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848 · Jun 2015
Make it rain!
Supriya Jun 2015
Raindrops kissed the hollow tree trunk
It was the first time she had witnessed this scene
It was a joyous occasion for the baby chipmunk
Her home had got a pristine sheen.

The emerald leaves soon lost their wet glow
The sunrays raidiated their characterized sharpness
When would mother nature once again bestow
The parched planet with this watery happiness?

The chipmunk had but one demand of his mother
Mother, please make it rain
That no one can manipulate weather
Was an explanation quite mundane.

Unable to calm the innocent thing
The mother summoned her winged friend
The Nightingale exhibited her talent to sing
But the baby still wailed to no end.

The monkey held a show spectacular
By showing the baby numerous tricks
His tricks did win an audience popular
But for the baby, making it rain was the only fix.

Suddenly an idea occurred to the mother worried
She requested the assistance of the elephant
He agreed to help her succeed
In this unique experiment.

The elephant filled his trunk with water
And wet the baby with a playful splash
The mother felt relieved seeing her daughter
Finally revel in the soothing hydro flash.
809 · Jun 2015
Make it rain...
Supriya Jun 2015
Raindrops kissed the hollow tree trunk
It was the first time she had witnessed this scene
It was a joyous occasion for the baby chipmunk
Her home had got a pristine sheen.

The emerald leaves soon lost their wet glow
The sunrays radiated their characterized sharpness
When would mother nature once again bestow
The parched planet with this watery happiness?

The chipmunk had but one demand of his mother
Mother, please make it rain
That no one can manipulate weather
Was an explanation quite mundane.

Unable to calm the innocent thing
The mother summoned her winged friend
The Nightingale exhibited her talent to sing
But the baby still wailed to no end.

The monkey held a show spectacular
By showing the baby numerous tricks
His tricks did win an audience popular
But for the baby, making it rain was the only fix.

Suddenly an idea occurred to the mother worried
She requested the assistance of the elephant
He agreed to help her succeed
In this unique experiment.

The elephant filled his trunk with water
And wet the baby with a playful splash
The mother felt relieved seeing her daughter
Finally revel in the soothing hydro flash.
694 · Apr 2015
The timeless beauty...
Supriya Apr 2015
He saw her soft flowing mane
Bouncing gracefully over her waist lean
She looked peaceful, she looked serene
What they shared together neither could explain.
She quickly pulled back her hair in a pony tail
How could he like them now that they were so thin and frail?

He looked into her expressive grey eyes
They were as deep as the oceans great
Gazing into them for eternity he could wait
They never betrayed her feelings, they looked wise.
She quickly covered them with her spectacles
How could he like them now with those dark circles?

His gaze moved over to her perfect smile
It had always had a mesmerizing effect
It still sent his heart racing the last time he checked
It added to her elegance, it added to her style.
She quickly stopped smiling to smoothen all the wrinkles
How could he like them now without those deep deep dimples!

Her appearance had changed over time
But he still remembered her as the beautiful young girl he had met years ago
She had a pure soul and a divine glow
Which had only grown manifold in her prime.
No words were needed for her to read his mind
After all age was just a number to be left behind.
651 · May 2015
The kill
Supriya May 2015
He looked at the man on the other side
Knowing what needed to be done
He clutched the weapon, used and tried
His ordeal had once again begun.

He could hear his heartbeat loud and clear
With shaking hands he took his aim
His poker face hiding the fear
One more life he was about to claim.

The bullet slipped out of the muzzle
He tried to guess whether it had found its mark
He got the answer to this puzzle
When from the other end there was a spark.

He hid himself out of view
To try his luck one more time
This time his bullet did pierce through
As he finally executed the crime.

One more added to his bloodied list
He felt so proud, he felt relieved
He was lucky to still exist
Yet he never cried, he never grieved.

He always looked death in the eyes
Feeling it all around
The bloodshed and the wailing cries
Of the men he killed fallen on the ground.

