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6.2k · Sep 2011
A Little Stream
Sunny Johnson Sep 2011
On a great mountainside, a beautiful river ran, reaching all creatures across the great expanse. Glowing crystal and clear as the fresh alpine air, the water ran, as yet undiscovered and unmarred by civilization. It knew not of the impurities that other waters knew, free from the grasp of humanity and completely pure in it's design. Each spring as the snow melted, the river would charge through the forges and ravines, reshaping the ground in it's wake, changing the surface of the mountain in it's path. Stones would tumble and trees would crack under the raw power of it's force, as it gained in size and speed over the spring months. This spring however, it met upon a larger rock, seemingly a boulder. "Ha," thought the river, as it began growing rapidly, the melting snow empowering it as it crashed into the boulder, slightly changing course and returning to it's usual path. "I will be back soon." The river promised. As summer grew nearer and the sun seemed to burst from it's cloudy shield of winter, it began to show more steadily and with a greater heat than it had in springtime past. The blazing sun caused avalanches as it bore into the icy crust of the mountain top. The river suddenly felt something new, something changing, it was surely larger and more powerful than it had been in previous months, and as it charged down the mountain, it was sure of it's victory upon the great boulder. "Surely now this rock will not remain unmoved!" exclaimed the river as it flooded down the ravine, in search of the unchanging obstruction of mineral. The sun's rays had created an avalanche, dumping hundreds of tons of ice into the rushing river, melting the snow and creating a great roar as the river grew abruptly to 3 and 4 times it's previous size. As the river grew it felt a giant to all the objects on the mountain, proud and sure of it's eminent victory over the great boulder in it's way. As the water gained momentum and seeming to contain all of it's new fury in the roaring flood just for the great rock. A sleeping rock awoke suddenly to a roar and a crack as it heard many smaller boulders tumbling into the trees nearby, and the rumbling river rushing straight for him. "Aww, thought the old stone, yawning. "This will surely be interesting." As the rushing water advanced upon the rock, it had no idea what was to become of it's proud and boastful ways. Rushing water carrying all types and sizes of large rock and debris smashed into the great stone with all of it's might. The rock was unmoved. Little did the river know, this stone was rooted deep, a branch of mineral deposit coming from the very core of the mountain itself. The river had no chance. At the impact the water and debris scattered, and the river, suddenly defeated, splashed against the side of the rock and continued its usual path of the many years before. As it continued on, it felt something moving, carrying itself somewhere else, like someone or thing was pulling part of it away from itself, and it roared in agony, sending more boulders to crack into the trees nearby. Alive and kicking, and carrying it's own cry came a beautiful new stream caressing the side of a great stone in it's beginning, almost as if to thank it for it's place in giving birth to the new life. "You are welcome." Spoke the stone, supporting the stream in it's new path, as the water began to run fresh and new across the bare ground. The stream seemed to caress everything it came across, the roots of the plants and trees feeling thankful for a new source of water. Although the smallest seedlings would be lost in the stream, it was a good sacrifice to make for a source of that precious water so generously given to the side of the mountain with the large river. As the stream carried on, moving pine cones and pine needles aside, it brought new nourishment to all the life of the dry side of the mountain. As a small child just learning to walk, running to meet new people and see all the new things, experience the new life, the river ran. It glanced upon the tall oaks and the thinner pines and the smaller saplings. It rushed to meet the squirrel, carrying with it acorns fallen on the ground higher on the hill. It ran to bring uprooted fresh seedlings to the young deer. It brought with it fallen nuts and berries and left them near the bear's den. It brought freshly dropped dry twigs and branches to the wary ******, hunting for a new home. It brought with it pine needles and dropped them next to the trees with sparrows and blue birds hopping about for new materials to strengthen their nests. The stream ran free, bringing gifts to all it met with and inviting all to join it in it's path. The young of the forest gathered together, foxes and rabbits and badgers alike, to join the small stream in its journey down the mountain. Never carrying too much water as to uproot or change the surface of it's new found paradise, the stream was grateful to be a part of the dry side of the mountain, and that side of the mountain was never so dry. That side of the mountain never knew the fear of falling rocks or boulders. It never knew the fear of the flood of spring. It flourished with new life and greenery as it became privy to the little stream's side of the mountain to live happily without fear of flood or the dangers it brought. Each new day more bushes and saplings followed the little stream . The animals began to move from the great river's side of the mountain to the little stream's side. The river became lonely in it's wrathful wake, having only the rocks and logs it carried along as it's companion. Even the trees were scared to grow near it's threatening wrath. Loved by all and continually becoming the renown of the mountain, the little stream never knew such hardships. Such is why a little stream can be more changing than a great roaring river. To be feared by all or to be loved by all, is in the makings of every gaining current. The little stream never grew much larger than a dear's jump or a squirrel's leap. Except in the hearts of the lives around it. May we all be as little streams, not hungering to change the surface of our world, or to be feared. May we all live as the one who embraces all the forms we meet, being grateful for our own place among them. Then may we know what it is to live among many and loved by all. Then may we never know fear, or lose ourselves to a great boulder. May we change with the small movements of the ground beneath our feet, and carry with us gifts to all those we meet. May we be mightier in the heart than in the mind, leaving our hunger behind. May the little stream meet us too, and may we hear it's message clearly.
Sunny Johnson Sep 2011
I'll never fall in love again
And if I do it will be when

