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Jul 2019 · 149
My Dream
Sunday Igwebuike Jul 2019
I have come to see,
That dreams can come true!
I have seen the stuff:  That dreams are made of!
There are dreams, And there are dreams!
Dreams in the lands of God,
Are for me golden!
Facti accompli .  

God's dreams are dues upon us,
The invisible God is in all,
Seeing and overseeing his creatures,
And sending his thoughts,
To us in the name of dream.
God is talking to us, In that dreamland stair.
When we are too still to hear his voice.  

The earth and her children,
Are complaining ,bitterly and in angst,
That their dreams are no longer happening!
Is that so? Of course no.
There is no problem with God.
The problem is man,
Who has refused to follow his ways!
Don't you remember Joseph and his dreams?
Can't you see that God's dreams,
Are really something else?    

Now what is my dream?
Stuff I think you should know.
I want God's light to penetrate,
Every dark region of my soul;
So that I can serve restfully,
His purpose for my life.
Jul 2019 · 145
Sunday Igwebuike Jul 2019
Beauty enchanted is always entrapped!
Every beauty is entrapped.
Yet what sets beauty apart,
Is its morality!
Beauty with morality,
Is an anchor!
Beauty without moral is heartache.
Beauty mortify is a sweeping rain.

Beauty is created,
And left without heart.
So that beauty,
Can grow its own.
Yet beauty fails,
For failing to see,
The difference!
Jul 2019 · 126
Sunday Igwebuike Jul 2019
The world in full agitation,
Constantly bickering.
Yet we cannot tell,
For we cannot know,
What lies ahead.
It requires the philosopher in us,
To help our humanity,
To thrive,
If at all we can move,
And attain our lofty ideals!
Jul 2019 · 247
This Life
Sunday Igwebuike Jul 2019
That the battle often does not,              
Go to the strong;
Nor the race to the swift,      
Nor bread to the wise,
Nor riches to men of understanding!                                               As you know,
But by time and chance.        

There is confusion.
As folks know not the time to step in.                                                            We watch and the theatre is over.                                                            ­  We moan and groan!
Jul 2019 · 135
Sunday Igwebuike Jul 2019
Weep not dear land,
Though our back is bent,
That we cannot stand uprightly!
Our shoes are worn out,
Without any replacement in sight.
We eat the bread of sorrow.

Yet weep not, dear land!
Weep not woman,
Woman weep not!
For I can see,
Sudden emergence of light!
Weep not woman,

Weep not, dear land!
Weep not, Woman weep not,
For your day,
Is coming,
As the sudden dawn,
That mocks the darkness!
Jul 2019 · 136
Hard Knocks
Sunday Igwebuike Jul 2019
Better man were just animal, For every process of our way, Has to be learned, Simple yet complicated, And we falter! Animals walk barefooted, As they were born, It takes us years, And years to get up. Every process has to be learned, And we falter! Life in its simplicity is far flung, A hard knock you say! See the rose flower, Beautiful and fragrance well oiled, Yet spring from thorns! The palm tree a treasure, Oil encased in thorns! Coming to the river, downhill; Leaving uphill! All labour, effort, A drain of energy and resources! How about the crown of thorns, Placed on the head of Jesus? A measure of our humanity! Need we complain, If we be thus endowed, That is for you!
Jul 2019 · 128
Sunday Igwebuike Jul 2019
Rain drop fill my soul,                                                            ­  And distill my imagination.                                                     ­                                                                 ­ Like a river, let me flow,                                                                              ­     To a journey;                                                      Acr­oss lands and seas!                                                            ­Let me unite hearts,                                                          ­And turn our brotherhood asunder,                                                       Gi­ve me the leverage,                                                   To forge ahead!
Jun 2019 · 180
PIPER's Dream
Sunday Igwebuike Jun 2019
Waking up suddenly,
Thought hazy,                                                            ­ Atmosphere cloudy,
Observation blunt!                                                           ­ The piper sounded the *****,                                                           ­Re-echoing my dreams.

The pipe, an ancient talk show,                                                            ­Handed down from generation to generation.  
A gift of our ancestors,        
To modern times!                                                           ­                                                                 ­     Now what is the echo?                                                            ­                                                                 ­     That times have changed,           
And changing on my feet!

With an atlas and telescopic view,           
Of my conduct,
My darling soul moved;                                                         And quicken my resolves.                                                       The piper is blowing,      
And my dreams are sounding,                                                     The quest clearer for the children!
Jun 2019 · 126
Sunday Igwebuike Jun 2019
Every day, we do the things,                                                          ­ We normally do, Sleep, wake,  Eat and go to work! Yet some days,   Meet us  different. They demand new Task from us! How we cope,  
What makes us, Different!

— The End —