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Aug 2015 · 372
all i see is Red
Stuart Haigh Aug 2015
trying to **** my pain
Blowing my mind out onto this Page
my Blood is such a nice Shade
Red like the color of LOVE
Red like the color of DEATH
theirs such a Thin line between those two concepts
i cant tell which One im Ready for yet
Aug 2015 · 733
Lost S1
Stuart Haigh Aug 2015
I thought we were suppose to love each other
Isn't that what it means when you say I love you to another
Love isn't something that ends or goes away
Love is suppose to stay through anything
I thought we would find each other in our next lives
But i cant even find you in this one
It's sad because i know your not worth it
But my love for you feels so perfect
It's very clear to me now tho
You never loved me
Those were just words for you to speak
We haven't talked in weeks
And you don't even turn a cheek
I don't want things to be how they were
I just want to speak to you
To hear your voice again
This is what true love is
When not talking to the other makes your skin
Makes your heart
Makes you feel
Aug 2015 · 412
Reaching for the Moon
Stuart Haigh Aug 2015
A tree
is mother earth reaching for its sister
not even the wind can get her
yet its as if she can touch us
radiating light all around us
feel her touching you
the earth feels it to
thats why theirs so many trees
reaching for the moon
Jul 2015 · 389
Stuart Haigh Jul 2015
Can you hear it
Can you feel it
The vibrations of the
Human race
The rising fire
Brings life
Shining light on all the fake faces of the
Everyone wears such a nice mask
Trying to hide whats deep inside
Life is so elegant without man
So more perfect
More complete
A bird sounds
A rabbit shuffles
The wind blows
My mind weeps
My soul aches
Can you hear me whisper sweat nothings
Before you sleep
My mind is weak
I feel so fake
What really am i?
Who really am i?
Why do my insides cry
Why do i always search for happiness
Inside of others
Never making myself truly happy
Jun 2015 · 640
I'm Free
Stuart Haigh Jun 2015
You posses me no longer
I'm done longing for your love
Your love is something i don't want
Something i don't need anymore
You cant hold me here
You cant give me fear
You cant rip my heart out anymore
I am open to the world
I can feel the pain
I can send you happiness
I can walk through the rain
I can see the sun shining everyday
Even when the world is dark and gray
I'm shinning the brightest
In my darkest hours
I feel like a blooming flower
Jun 2015 · 338
Darkness comes for us all
Stuart Haigh Jun 2015
let the darkness come
let it be filled with light
let it not
let me see what comes
let me embrace
let it be warm or cold
let me embrace
let me feel
let me experience
let me not
who knows whats deaths embrace will bring
Jun 2015 · 380
Stuart Haigh Jun 2015
*** controls us all
but it doesnt have to
society tries to make it
but it doesnt have to
*** controlled me
so much that i thought i needed it to be
i would try and get laid every day
but thats no way to spend your energy
thats no way for a man to be
but i was blind and i couldnt see
now my eyes are wide open
society tries to make us broken
they dont want you to see past what they have floating
right in front of your face
its everywhere from the tv to social media
they dont want you to understand that ***
*** is meant for love
but it is not love
love without *** can be even better then you expect
save your ****** energy
use it to help you be who your meant to be
use it to overthrow the powers that have been here for centuries
we are sentient beings
sent here to live love laugh and change
sent here to do things before were sent back to the austral plane
ive seen what society tries to make us
and let me tell you
you dont wanna see that
its never to late to wake up
its never to late to make up
for lost time
for all the wrong youve done
its never to late to make up
for not being the god your meant to be
for not fullfiling your destiny
the universe watches over us all
it tries so hard to make it so we dont fall
but when we do
theirs always a lesson or two
no regrets just lessons
thats the most important lesson
and if theirs anything you get out of these words
its that your in control of it all
and if you dont understand this
maybe you need to take another tablet
maybe you need to meditate till you understand it
break away from what your told
everything you need is in your soul
Jun 2015 · 451
It just rained
Stuart Haigh Jun 2015
it just rained
when i walk outside i can hear the earth sing
my soul sings
feel your vocal cords convulsing
feel the beautiful air surrounding
the gentle breeze engulfing
the glorious sun warming
watch the earth move in harmony
hear the birds chime in
everything is one
life is one big puzzle
we are the pieces
without one of us
the whole puzzle is ruined  
without one of us
it just rained
May 2015 · 680
Stuart Haigh May 2015
a god drinking from his grail
goes to fill it with
you think you can deny me my birth right
my right as a human being
as a living creature of this earth
my right to clean
its the life that flows  
everywhere that it goes
everything that it touches
it engulfs
it will not suffice
for anything less
it may have met its match
and if thats true
then me and you
wont be around much longer to consume
all this wonderful
life giving
this is my first poem i've ever posted anywhere comments would be appreciated good or bad. thank you.

— The End —