When I look in someone's eyes and see
That I am her and she is me
And all that we can ever be
Is holding close to something free

I'll never fall in love again
And if I do it will be when

When grace catches me and I
See more than the Great Blue Sky
And even more than God could see
As God and Man look up to me

When all I know is in my hands
Nothing there, nothing to grasp
When maybe I will be so known
I reach down to the ground, a stone

I'll never fall in love again
And if I do it will be when

When people take that stone from me
And grab my hand and let me see
As I look into the mirror
Sitting on her eye a glimmer

Something shining back at me
Someone gasping to be free
Free from mortal breath and death
Free from human kind what's left

I'll never fall in love Again
When may never come my friend
831 · Sep 2011
My Lullaby
Sunny Johnson Sep 2011
Can I hear a lullaby
Just one more before I die
Can I hear a song so true
That when it's through I am too

A melody to take me home
A tune to send my soul to roam
With the wild horses on the plains
To fly me away on birds that reign

The skies so free and take my heart
To follow home the lonesome lark
To carry me on the evening wind
Never to live never again

Not in something so binding
Something drowning, me blinding
My soul searches to be free
Free of this humanity

May I be just as a breeze
One that maybe you can breathe
And when I fill your lungs
May that song be sung

May I forget what is this mind
Clinging Grasping just to bind
I want more than I have found
The freedom of no inner sound

No thought veering out of control
No mental ground to lose my soul
No mortal coil to hold me here
No experience left of fear

May I come back as naught more
Than a draft of wind to soar
With the falcons and eagles
Never held by such a meager

Sightless breathless lifeless me
Ever wanting to be free
Sing to me that song so true
That when its through so I am too
785 · Sep 2011
The Animal
Sunny Johnson Sep 2011
Give me give me give me some
As I see her and my heart drums
Desire seems to grip my heart
And hold my lungs my soul to start

Hope filling me with great longing
What is this thing pressing strongly
Against my chest as I breathe in
Warm and curious again

What is it about a woman
That can turn me from my fear
Forgetting all that I couldn't
Sending me through smoke and mirrors

Captured by my mind I was
Until something did stir
Breathing deeply, thud, thud thud
Wanting seems to blurr

All I could have wondered for
And all I question now
Turns to instinct let me soar
With you in the clouds

Lets just fly away right now
Forget all other thought
Come with me some way some how
A seeker's finding sought

May it be that you are here
To remind me of how
To get a girl, keep her near
And to desire bow

Lean into this warm feeling
Let it take you home
As the cocoon starts peeling
And with new wings we roam

Above all we ever sought
And all we ever asked
Getting, having, we have got
Something more to grasp

So hold me tightly close to you
And never let me fear
Let me free fall straight to you
Come and have me here
770 · Sep 2011
Sunny Johnson Sep 2011
I'm opening my eyes,
I'm perking up my ears
I'm lifting up my nose,
I'm holding in the tears

I'm opening my hands
I'm reaching out to see
It's getting hard to stand
I've never been so free

Free of you and free of me
Free of this and all I see
I close my eyes slowly
My breath comes in rolling

Lifting my chest slightly
All this contemplating
Is ever so lightly

Slowly down
Deeply close
All this sound
Is so morose

Before I open my eyes
Can you promise me something
That I'll never hear you lie
Can you hear my heart drumming

May I see you for who you are
And not who you put on to be
May you be that thing so far
Away from all it is I see

May I never have to open
My eyes to see you that again
The old house we built is broken
My solitude may never end

It is time to build something new
Something that will stand so true
And hold us both and then you'll see
That you too my friend can be free

I promise you today
That if your tongue will stay
I can show you more
Than you've seen before

And as we continue on this path
Weaving something, hard to graft
I tell you it will last us long
Longer than the endless song

The one I hear when I see you,
Without the talking, just so true
As to show me more than words can say
And carry me somewhere today

Somewhere you have forgotten long
The melody to a drifting song
Coming from a far off place
Losing strength, losing pace

When I reach for you and hold
Your face in my hands I'm sold
But when it is all just up to you
Things start falling deep into

This endless chaos I feel right now
Is more than I can feel somehow
And when I'm happy you aren't here
To see that there is naught to fear

When all there is, is more than enough
Smoothing the face of once a rough
Mountainside made of stone
This sea has washed away the one

The one thing that I may have held
Closely to that drumming heart
May these words just be felt
For not an ending but the start

The start to something real and raw
Something breathing, pounding slowly
All of this, not what I saw
But what lives in me and is now growing

