I wonder if I will ever find the answers
I hear students chatting between classes
I see campus filled with the masses
I want to be noticed
I am a dreamer and a dancer

I pretend I know what I’m doing
I feel like something big is brewing
I touch my confidence to bring it to the surface
I worry I’ll never find my purpose
I cry at the thought of losing passion
I am a dreamer and a dancer

I am a dreamer and a dancer
I understand success isn’t easy
I say I won’t let that phase me
I dream of seeing my name in lights
I try to take my understanding to new heights
I hope I leave this world a better place
I am a dreamer and a dancer
Many of you have probably heard of the I Am Poem. We had to do it in English and I felt obligated to post it here.
1.2k · Jul 2013
i want to travel
i long for the sound of crunching gravel
beneath my feet
as i climb a mountain to its defeat
i long for the song of crashing waves
under the stars while i misbehave
with my lover by my side
from the rest of the world we will hide
1000 · Sep 2013
why do I even bother
when i wrote my poetry in a book it didnt matter
how many likes i had
how many views i grabbed
all that mattered was that i set my feelings free
but you see,
i am my own worst critic
writing my own scathing reviews until my wrists are arthritic
then what am i left with?
two *** wrists and an ache the size of Madrid
i dont know why i bother to publish my mind
another sick twisted jab at my soul aligned
with my heart
well my heart cant take it anymore
my mind is sore
time to give up the criticism
time to give up isolationism
745 · Jul 2013
a poem from my boyfriend.
"I'm happy like when you find that missing shoe.
I'm happy like when there is extra potatoes in your stew.
You make me happier than you will ever know.
This poem here is to try and show.
I'm not too good with rhymes so it'll be short.
I hope it makes you laugh; maybe even snort."
This made me so happy. I had to share it.
623 · Jul 2013
ive never been afraid of heights
but judging on how high you take me, i just might
be turning into a coward
you see, no ones ever had the power
to completely ruin me
yet, you speak my language so fluently
ive discovered my fear rests not in heights but in falling
i want nothing more than to jump upon hearing your calling
so here i go, im going to leap free
im trusting you to catch me
this sadness is something i cannot break
i hope is dissipates when i awake
my ****** rhyming makes me feel worse
my head and heart just may burst
there is so specific reason for my sadness
just another sign of the madness
that i call my mind
it does not matter how kind
or patient i am to myself
no amount of wealth
no amount of joy
can make me happy without my boy
515 · Nov 2013
in the end
they all said we would never last
but in the end, you couldn't get over your past
we told everyone that we would prove them wrong
but in the end, we just found we didn't belong
I still love you I swear I do
but in the end, we had to accept what everyone already knew
471 · Jul 2013
sun's shine
his sunshine makes me feel new
in a way i thought could never be true
for a girl like me
maybe his rays are the key
to a happiness i have never known
his touch melts me to the very bone
this summer i captured the suns shine
and i am on cloud nine
447 · Jul 2013
it would be so easy for me to give up
this whole college thing never filled my cup
papers pile up and i feel helpless
swimming  in my mess
who needs an education
what i need is an investigation
of what my future holds
time to see what life unfolds
not my best.
447 · Jul 2013
i often feel as if my poetry is inferior
i find it difficult to find words superior
to my third grade poetry skills
words that can cause chills
to raise on the back of your neck
my obvious rhymes make me a wreck
i gave up on proper grammar
confusing lines make my readers stammer
they say practice makes perfect
well my dear they are incorrect
440 · Jun 2013
Lost and Found
For four ******* years you have dragged me along
Just when I am about to give up, you sing your song
I become enchained in your melody
Suddenly forgetting what you do to me
But now I have met someone new
With a song so pure
a song that can cure
Don't say I didn't give you a chance
I have broken from your trance
I did everything I could do
I am tired of sitting around
I am not your lost and found
432 · Jul 2013
time to grow up
as adult life comes inevitably down the track
i see no sign of turning back
back to the life i once knew
the life where it didnt matter who
payed the bills
or funded the thrills
as adult life comes inevitably down the track
i beg for childhood to take me back
354 · Feb 2014
I know why I'm so scared to be alone.
When I am alone there are no distractions
I can see and feel who I now am
I don't know who she is
When I'm alone I can't hide behind the facade
I'm broken and sad
But I don't want anyone to really see
But when it's only me
There is no one to hide behind
No where to run
No where to escape
This is the time I have to face the reality
Of the foreign feeling inside of me

— The End —