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Dec 2015 · 448
Susanna Carey Dec 2015
My hands are bruised and bleeding
I have tears running down my face
I'm laying on the cold hard ground
Praying for God to show me grace

I'm not sure how I got to this part
So upset that I had to act out
Something was hurting my heart
All I could do was pout

I'm not an attention *****
Sometimes I need to speak my mind
But something in me needed more
So I left the words behind

Here I am on my ground crying
Hoping this will one day pass
Laying open on the floor
Like broken shattered glass
Dec 2015 · 306
Susanna Carey Dec 2015
My dreams turned into nightmares
My smiles turned to tears
My skin turned into scars
My days turned into years
My joy turned into pain
My sweet turned into sour
My sunshine turned into rain
I have lost all of my power
Aug 2015 · 434
Susanna Carey Aug 2015
Fight she said
You are not a quitter
I won't let you end up dead.

Look up she told me
You can't close your eyes now
I need you to see.

Keep going she encouraged
You are worthy girl
I won't let you get discouraged.

I love you I whisper
I will stay strong
I love you sister.
Aug 2015 · 352
Susanna Carey Aug 2015
Ending my life is not an option
So what am I going to do?
Pick up my fists and prepare for battle
Cause I'm fighting this war through.
Aug 2015 · 331
Temporary Home
Susanna Carey Aug 2015
In this home I feel broken
My soul is beaten
My heart is frozen
My chest is heavy from tension
I can't breathe anymore
And I still can't grasp your attention.
Jul 2015 · 291
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
Oceans deep
Waters blue
Wanting love
Only wanting you
Jul 2015 · 280
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
Tears running down my face
Only seeking your embrace
I can't hold on for much longer
I thought I was much stronger
Please come save me from this hell
I need you, can't you tell?
My heart is broken and bleeding
I'm laying on the floor pleading
For my life
For you...
Jul 2015 · 275
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
Stand in the rain
Do it with your heart on fire
Fight through the pain
Let your goals aspire

Stand your ground
Be an inspiration
Wear your joy like a crown
You are God's creation
Jul 2015 · 442
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
Do you like it when I'm in pain?
I know you think it's a game
But your insults remain
And still I take all the blame

Who are you to take away my happiness?
Leaving me beaten and broken
I am consumed by this madness

Why is this world so cruel?
I can't take it anymore
I am a complete fool

You call me an ugly *****
And I am the one to apologize
My heart is torn

Why do I do this to myself?
I don't think you seem to realize
What your doing should make you hate yourself
But that feeling is the other way around
And in these chains I am bound
Jul 2015 · 206
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
I really do love you
But you don't feel the same
I know how to treat you
But you think this is a game

I need to tell you how I feel
These emotions are burning a hole in my heart
I need to know if this is real
Please, I don't want to be apart

I want to show you my heart
But you push me away
I need to tell you
I guess I'll have to wait another day
Jul 2015 · 244
Love me
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
Breathe into me
Show me you care
Tell me you love me
Cause baby I'm scared

Kiss me with your compassion
Do it with lust
Make it passionate
Baby you must

Love me hard
Fall for me everyday
Make our love barred
And never walk away
Jul 2015 · 250
Tell me
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
Tell me you love me
Tell me it will all be okay
Tell me you know how it feels
Tell me it will all fade one day
Tell me I'm strong
Tell me I have so much more to give
Tell me they were wrong
Tell me I should live
Just tell me please, honestly that's all I need right now babe
Jul 2015 · 215
I can't
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
I'm lost
I'm broken
And I can't see the light

I'm hurting
I'm tired
And I'm filled with fright

I'm cold
I'm done
And I can't stand one more night
Jul 2015 · 327
My Love
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
Treat me with respect
And I'll treat you with same
Don't play with my feelings
This isn't a game

Hold me tight
And I'll show you my heart
Don't leave me alone
I might fall apart

Show me your heart
And I'll show you my affection
Don't turn your back on me babe
I need your protection
Jul 2015 · 278
Well okay
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
You think I talk too much
Well okay
Cause guess what?
I have nothing left to say

You call me fat
Well okay
Cause guess what?
I slit my wrists everyday

You hate me
Well *******
Cause guess what?
I hate myself too
Jul 2015 · 321
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
I'm preparing for war
I need to settle the score
Between me, myself and my demons