Like a sprout from winters ground
It has taken such a profound
Place in my heart a shining warmth
And never again will you feel torn

Never again will things just blur
When people talk as their words slurr
Just close your eyes and remember
That little sprout from that December

The part of me left cold and lifeless
Is now reaching out and making this
More than gold or something priceless
More than all that was, can be, or is

My eyes elude me as do you
May you both forget this sleuth
Someone who has found the truth
Lifting from all death a youth

You're face is made of frozen clay
Still it's not all I've to say
To be alone is to live
To stay with you is to give

My life for something small and fragile
My strife for someone falling and I'll
Never tell you yes, I say
Especially not today

Now you're gone my mind is free
The calm after a storm you see
Is better than the calm before
And more inviting still for sore

Hearts that float among debri
They may be gone but now they're free
And if it takes my heart to stay
I'll never do it, oh no way

I'll close my eyes and run away
717 · Sep 2011
The Commander's Lullaby
Sunny Johnson Sep 2011
Demanding, Expecting
Standing there, pointing
At me, always wanting
To see something daunting

Something more than expected
Something dead resurrected
Like a God he speaks soundly
From the sky to the groundlings

And as I bow reverently
Breathing so fervently
Holding close to the air
Which fills my lungs fair

What has his Grace asked
What is my new task
What else may I do
To repay the sky blue

For the chance to listen
Bow and then christen
Each word that is spoken
Such a life is a token

As a peasant just kneeling
Humility revealing
That who I bow for
He is hungry, wants more

And I tell you he'll never
In willingness sever
This bond will stay fast
For want just to grasp

But today I stand up
I lift my head up
And I look straight forward
Into his eyes lost for words

Except to say, dear Commander
It is time you did gander
At the sky as I do
And see that it's blue

May you breathe it in too
May you steady your hunger
May you reach and come through
Leaving lightning and thunder

For the chance to see me
And the chance just to be
As a man that I am
Please, come, take my hand

We can journey together
And forever be filled
From our lungs to our liver
And in this so thrilled

May we stop sending troops
To fight other groups
May we just learn to breathe
Learning to receive

There is no battle to win
Peace living within
Caressing us gently
Holding us reverently

As I have held you
As all that I have
Today I hold new
Freedom, be glad

For as you have watched me
So closely, your servant
As you have stopped me
Your palm forward bent

As you have held me
As I have held you
With wings I fell free
From the nest straight into

Free fall and weightlessness
Came as I stand witness
To miracles in moments
And presently grown men

That God may come
And meet with the Buddha
That Christendom's run
Is all but seen through a

Small boy's young eyes
Tiring in the search
As he looks to the skies
And leaps from his perch
713 · Sep 2011
Sunny Johnson Sep 2011
A soul built a fortress
For the souls he knew and loved
One of them was fearless
One of them above

Above all the nagging
Asking to be saved
Breathing water gagging
On what the anger gave

Surely the man was safe
In his fortress with his souls
Digging his own grave
He surely was the fool

There was a morbid growth
Living deep within
Always fighting drove
His thoughts to be so grim

He had no small conception
Knowing small perception
That the souls he knew so true
There in his fortress slew

Each other for a bite
Fighting for their right
Was this the real pattern
Of their great concern?

YOU built this fortress
It is you who is to blame
How are you so thoughtless
Now drown there in your shame!

For no matter how protection
Kept them from the feared
They had not small projection
Of where the ship was steered

Looming forward **
To death at a row!
We are together now
Safe oh safe somehow

Safe from all without
This fortress tall and stout
But I say you to right now
The truth is but a cloud

In the stormy sky
That is the deadly lie
There is no love within
Not with those the kin

But always more to ask
Beat me to the task
He built our fortress yes
Let's put it to the test

And as the beast then grew
Swallowing the truth
Eating souls of children
Nothing more to fill them

The sight that he then had
To see his kin so clad
Blood dripping from the teeth
Hungry still for souls to eat

Subjects to a boy, just a little man
Objects to the toy, bones drawn in the sand
There is no more to take
When you're toy does break

And then does fast rebuild
Forever to be filled
And the boy then walked away
Now a stranger to the fray

And all he can say
"They WILL be free someday."
641 · Oct 2011
Sunny Johnson Oct 2011
When the petals began to fall
And beauty seemed to blow away
On a wind that carries us all
Not knowing when to go or stay

Will the days that hold me here right now
Disperse and dissipate
Will death come knocking soon somehow
I must never be late

For my funeral will be
A time to celebrate
A time for you a time for me
In death's freedom relate

Lets hold hands and dream of dying
Never knowing more
Than the pain, I breathe in sighing
******, I implore

Take me from this prison here
This earth with all despair
I would rather die than fear
And be not more than air
596 · Sep 2011
I'm Not Yours
Sunny Johnson Sep 2011
I'm not yours
I'm not hers
I'm not his
I'm not it's

I'm not me
I'm not you
I'm not we
I'm not two

I'm more

— The End —