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Why aren’t your eyes--- there?
In two places--- where water should be?
Moldy residue--- absence of vision, tears
From those bullet holes--- you ought to see--- your own ambivalence
Fall down my cheek
Terrifying--- Me, with nothing for both us
Automaton, my weakness
Intellect, disease
You’re my body
You're my spirit
Justice and horror--- within, without
[[ This is more of a letter than a poem. ]]

So yea, I get it.
I took it too far.
And when the whole
Thing exploded over our heads
Everything got twisted and warped.
I'm sorry, you know.
I was too eager to have someone there for me.
It's a trait of mine I suppose.
Lust and Envy are my sins that are displayed most obviously.
Hopefully we can remain friends
And not fall from grace again.
And when I say I love you
Do you know I mean that I just think you're amazing ?
I used to pray to you
Worship your existence
Wish we were together.

Now, I don't care if I see you again or not.
I'm over you
And I'll never want to be with you again.

I'm sick of all the girls
Crooning and whispering your name
In a seduced fashion.
You're old news
So make like a newspaper and
Throw yourself out.

I guess that was rude.

All I want you to know is
I don't need you like that any longer.
I don't really care if we talk again
For you are unnecessary to me.

I don't hate, you, no.
But I really could do without the stress
The hardship
The pain
When someone says your name.

Yes, I do get jealous seeing how obsessed and close to you some others are.
But I'm getting over it.
I've moved onto bigger, better men, let's say.

I'm sorry, but goodbye.
About someone who shall remain unnamed, but I suppose I've mentioned him before.
The moon in the bureau mirror
looks out a million miles
(and perhaps with pride, at herself,
but she never, never smiles)
far and away beyond sleep, or
perhaps she's a daytime sleeper.

By the Universe deserted,
she'd tell it to go to hell,
and she'd find a body of water,
or a mirror, on which to dwell.
So wrap up care in a cobweb
and drop it down the well

into that world inverted
where left is always right,
where the shadows are really the body,
where we stay awake all night,
where the heavens are shallow as the sea
is now deep, and you love me.

— The End —