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 Feb 2015 SunShineIsDead
Of course,
I knew I'd always
like you.
You talked like his poetry,
although you'd never read
The real shame about our
short lived time together,
is that I never told you your
voice sounded like poetry,
and your hands felt like poetry,
your mouth tasted like poetry,
and your eyes looked like poetry.
 Jan 2015 SunShineIsDead
Oh I believe in yesterday*

Breakfast with The Beatles
will always remind me of my
favorite first date.
Good music,
good vibes,
good ****,
good coffee,
good conversation,
and a good person.

The sun was shining so bright
right next to me
that day,
that if it had been my last day
that would have been okay.
 Oct 2014 SunShineIsDead
My stomach has been
flopping all day.
My heart beat has been
faster than normal,
even without smoking.
All over a gesture.
And now a few words.
He doesn't hate you.
It all excites me more than
it should.
My mind is so congested
that I don't even think I can
face my boyfriend right now.
I just want to sit here and bask
in my inappropriate happiness.
 Oct 2014 SunShineIsDead
I know it may seem like
Or maybe I'm just
a ******.
But either way, he
wanted to see how I was.
How I am.
I knew I couldn't be the only one.
He misses me.
I knew I wasn't crazy.
It's been over 10 months since
we last spoke,
but I haven't forgotten.
And apparently he hasn't either.
This is seriously good news.
Everything works itself out.
 Oct 2014 SunShineIsDead
It was him.
I woke up to a friend request.

I've been waiting for this day
for 6 months.
 Oct 2014 SunShineIsDead
when it's starting to get
late into the night
I hear the faint grumble
of a dirt bike.
Or, what I think is a dirt bike.
And I wonder
if it's
What if he rides by
my house in the cover
of darkness,
because he knows that
I'll hear him.
And he misses me.
But that's just a nice memory.
I would be shocked
if it were still true.
 Oct 2014 SunShineIsDead
How am I ever supposed
to decide on what's a good
direction to go with my life,
when I can't even decide on what
I want for lunch today.
If I ever want to finish school
I have no choice but to
pay for it in order to get my aid back.
I can, but the idea of spending
that much money on something
I could **** up is scary.
But I'm tired of bumming around,
working my life away,
with no end goal.
I don't have a life plan right now,
and I'm almost 20.
I need to get one and soon.
 Oct 2014 SunShineIsDead
I was listening to the radio
this morning and someone repeated
a quote
they'd heard,
You can't make old friends.
So, call someone you love
they said.
Even for five minutes.
Funny, that I've tried to do this
very thing with him before.
Just calling to say I'm sorry.
But it's too late.
That's probably what he'd
say anyways.
Although, is it ever really too late
to make things right?
 Oct 2014 SunShineIsDead
I'm perfectly cozy right
In my fuzzy pajama pants
and big t-shirt,
all wrapped up in my blankets.
I'm a little lonely.
But who isn't when the
sun goes to bed and the moon
comes out to chill.
I've smoked all my ****
and tired myself out on my show.
So I'll call it a day and
rest up so I can be ready to
do it all again tomorrow.
 Oct 2014 SunShineIsDead
 Oct 2014 SunShineIsDead
Isn't it nice how at the time
when heart break takes place,
we can just sit there playing
Edward 40 hands,
while attempting to give
the world the *******,
because **** it,
we don't need love,
we don't need that person.

But oh, just wait.
In about a month you will
be writhing on the floor in
crying over the last bottle
of wine,
because alcohol doesn't even
numb the pain anymore.
That strong, independent
single woman walked out
of the room awhile ago and now
all that's left is this shell
of a person who can't find a reason
not to call and beg for them back.

And in case you haven't been
to both sides of the table,
there is no winner.
Whether it was your choice
or not, you'll still end up
on the floor, in some random room
in your house,
where nobody ever sits.

But enjoy the "freedom"
while it lasts,
because you'll never be free
from who you are.
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