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Dec 2014 · 901
Whispers of Eternity
The receding horizon,
The fading light of day,
Azure taking a livid hue.
Pokhran's hot, scorching sand,
A lash on our moribund logic.
Death and Life, Life and Death-
Religion and Atheism, Nobel and Booker,
Make us proud and shiver,
Make us happy, rob us of gaiety,
Shoot all our fragile hopes to artistic acme.
Smash all our favourite dreams to smithereens.

The Ganga meanders amidst a maze of
Ripples, crest and trough-
With a dour askance,
With a nonsensical exterior,
At the dead of night,
The hoary-headed ***** rises,
To take stock of pelf,
He keeps in hiding,
Looka yonder, the man with a rice plate in his shack
Stirs out of his lumber, in a jiffy,
Dawns cracks, leaves rustle, breezes whistles,
The nightingale still chirps coo, coo, coo....
Breaking the calm of a nostalgic daybreak.

Love buffoonery, antics of sweet urchin,
Effrontery, betrayal, self-destructive urge,
Blinds love toting niggling details of despair
In it's womb.

A silver of modernism, none can deny,
Gleaning the core of every 'ism' in it's *****
Roads, alleys crisscross, end of tunnel seems dark.
At least, a hairpin bend,
Across the debris of a fresh landslide,
A ray of hope, a shaft of optimism,
A changed universe, a reclaimed Utopia.
Coming true!

-Subhanjan Saha
Dec 2014 · 582
Through the Eyes of Poet
The poet writes not what he sees.
He writes what he wished he could see.
There's a subtle difference.
All his poems art utter trash.
in the world so heartlessly practical.
For his vision is as convoluted as his wishes.

I wish I was a poet
to be able to view the world through a prism.
But I'm not.
So I have to make do with second best.

What is reality?
That which hurts
That is pain?
That which is sublime.
What is love?
That which hurts most.
What is fear?
That which degrades.
What is greed?
That which dehumanizes.
What is hurt?
That which is caused by love.

So many questions, so many answers.
I write what I feel.
That's why I'm am not a poet.
For a poet peers through his prism
and thanks his stars for seeing a rainbow.

-Subhanjan Saha
Nov 2014 · 907
Whispers of Eternity
The receding horizon,
The fading light of day,
Azure taking a livid hue.
Pokhran's hot, scorching sand,
A lash on our moribund logic.
Death and Life, Life and Death-
Religion and Atheism, Nobel and Booker,
Make us proud and shiver,
Make us happy, rob us of gaiety,
Shoot all our fragile hopes to artistic acme.
Smash all our favourite dreams to smithereens.

The Ganga meanders amidst a maze of
Ripples, crest and trough-
With a dour askance,
With a nonsensical exterior,
At the dead of night,
The hoary-headed ***** rises,
To take stock of pelf,
He keeps in hiding,
Looka yonder, the man with a rice plate in his shack
Stirs out of his lumber, in a jiffy,
Dawns cracks, leaves rustle, breezes whistles,
The nightingale still chirps coo, coo, coo....
Breaking the calm of a nostalgic daybreak.

Love buffoonery, antics of sweet urchin,
Effrontery, betrayal, self-destructive urge,
Blinds love toting niggling details of despair
In it's womb.

A silver of modernism, none can deny,
Gleaning the core of every 'ism' in it's *****
Roads, alleys crisscross, end of tunnel seems dark.
At least, a hairpin bend,
Across the debris of a fresh landslide,
A ray of hope, a shaft of optimism,
A changed universe, a reclaimed Utopia.
Coming true!

-Subhanjan Saha
Jun 2014 · 1.7k
The Staircase.
A staircase to seemingly nowhere.
I grasp the railing with my mind
And struggle upwards to somewhere.
Misshapen and misbegotten words plague me.
Keep your eyes straight ahead and upwards
Do not look back! Do not look down!
Lest I plunge again into the darkness.
God and love stand at the top and beckon.
Struggle on! Struggle on!
In your writing you will be set free.
In my writing I have indeed done so.
A staircase is only a temporary brother.
Fodder for the pen and mind.
But nothing to be feared,
It's risers raises me upwards.
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Reluctant Warriors
Without a suitable rival, the sad brigade lingers
Conscripts for an unpopular and non-believable cause.
After a drawback, the sober war machine parades.
The collective forces mimics a ploy of belligerence
The transient atmosphere moans a superfluous order.
A wit decides a banner epic for its backlog to dictate
In the ***** populace there waves circular innocence.
The twisted ranks value the immediate imperative
This sudden attitude dresses into a signature.
And a written tragic script obscures their pain.
While the reluctant ones wait for peace to break out.
Jun 2014 · 784
The creative mind hovers on the verge of madness.
Like marbles tossed on a tilted table.
They roll relentlessly towards the edge.
Unlike the mad who plummet into the darkness below.
The creative are restrained by an unseen hand.
And from their table top vantage point,
They form the words to comment in verse.
On the world they see around them.
But at times their words are jumbled and strange.
One wonders if perhaps the unseen hand,
Should have allowed the marbles to be lost,
For often the babbling of the mad,
Makes more sense than the lucidity of the creative.
Jun 2014 · 730
I thought I could easily find you,
Mild springs of this youth screamed again,
To continue, or to stop hoping, forever.