The thousands lying motionless
Some still writhing in pain
These were innocent men in distress
Nonetheless he would do it again.

This is just another day for you and me
As through sun and rain he will stand
Ignoring every wish of his family
To sacrifice for his motherland
645 · Apr 2015
The brand new shoes.
Supriya Apr 2015
He beamed at the pair of shoes he held
Looking trendy, shining black
He had brought them for his son Jack
With pride his chest swelled!

He had worked for months together
To fulfill his son's desire
He could no more take Jack's ire
For failing to get the crafted leather.

Today being Jack's 6th birthday
These shoes were a surprise present
He knew for Jack, how much these meant
For these very shoes, Jack would secretly pray!

His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden plea
A child exactly his son's age stood in the scorching heat
The blazing sun scalding his tiny feet
The child's plight he couldn't bear to see.

He instantly gave the boy the shoes polished
The boy's face lit up like a million stars bright!
His innocence couldn't hide his delight!
Oh how could he get so effortlessly what he had wished?

He saw the boy use the shoes on the roasting land.
Once again he had to face Jack empty handed
He prayed for Jack to be in bed
That life could sometimes be complicated, how could a six year old understand?
616 · May 2015
Summer days
Supriya May 2015
Light pours in through my open window pane
The warmth waking me up earlier than usual
Sunrise before six, in summer this is a ritual
I want to go back to sleep again!

Summer reminds me of the golden days
When we went bicycling all day long
When we hummed our favourite song
But now those days are just a haze!

Summers mean tasty, cool juices
Popsicles and colas iced
Jackfruits and mangoes sliced
Summer definitely has its uses!

Summers are bright sunshine lifting my mood
They motivate me to sweat and lose some weight
Summer has its charms to which all of us relate
Summer makes me feel refreshed and renewed!
595 · Apr 2015
Supriya Apr 2015
Butterfly delicate butterfly
Fleeting everywhere
Like a million stars in the sky
Prancing here and there.

Butterfly delicate butterfly
Disguised in a dozen colors
Taking a leap so high
Letting go all the fears.

Butterfly delicate butterfly
For a journey such as yours
With every moment passing by
Your tiny mind matures.

Butterfly delicate butterfly
What can we learn from you?
That life is never on standby
There's always something new.
592 · May 2015
Supriya May 2015
He wakes up everyday to the same thought
That his diseased body is healed
A miracle waiting to be revealed
Its a battle everyday to be fought.

Like above, miracles are the most misunderstood lot
They don't just happen
That they are experienced by extraordinary men
Is not what needs to be taught.

Men work hard to weave what we call miracles
They believe in determination and sincerity
They drive mankind towards prosperity
Even when it means facing a million obstacles.

The discovery of the plane giving us wings
The invention of the phone for keeping us connected
The discovery of medicines to prevent us from being infected
Are just few of the miraculous things.

It has taken multiple hours of a human life for these inventions
What if these men too had surrendered to fate
Would we have made the same progress till date?
These miracles have given our life a new dimension!
555 · Mar 2015
Supriya Mar 2015
The alarm goes off and I put it on snooze
It keeps ringing until I finally make truce.
This is one of the many uses of a mobile phone
Is it a pro or is it a con?

I find a quiet corner so I can get some peace
Suddenly the notifications on my phone find a release
But keep the phone on silent so you may say
Alas even on silent it keeps vibrating away.
This is one if the many uses of a mobile phone
Is it a pro or is it a con?

I have skipped work, for today I feel sick
Oh there is an urgent call from work I need to pick
But you can switch the phone off so you may say
But in the wireless era that's a heavy price to pay
This is one of the many uses of a mobile phone
Is it a pro or is it a con?

I am lost in a new place all alone
With enthusiasm I use the gps on my mobile phone!
I ignore the little child trying to give me directions
I realize later I should have shown some affection.
This is one of the many uses of a mobile phone
Is it a pro or is it a con?

