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Sunny Devo Jan 2017

Stop for geese
The crosswalk burns in painted sunlight
Destination: waterside peace.
They can find food on their own,
But what’s the fun in that when the humans bring it to us?

I found grace in the words of waters passing along
Timelessly teeming this existence alone
To be a symbol of time travel
And focus is in three places at once.

Where have you gone? How do I go on?



Dreams can be a funny thing
They’ll take you to lands you’ve never before been
They’ll allow your eyes to drink in sights they’ve never before seen
And you’ll sometimes become confused between this world and reality.

You’ll meet princes and priestesses who promise power and gold
You may even be put on display to be bought and sold.
Valleys and bodies of water, so much esoteric wonder to behold!
How does one finish this adventure before time makes you old?

Perhaps you decide to embark on a solo trip to Switzerland,
On train, through tunnel, over snowy hill time spanned.
But home is never too out of reach with a cherry scone and decaf coffee in hand.

You can roll out of bed and fall into the moon,
Leaving a trail of breadcrumbs from the cinema to the coffee shop all before noon.
Your wardrobe always a blank canvas hungry for a taste of color all too soon,
The light shining from your heart is bright enough to illuminate an entire room.

Breathe in deeply; can you smell that sweetness in the air?
Cotton candy and bellyaching laughter as we walk through the summer fair
Hand in hand I can still feel the warmth in your skin and the softness of your hair.

The snow falls steadily and all too slow,
I think about how this beautiful river of life allows us to ebb and flow.
We can question the mountains, the directions, Mother Earth and Father Sky, beckoning to learn what they know,
But in truth they know nothing but to be here, to love and to grow.

Arms open flying high with the birds and the wind,
Your next adventure lies waiting just around the bend.
With neither grasping nor fear you will embrace and transcend
And exit this transient world you will into an eternal dream that will never end.

Goodnight Goodnight sweet prince, mighty fighter,
With patience, grace, stoicism and so much kinder
Your life was full of boundless love and you’ve left us all so much wiser
May the blue in your eyes be the sky and the twinkle in them shine down on us for forever
Prost, skål, sláinte mhath, cheers, here’s to you Grandpa, Dad, Buddy, Robert Iler

These poems are dated, the first one during an injury, the second after they passed. RIP Buddy.
Sunny Devo Dec 2015
It is not a matter of 'you' or 'me'.
When using your heart to truly see
The difference in things and worlds that we dream
Obscuring our true vision of reality.

Solitary thoughts linger on the solitude
Breathing in the essence your presence shifts tides, waxes moons
Reaching out I'm blinded by black light, a dark veil, a celestial hood
Shifting tides
Waxing moons.

Harp strings make hearts sing a melody reciprocating love and light
No hint of betrayal, from mountain tops we hail true love's plight
I become nothing more than a breathy wind in a sail, the sweet laughter of a child; sacred and wild
Whatever is suffered in cruelty, in lust, this gravitational pull was always a losing fight.

The theory of 'you' and 'me' is a false accusation
Our spectrum of existence can't survive without the love we ride on; our own manifestation
When your heart reaches out, mine instinctively does too
To mirror you
There is nothing more holy, nothing more true
Foreheads together, contoured ethereal bodies of limbo floatation
Loving without limitation.
It is 'We' who translate the most ancient of creations
And 'We' who move forward through the fire of temptation.
Sunny Devo Oct 2015
Why dwell on the past?
What is it keeping you safe and warm and comfortable?

At least that feeling of losing it is true. True to you.
And afterwards doesn't it feel so much better?

Like you've been swimming in crisp clear water, smooth and supple like the curve of the first plump breast you wrapped your eager hands around.


Like the cleansing shower after an hour and a half of a 109 degree hot yoga session, after the epsom salt bath and of course a handsome sip of your libation of choice.

My skin and mind are alive with electric curiosity thinking about it.

The liberation of moving on from the past.
The difficulty in moving on--continuing your life while the scars never fade.
You do it because you have to.

The morning dew is only there as a reminder of how everyday can be a rebirth.
Never is the same dew birthed dwelling on the exact same solitary blade of grass, barely visible in the ebony chill of dawn.
The earth drinks up the moisture while what's left melts away into the universe, into time, and into nothingness.