I'm just going to fight
To get through the night
I need to end this battle in my mind

I'm going to live through it
I know I can do this
Be prepared to meet your maker

I'm have to keep fighting for the prize
To make it to sunrise
I know I will finish this
Jul 2015 · 744
My guiding light
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
Be my comforter
Be my light
Guide me slowly
Hold me tight
I'm lost
I'm broken
I don't know what to do
Take my hand
Don't walk away
Lead me to something new
Open my eyes
Guide me when I'm lonely
I need you big sis
To show me the path when I'm lost and in pain
I don't know what to do
I'll say it again
Please I need you
Don't ever leave
I can't do this without you
You are my guiding light
Jul 2015 · 322
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
I looked into the mirror
I started to cry
All I see is a broken figure
I honestly think I should die
I don't want to feel this pain
All my friends can't tell
I am so ashamed
I really just want to yell
At myself
At my demons
Scare them away from me
Cast them off into the sea
Jul 2015 · 313
One more day
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
My greatest flaw is self destruction
I tear myself apart until I cannot function
I never would of thought I would end up this way
Fighting for my life every day
Tears run down my face
I don't belong in this place
I'm waiting for a savior to take me away
Yet I'm still here for one more day
Jul 2015 · 262
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
She was happy
She wouldn't tell anybody why
She no longer conformed to society
She no longer wanted to cry
She but down her blade
She looked up to the sky
She didn't cared about how much
she weighed
She was no longer afraid
She could finally see
She took a deep breath a spoke
"My ultimate healer has healed me"
Jul 2015 · 227
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
Living and breathing
But slowly still bleeding
I can't control my thoughts
My heart is in knots
I take a look in the mirror
My ugly image is ever so clearer
I punch myself in the chest
Hoping I will find rest
If my heart just stopped
My emotions would be blocked
But it doesn't work that way
I end up fighting another day
Jul 2015 · 269
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
As she looked up into the sky
She no more wished to die
For after all her days of being shoved
She was finally loved
And she knew in her heart
That she was a work of art
She put down the blade
Her best friend came to her aid
"You can always count on me
No matter how dark it is and you can't see"
Jul 2015 · 289
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
I looked in the mirror and asked myself why
As I slowly started to cry
Nobody knew How much I was hurting
And then the blood started spurting
I look at my blade and see my reflection
"You're the only one who shows me affection"
I cry louder and louder and start to scream
"This is all just a dream!"
I can't take this anymore
People I love just walk out the door
They are starting to think I'm crazy
Telling me I don't try because I'm lazy
Take a chance on me
And maybe you'll be able to see
The person you think I am
Isn't me.
Jul 2015 · 298
The last night
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
She turned to her best friend
Before her story came to an end
"I need help!" She cried
"It's gonna be okay" she heard her friend say
But she cut herself anyway
"I can't control it" she cried
She cut herself so much that she died
Her best friend was the only person who cried
Jul 2015 · 255
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
The hurt in my eyes is all that has to be said
Sometimes I know I'm better off dead
The pain is the only thing I can feel
Knowing it's the one thing that's real
Sorrow consuming everything thought
Slowly losing everything I've got
Darkness closing all around
Still I don't make a single sound
Evil fills the void inside
This life's not one I'll confide
still I'll fight for one more day
But I don't think I want to stay
This life is slowly tearing me apart
it's too much strain on my heart
At my funeral people will say
"She fought until her very last day"
Jul 2015 · 277
Susanna Carey Jul 2015
I avoid the mirror
at all costs
It's a sad reminder of
Who i am
What I was
And mostly what I have lost

I haven't got the strength
To try and stay strong
I have been on my own
For so **** long
It's easier that way
I keep on getting it wrong
So I will just stay here on my own
Because that's where I belong
I am just a broken record
Repeating the same sad song

I say that I am okay
But we both know
that I am not
Just to raise
The smallest of smiles
Takes everything I got

I cannot disguise
The sadness behind my eyes
I will tell you that I am ok
But you know it is lies
I smile on the outside
But I am crying inside
Telling you how I feel
Would just destroy me
And my foolish pride

— The End —