I get an idea and i search for a notebook
But I am traveling in a crowded train that I took
With a delight I start typing my idea away
I realize this is the only way
I save my work and feel relieved
God bless the soul who invented mobiles for his deed.
This is one of the many uses of a mobile phone
Is it a pro or is it a con.

Mobiles are devices that shoukd make life easy
But with mobiles everyone just seems busy
Everything in moderation is the best solution
Anything in excess only leads to destruction.
Its for us to decide how best to use its benefits
Or soon mobile phones may become extinct.

There are many uses of a mobile phone
Is it a pro or is it a con?
543 · May 2015
The Wedlock.
Supriya May 2015
The mirror reflected a glowing bride
She knew that they never lied
Her life had gained a hectic pace
Inside her raging a turmoil emotional
Their wedding was an affair traditional
She exuded charm, she exuded grace.

The groom was an old family friend
It was love at first sight she would pretend
Though she barely knew him
She was expected to behave a certain way
In taking major decisions she had no say
This was her life, not some nonsensical film.

The ceremony was a grand affair
She had so many memories to share
Slowly she started falling for her better half.
The prospect of spending her life with him was alluring
Suddenly her life was about to get exciting.
Happily she stifled a barely audible laugh.

She waited for her dark knight
When he came she would be a sight
To behold for the rest of his life
He came in silently, not making a sound
She was a queen waiting to be crowned
She was now this man's wife.

In a laboured movement he went to the bed
Desperately trying to forget this girl he had wed.
Pulling the covers he slept cursing under his breath
Confused she looked closer to see a photograph in his hand
Her heart broke seeing the picture of a gorgeous woman on a nearby stand
The love she felt died a silent death.
533 · Apr 2015
Mountain days...
Supriya Apr 2015
The sunrays fall on the misty hills
Making the dew drops appear like crystals clear
Seems like the plants too shed a tear
As the night departs with its chills.

A light breeze sways the jungle dense
The leaves rustle in a melody
The chirping birds join the symphony
As the divine music makes perfect sense.

The flowers blossom in various shades
A host of natural bouquets
The rain drizzles in light sprays
Over the trees and over the blades.

This natural beauty lasts for hours few
As dusk starts to creep in with its shadows
There is not a sound anymore in the meadows
Only the crickets chirp taking their clue.

The fog sets in once again
As the process will repeat itself tomorrow
Just as joy always replaces sorrow
The sun will encore brighten this terrain!
493 · Apr 2015
The Sands of Time....
Supriya Apr 2015
The vast, grainy ocean in front of me
Compels me to find an escape
I see shadows but not a single breathing shape
Yet the ocean stretches on for eternity.

I feel famished I feel parched
Mirages ****** my sanity
Its a long way to reality
My legs on the burning sand feel torched!

Suddenly I chance upon a miracle
A fresh, new-born shrub
Wondering, am I being too cynical?

And I am filled with hope, I am filled with will.
I will emulate this Cactus shrub
Something even the harsh desert can't ****.
434 · May 2015
The Good-bye
Supriya May 2015
The doorbell rang at an unearthly hour
This was one of those things bizzare
He looked through the eyehole groggily
Only to find his love, nervous and scared
His stomach knotted as he prepared
To hear some troubled news foggily.

Her face was glowing with a celestial charm
Despite the situation she was unusually calm
Stepping in, she seemed undecided for a while
He held his breath for her to disclose
But her expression for infinity froze
Into a beautiful, angelic smile.

Despite her composed demeanor, he felt something amiss
But she seemed comforted in a heavenly bliss
Finally he relented to her tranquility contagious
They spoke to their hearts content till dawn
She subtly led him to bed, signaling a yawn
Where he finally drowned into several dreams delirious.