I dream of you, I easily dream of you,
And I know, you are nothing I knew before.
Soothing, your voice is leading me.

Through these decades of my youth,
And easily, oh how vividly easily,
I am losing you.

Walking or running, I dream of you.
How easily your eyes are alive in here.

To show me places I never saw
But still,
Searching you.
Jun 2014 · 615
With my eyes, I set the sun
Beaming reflection of burning fire.
No passion.
Just hate and anger.

Boiling bleeding blood vessels,
Resurrecting hidden sculls,
To announce another man's fatality.
Hatred and wickedness of the heart.
I am bringing you down.

Confusion set the state for
The neurons of my mind
Unkindness dripping-skip
No sleeping.
Clock out of my entire system.
Forbidden desire of the soul.
I am bringing you down.

Pain painting.
Hurt? I'm hurting.
With a drip from the fountain of tears
I found myself crying.
The spell of unhappiness has been broken.
Selfish ambitions.
I am bringing you down.

Intensifying the tenacity of gravity's grip
Around the scope of my arena.
Tardiness and misfortunes.
I am bringing you down.
Like rotten branches of a tree.
I am bringing you down.
I cannot write a love poem, anymore.
Since you are gone, leaving the heart in emptiness
In places where clouds covering the moon,
My soul is also present.
Solitude of nothingness.

Do tell me, my love, how to stop the tears,
To see the sea full of pearls,
To reach the colours of spring flowers,
Because, a lifetime without you, I melt down.
I can no longer find my words to my poems,
And the rest will dissolve, in pieces of time and space.
Jun 2014 · 439
He Ran Alone
A little fast, a little slow
A little high, a little low
Through the years, the wind blows
Through the years, the time flows.

The runner pants for moment
Huffing and puffing for a breath of air
His body aches, his sweat drips
For a rare friend, his heart weeps.

The scorching heat burns his feet,
As he remembers those memories sweet,
The ***** wind hits his face
He has to finish his unending race.

He runs and runs on a lonely stretch,
Strewn with rocks of varying shapes,
At his rare friend, the runner smiles
He won't ever show how his heart cries.

Ahead he looks to places far away
Soon he will be right on his way
It's a long hard race with no winners
No God in heaven, no hell for sinners.

There is no time to sit or sleep
No time to ponder, for he must leave
In all his spirits, away he goes
Never to look back, his duty he knows.

He is the chosen one, condemned to live
Never to receive, forever to give
He runs alone, the long hard way
In his journey, to meet life 'someday'.
Jun 2014 · 963
Sunset Limited
They say, knowledge is vanity, so must I
Admit my sin, for I have taken a bite
Of the serpent apple as Adam did
In the garden in Eve.

For this has behoove me into my present to
Recognise everything I love and cherish
Eventually becomes frail and fragile.

Every road ends with death,
Every friendship ends with death,
Every love ends with death.

Loneliness, despair, betrayal, sickness,
Dignity, they all come to the same conclusion.
So show me a religion that prepares me
For Nothingness and death.

Thy shall follow into it's footsteps
So what I have been taught since I was a
Child I no longer have need for
And do not believe in anymore.
I am no longer believer of more life
After death.

No more dreams. No more lies.
My sibling is not my saviour
My only hope and what I cling to
is Nothingness.

So, my belief is in the the sun limited.
I welcome the sunset limited with
Open arms as the sunset limited is
Waiting for me.
Jun 2014 · 679
On the Garden Chair
Here on the garden chair
seeing the gloom descend
and the light is gone, hiding the white of the jasmines.

Only a crow, silent on a dry tree
frozen by the voice of cello from a little boy
playing a plainted song
alone in the middle of the meadow

letting the time pass, hoping the tears
would dissolve in the dark.
Here on my chair
I melted, feeling his pain.

Song by song.

I saw him.
I saw me.

— The End —

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