How does this not represent our lives and the metaphysical melting of our yesterdays pains and sorrows?

What about regrets?
We hold on because it's easy to put the blame on someone else. It's someone else's fault we didn't make a change sooner.
Wait, what?

We're afraid of diving into unknown waters.
You don't have to hold onto the dark romance of your past.

Together, we can stay fresh.
Sunny Devo Jul 2015
It's been said once and it will be said many more times before this world is no longer in existence: the demons in our nightmares our reflections of our own lives.
Taking in truth and lies mixed with 6 billion differing perceptions can create one hell of a gruesome monstrosity, potentially unbearable to the weak minded **** wandering this rock.
This timeline is nothing but a river; constantly flowing and moving forward,
teeming timelessly along and never slowing for anything.
Existing with the only purpose of not existing,
but a vessel for us to keep track of events passing;
never to return to, but always to dwell on,
forever until it's memory is in existence of no living person.
The stark maddening darkness as well as the blinding goodness of the light; these things exist because we have given them the possibility to.
It is because of us that we give these ideas of dark and light the breath of life. It was here before our carbon based meat sacks arrived, causing changes that WE see fit;
ignoring the higher power that obviously will infinitely hold more importance than we will ever understand.
That's why we ignore it.
If we can't see it, it doesn't exist.

But if one belief--one single slice of faith perseveres among the unimaginable number of nonbelievers can change things; turn the tables, change history...

This timeless river of existence; why does it matter?
So we can be immortalized into whatever form or idea we wish?
To make a certain history for others to either never repeat resulting in insanity--or to repeat in hopes of reliving the greatness of others before us.

If all of our solid nightmares became reality; if 6 billion individual demons constantly existed by our sides becoming physically a part of us and breaches the mental barrier, exiting the realm of impossibility and stepping onto firm warm soil and sand.

What the **** would we do then?

The river never flows over the same rock twice.
Sunny Devo Oct 2013
Pour your brilliant light into my yearning mouth
The darkness is so consuming, so endless
Filling up every empty space between my organs, flowing with my blue blood from my heart to my toes
Nauseating and sickness is what I feel
Emptiness and incompletion
Black tears spill over from my eyes
My ears
My nose
It's an endless sea of black tar gathering at my feet.

I await the cure you will provide
The giant and flowing
beautiful and glowing
Masterpiece of your hand on mine
I can feel the webs clearing from my heart
The light consumes me
How do I have faith in something so new?
So I jump--faith guiding me
It tells me to be patient and trust what's right
Back into the darkness I go
Only to discover the light
Sunny Devo Sep 2013
Open mouth,

Exhale smoke rings of equations and formulas revealing answers only discovered with the liberation death brings
Disperse your arsenal of gray matter upon me
While I absorb your reality T.V. and high school science projects
Accepting an empty proposal
Negotiation always on your terms
You spit game with out passion

Inhale sentences of herbal essences--
Burning like open flame on my voice, stealing my breath
Never stumbling over mistakes or transgressions
Dominating any and all fields of study with which you choose to fill your brainpan
I submit unwillingly in this prison,
in this prison for eternity.

How enveloping
This overload of pumping adrenal glands, excreting testosterone and overzealously prejudiced masculinity
Lack of understanding for femininity and sensible comfortability

Close your eyes
Heavy lies the head that wears the crown
So content atop a pillow bursting at the seams with $20's
1, 2, 3.
Knife. Fork. Spoon.
Hundred dollar bills bouncing over the moon holding the cow's hand as you count your materialistic disguised happiness.

I can't read your poker face
I can't keep up
Sunny Devo Sep 2013
In the midst of it all
Countries leaders condemning their own people, the people  who are forced to trust him.
The world is just destined to constantly repeat it's mistakes in the complete annihilation of the human race.
If you want to start over so bad, **** yourself, not hundreds upon thousands of defenseless people...

And YOU...
You think you can take my friends and family you've sent over the big waters and force them to fight a war for a government they don't even respect?

Who do you really think you ******* are?
I apologize, that this is more my ******* than a poem..
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