Waking up he remembered the night's events with a thrill
He looked for her throughout the house until
His eyes fell on the newspaper slid through the door
The headlines showed a fatal accident, the previous night
With her photo in plain sight
Silently he collapsed to the floor.
426 · Apr 2015
The son if the soil....
Supriya Apr 2015
I start my day at the crack of dawn
Knowing its going to be a hard, labourous one
It doesn't scare me as I am prepared to toil
After all they call me son of the soil!
My sleeping family for now looks content
Being a farmer, I still buy most of my food on rent
Keeping aside these worries I go to the farm
Its just dawn, yet the weather is quite warm.
I start my physically tough job
At the end of the day, they are still going to rob
Me and my family of our right
Yet no one can feel my plight.
My land is barren due to lack of rains
With this year's produce too I have no gains.
I am neck deep in debt now
But the key to a debt free life is no more my plough.
Every moment of the day I am struggling
Now I am exhausted with this non- stop juggling
To provide for my unfortunate family
Why can't they spend even one day happily?
I have fought hard to keep things together
Unfortunately my destiny still depends on the right weather
This will be the last day of my lifelong fight
And yet again, the nation will mourn the death of a farmer as a media bite!
Written for the farmers who toil night and day.
415 · May 2015
Supriya May 2015
She felt a warm, wet, oozy lick
A playful effort to wake her quick
She kissed her tiny friend, warm and furry
Embracing her wiry frame
The kitty, Simba being her name
Jumped out of bed in a scurry.

Playmates they were attached emotionally
Without each other, helpless and lonely
None could bear being away for long
Either feeling low was bad news
The other would soon catch the blues
Their bond was exceptionally strong.

Today, they played hide and go seek
Compelling her mom to finally shriek
To make her get done some chores
Reluctant to leave her game incomplete
As it meant parting with her friend sweet
Unwillingly she went outdoors.

She could not wait to meet the little fur ball
Her continuous purring would impress all
At home, instinct pointed at something being out of place
She saw her mother searching for something nervously
The woman would never misplace anything carelessly
Reality struck, Simba's basket was now just an empty space.

Tears streaming down her face the whole house she ransacked
After hours of searching the kitten still could not be tracked
They told the neighbors, they looked in the park
They asked children playing outside on the street
To get away, so many people, how could this little thing cheat?
Soon it started getting dark.

With coaxing and nudging she finally fell asleep.
In the dark under the blankets at least  she could weep
Sleep eluded her all night
She could only imagine her kitten, somewhere frightened
Her pulse racing, her senses heightened
How would the little one put up a fight?

At last, weary and sad she dozed away
Her friend however did not betray
Her trust as she got her loving wake up ritual
The cat was all along hiding indoors, continuing their game
Waiting for her to find and call out her name.
Their camaraderie and affection was indeed a beautiful visual
403 · May 2015
The rich poor man
Supriya May 2015
He sat in a corner on the street
A begging bowl close to his feet
He often blended in the background
Mostly feeding on leftovers
And using rags as covers
He would sit ignored not making a sound.

His life had changed a great deal
When he used to enjoy a gluttonous meal
He wore the best tailored suits
A chauffeur would drive him around
Wearing a brooch he was always found
And shining black leather boots.

His wife and all his successive heirs
Would often ride expensives mares
Vacationing in exotic places great
A life of luxury they would lead
While he worked for hours in order to feed
His family, so in old age they would reciprocate.

As fate had it, he was stuck bedridden
And then, he saw their agendas hidden
A will was made to be signed
He was robbed of all his wealth
And no one cared of his deteriorating health
Yet for his family he pined.

He was left outside to live like a pauper
It had been days since he had a decent supper
For an old man no one would befriend
He spent his days in utter misery
Not knowing even if someone would bury
Him when he finally met his end.
391 · May 2015
Supriya May 2015
Shrugging she slumped down
It was one of 'those' days
Where things went wrong in a million ways
Changing her beautiful face into a frown.

Problems kept surfacing continuously
Answers kept eluding her
Frustration fuelling an ill-temper
Anyone daring to cross her was bitten viscously.

