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hi Sep 2021
I guess I should introduce myself
My name is [blank]
Today I'm feeling [blank]
I like to do [blank]
I am [blank]
I am blank.
A blank canvas to fit whoever I'm with
A canvas for people to draw on
Sculpt their ideas
Not caring what they leave behind
Not caring if they hurt me
Not caring if there's already pencil, pen, paint markings on me
Not caring
They make me what they want and I don't care
Because I am blank.
hi Sep 2021
I was never in love with you
just the idea of You
but sometimes
I miss the way You'd hold my hand
as we walked to a park
to sit on a bench
looking up at the stars
Your warm breath on my face
as You wrapped your arm around me
and told me I was pretty
You made me feel special
like I never had before
I knew it was never meant to last
but sometimes
I wish you'd hold my hand again
tell me I'm pretty
I know I should hate you for what You did
but i just can't

— The End —