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Apr 2018 · 186
sam Apr 2018
she felt like honey,
when she held her
at around three am
soft and heavy and full
snoring quietly
she fell asleep first
and had been for hours
it felt creepy to her
but she wouldnt know
and wouldnt mind even if she did
so maybe watching for a little while longer was okay
Apr 2018 · 187
half an hour to boy time
sam Apr 2018
He had memorized every single crack in the ceiling and the walls around him and had begun to imagine what the doctors would do if bugs could get in there and fell all over his face when one of the nurses who he had forgotten the name of
(there were too many to keep track),
told him he'd be allowed out soon.
He couldn't seem to match her enthusiasm no matter how much she went on about it.
Apr 2018 · 160
boy time!
sam Apr 2018
He got overheated easily so they cut his hair short to keep him cool.
Despite the fact he didn't see himself often
(he was almost always laying in bed and looking at the ceiling instead of mirrors, wishing his head or eyes or stomach would stop hurting), and his mother seeming too disappointed every time his nurse mentioned it looked a little long, it made him feel better for reasons other than the original one.

— The End —