The throbbing vein on her forehead meant danger
Even her loved ones feared the scorn
She was like a poisoned thorn
The sweet loving girl was now a stranger.

She wondered why there was so much anger
Realization struck her that moment
Since morning she had not smiled with the right intent
The curved line was such a game changer!
Starting the day with  smile always brings positivity to it!
358 · Apr 2015
The Homecoming....
Supriya Apr 2015
Her face is lit with a beautiful smile
As she calms her racing heart
Its finally the end of a long trial
She can no longer be apart.

His promise to be with her soon
Brings goosebumps, mistakenly a tear,
She breaks into giggles and hums a tune
Caught unaware by feelings of fear.

She brushes away the premonitions
And puts on an elegant dress
It is his last day, his last mission
She awaits his touch, his caress.

Her happiness knows no bounds
She is like an eagle soaring high
Interrupted by a sudden ringing sound
She hangs up the phone with a piercing

Cursing fate for being so brutal
Is her mind playing sinister tricks?
At last, she braces herself to plan a funeral
To Rise from ashes, he is no phoenix.
344 · May 2015
The secret keeper...
Supriya May 2015
Evening dawns on the picturesque beach
As the fiery ball slips out of reach
It gives the coast a lantern's glow
Like the masterpiece of a painter great
The ocean being true to its trait
Nudges the waves in a rhythmic flow.

The soothing sand exudes heat no more
As darkness ascends on the calming shore
The oscillating waves sing in melody
With a crashing sound accompanied by thunder
In an effort to hide down under
Secrets known only to the sea.

At times getting violent, and calm otherwise
No one would want the sleeping monster to rise.
The light salty breeze to the sea being peculiar
Gets carried over a thousand miles
From crowded cities to distant isles
After a while only to disappear.

The tides controlled by the orb silvery white
Mark boundaries alike through day and night
Churning out the sea from bed to land
Thus replacing the old for new
That only change is constant seems definitely true
Even nature has everything planned.
341 · Apr 2015
Those were the times....
Supriya Apr 2015
Those were the times when walking far
Was a leisure for one and all
There were no ridges there was no wall
And no countries suffered because of war.

Those were the times when friends were true
And a happy feast would last for hours
There were no bikes there were no cars
Yet distances amongst people never grew.

These are the times of lightening speed
The times of instant gratification
Where machines are better companions at times of need.

These are the times we live to see
Times we call the millenium
For all the problems today do those times still the key?
322 · Apr 2015
The Blaze
Supriya Apr 2015
He smiles at me with blazing might
He carries me forward towards the light.

I live thanks to his burning flames
We call him life, he has a thousand names.

I always look forward to our rendezvous
He is honest, he is true.

He is energy in all its's forms
He stands his ground in many a storms

He believes in giving abundantly
He strives to bring life consistently

He is trustworthy, he is reliable
That he exudes power is undeniable.

As I am touched by him, I know what happiness means
He calms me down, he brings me peace.

So as he prepares to shine on the other side of the earth
I can only appreciate his worth.

I will miss him terribly till the break of dawn
But I know he is only temporarily gone.
321 · Apr 2015
Supriya Apr 2015
He looked around the dusty mess
Chaos marked every direction
Not knowing whether to hide or run
He stood rooted helpless.

He stared around at the frightened faces
Trying to find a familiar one
His heart sank as he found none
Of their existence just a few traces.

Moments ago this place had been like heaven
With flowers blooming everywhere
Bustling with maidens fair
And strong, happy men.

All hell broke loose as the ground shuddered
The desperate earth swallowed one and all
Not a soul responding to a single call
With the deafening sound nothing could be heard.

People frantically trying to escape
At the same time trying to locate their dear ones
A disaster without bombs or guns
Can equally change the landscape.

Help pours in from all sides
And he feels the deepest gratitude
But the loss is of a great magnitude
No one can tell if underneath the monster still hides.

Nature eventually takes revenge on mankind
For the the damage caused over time
Finally we do pay for the crime
After all, the actions of nature and man are intertwined
On the recent earthquake in Nepal.
313 · Apr 2015
The Angel
Supriya Apr 2015
I woke up to a blinding light
There was something peaceful about it
Although it felt unreal I admit
Something made it a blissful sight.

A familiar figure outlined the light
It was an angel, glowing and tranquil
Everything around came to a standstill
Until the angel came into sight.

I was filled with ecstacy as she smiled at me
Happy memories flooded my drugged mind
This was a treasure I had never expected to find
My sorrow, my emptiness was set free.

No exchange of words were needed
For me to know that she has always been by my side
She knows without her it has been a rough tide
She told me my every wish has always been heeded.

I desperately wished this moment would last for eternity
As I knew it was time for her to leave
But this was the greatest gift I could receive
So I won't wallow in self pity!

I bid her an emotional good-bye
But she said we would meet again
Every time I set myself free from pain
I will feel her presence till I die.
308 · May 2015
Supriya May 2015
The light drizzle flirts with the ground parched
Which brings a heavenly aroma of the earth wet
Coolness sets in, the weather as good as it can get
The sky is lit with a colourful bridge arched.

The striped curve looks vibrant against the sky blue
Reflecting the elegance of the universe
Its a move mankind can never even rehearse
A beautiful scene, a splendid view!

The birds fly past the temporary creation
Feeling the freshness in the air
They know after a few moments its not going to be there
Trying to absorb the best of the formation.

Just as suddenly as it had appeared the rainbow fades away
Taking leave to make way for a new scene
These landscapes can never be created by any machine
As against nature, we have too many limitations at play.
301 · Apr 2015
Supriya Apr 2015
What is the right age to be married?
I am single so everyone is worried!
They say I should have had kids by now
What a scary thought! Wow!

They say marriage gives you a soulmate
So when are you fixing a date?
Marriage changes a woman it is said
Yawn! I am sleepy I need to go to bed!

Education has ruined your thought process they accuse
Getting married will teach you some values!
Your husband will keep you like a queen
To ignore what my parents have done for me is just mean!

Marriage teaches you sharing
A married woman is definitely more caring.
Being a wife, a mother you will learn to play different roles
Thank you but for now I have certain goals!

Why is being single so hated??
I must say marriage is just overrated!
I want to get married too and will do it when everything is right
But for now its just out of sight!
296 · Apr 2015
Love struck...
Supriya Apr 2015
Love is blind, say the sagacious and wise
Then how do these lovers talk through their eyes?

Love is a feeling of constant bliss
Then why is it every second they yearn for that kiss?

Love makes one weak in the knees
Then how do lovers sail the most turbulent seas?

Love brings despair, love brings pain
Then why do lovers call themselves sane?

Love is selfless, love is divine
Then why do they find the need to cross the line?

Love is happiness love is purity
Its a shame lovers fall prey to insecurity.

Love is an emotion which is unpredictable
Yet love is a force most powerful, most stable.
288 · Apr 2015
Supriya Apr 2015
Dreams give me wings to fly
They give me what I lack
They give me some lost moments back
But I wake up too soon wondering why...

Dreams make my ambitions touch the sky
They make my wishes come true
They sometimes hand me a break through
But I wake up too soon wondering why....

There are certain dreams that make me cry
They rekindle the moments I thought were gone
With such dreams I feel I am reborn
But I wake up too soon wondering why....

But there is a reason I wake up too soon
So that they stay dreams no more
For me to unlock destiny's closed door
Dreams are miracles, dreams are a boon....
285 · May 2015
The one true love...
Supriya May 2015
She met his gaze with a coy smile
They were seeing each other after quite a while
She longed for his gentle touch
Overwhelmed, a bit too much.

He held her hand in his own
She let out a deep satisfied moan
Kissing her hand, pulling her close
Lost in her eyes, his movements froze.

The fragrance of rose petals in her soft flowing hair
This wonderful woman how could he share
Cupping her face, feeling the bliss
He gave her a raw passionate kiss.

She melted in his warm embrace
Removing the curly locks from her face
The world had come to a standstill
They felt the pulse they felt the thrill

They slipped into their secret zone
Brought to reality by a noisy phone.
She looked at it with contempt, yet stunned
He was supposed to be away, her husband.

She left the place without a word
She felt just like a caged bird
A woman trapped in a loveless marriage
But to escape she had no courage.

Returning home to her lovely kids
The love she yearns, her marriage forbids
And life went on just the same
She still carries her husband's name.
282 · Apr 2015
Once upon a time....
Supriya Apr 2015
He pulled a worn blanket over his shoulder
Hoping it will keep him warm till dawn
Just when he thought it couldn't get any colder
The flickering light over his head was gone!

He followed his routine by thanking the Almighty
For the meagre meal and the blanket old
He had saved some berries from those he sold
He knew these days no one believed in charity.

Just as everyone was settling down for the night
They saw an old man beg for food a few steps ahead
Most of them decided to ignore him instead
But the young guy couldn't bear to see his plight!

He took his shaking hand and gave a warm smile
He fed the old man the berries he had saved
And some water that the man so craved
These precious moments still made his life worthwhile!

He woke up next morning to people staring at his begging bowl
Were his eyes playing a cruel joke?
He thought he might just have a stroke!
There was a pile of gold coins and a scroll!

The man leapt with joy on reading the contents
It was none other than the brave king on his ritual tour
Looking to help the needy, the poor
Indeed the young man had been chosen after the previous night's events!
280 · Apr 2015
The Green-God
Supriya Apr 2015
He stands tall through scorching heat
Its a noble deed, an amazing feat.
His burning frame is a welcome solace
For a tired being with a lightening pace.

He gives us a chance to breathe fresh air
But man we know is never fair.
They amputate his limbs to expand their territory
For ages its always been the same story.

Every part of his generous anatomy
Is slaughtered for boosting the economy.
His various shades of green soothe our strained eyes
Yet in oblivion he often dies

The torment of these beings needs an epic reforming
Its also the reason for the much hyped 'global warming'
Save trees my friend if you wish to survive
Because without trees its impossible to thrive!
279 · May 2015
The mountain's child
Supriya May 2015
Born on the glistening icy slopes
Not waiting a moment, she swiftly elopes
Carrying a slight mischievous gene
Humming away a sweet tune
On dark nights reflecting the moon
She seems like a bubbly teen.

Dancing freely to a secret song
Every moment making her current strong
Enriching the soil to make it fertile
She is a benevolent life bearer
Her destination getting a lot nearer
When she crosses each mile.

Spreading joy everywhere she goes
Treating alike both friends and foes
She finds a way around obstacles
Nothing can beat her determination
She revels in the feeling of elation
Marching forward with a raging pulse.

At last she enters a whole new universe
The ocean meeting the rivers diverse
Like her, they come from distant places
Unlike humans, they are all treated same
Even when they bear a different name
You see, with nature there are no boundaries or marked spaces.
279 · Apr 2015
The Fury
Supriya Apr 2015
The sky is overcast as the dark water bearer
Prepares to wet the earth in divine showers
Deceptive, sometimes he puts on,a farce
As he moves to some other place nearer.

His wrath evident with rumbling thunder
Shakes every living being
Seems like a violent uprising
The creatures, doubting if they have committed a blunder.

The lightening strikes an innocent tree
With a venomous flash killing it instantly
As everything around cowers, he still searches a target persistently
To save themselves, the defenseless things make a plea.

As his rage subsides he feels helpless
Tears flow freely in the form of rain
He wonders why he inflicted so much pain
Even momentarily, how could he have been so reckless?

Fury, whether in nature or within
Has more or less the same effect
One can never know what to expect
From those consumed by this sin.

— The End —