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STIO Dec 2012
I was once on a plane leaving New York (thank god) to Houston (thank you)
I watched a coptic bishop and a strange man from another religion be forced to sit next to each other, due to the over population of traveling plane.

I was amazed to see them get along

They spoke soft, hard, and with an occasional chuckle

The entire flight was quite nice

As I spoke to soon

The plane hopped on the humid pavement

And we all were at a standstill

The two men of religion unbuckled their seat belts and stood up

They hugged

Then took each others seatbelt and started strangling each other

Both with smiles

They looked at me, and I smiled back
1.5k · Dec 2012
An Ode to Audrye
STIO Dec 2012
I said i’ll laugh in a minute when your jokes gets funny,
Don’t act surprised, your not made of money,
Iv’e seen pain in heaps of bare blood junkies,
Don’t push me around, Audrye.

My heart is covered in charcoal black,
You mark your steps in spots exact,
And slowly make your cashed attack,
You’ve got your eyes set, Audrye.

I’m pined and scared in paisley shade,
These foreign motels have set ashamed,
The torn wallpaper drips like raid,
These cuts are new, Audrye.

Mind over matter, and brains over brawn,
You act sympathetic, but sympathy is far gone,
Explosions of flesh, Odes and Psalms,
You know when i can’t breath, Audrye.

Pure lovers we were, white crested in brow,
Neither pure lovers or lovers are we now,
We once had blankets of untouched snow,
Im ashamed but with no regret, Audrye

The doors to the room have all been locked,
and all airways and stairways have all blocked,
Let the heat build and all carbon stocked,
I’m taking you with me, Audrye.

All my attempts futile, of death and suffocation,
We will both die surely in horrid frustration,
‘This time is sad when so beautiful and amazing’,
-Two men watched her pass, Audrye

The one was new to the room and rose
He had slipped through the barriers, set to appose
her eyes did see him in red roman robes,
He lifted the brail frame of Audrye.

With the lady secure in his tangled grasp,
he took time to notice the two lovers past,
not a single piece of solidity left tact,
He left in silence, holding Audrye.

Days did go, and health too strive,
She found peace in the home she did arrive,
He nursed her wounds, but wished nothing to bride,
She had found piece at last, Audrye.

Body first and mind the second,
Her flesh was healed but time revealed the present,
What the man found was scarred, now free but pregnant.
Was there no escape for Audrye?

She laid crying in her sickness new,
Her tongue was cut, in pure silence she grew,
She pleaded to leave past lovers adieu,
But bore the child of a dead man, Audrye.

Now months time past, and not a single word said,
The man tended her breast, and never left her bed,
Her pure white that blackened, now turned red,
She saw his compassion, Audrye.

One word came with one more week,
And a sentence saw darling aprils peak,
The haunting shadows had little to reap,
Who is this man? said Audrye.

He new her price and new her shame,
He truly loved with out knowing her name,
How could he care without expecting the same,
Love is funny, Audrye

As the child reached morning, his home still open,
As she sat and cried, a widows hoping,
It had been a night of a pain, the man watched her broken,
He stood from the window, Audrye.

The night of the expected came and she wept,
Ashamed of the burden, holding love and regret,
Silently she passed his door, and slowly down the step,
This was her mistake only, Audrye

The gravel pushed the souls of her feet,
Crying in pain she screamed at the streets,
A contraction, compassion, she woke him from sleep,
She searched away for help, Audrye.

He cursed himself for closing his eyes,
He knew why she ran, and knew why she cries,
He had to tell her this, his love uncompromised,
He went for her, Audrye

Her body was still, and leaned on an oak,
As he made his way on foot down the road,
The country air was thick, and low,
But she saw him through the fog, Audrye.

Tucked in the thicket to hide from his aide,
Hoping he’d pass, she couldn’t bare such shame,
Across her lap, the new born laid,
Wrapped in her coat, Audrye.

As he rushed onward, forward in search,
He nearly passed her sunken perch,
But a cry of wisdom from the blessed birth,
Stopped him in his tracks, Audrye.

Nimble and weak, he lifted her once more,
With a child makes two is what a family makes for,
That night they lay together, all three on the floor
Culmination of bliss,
On her brow a gentle kiss,
STIO Dec 2012
Time moves slow when I’m waiting for your response

Then time picks up, and I’m racing the clock

In my own world I have a calendar with important dates

I watch the days go by

Seconds holding tight to the minutes

Minutes hanging on by the hour

Hours tightly grasping onto tomorrow

I am tomorrow

And like Scar and Mufasa, I’m barley using my tendons and muscles to keep you safe

I will lose my grip ever so slightly until you disappear from common conversation.

Never again never again
599 · Dec 2012
Who you are to Me
STIO Dec 2012
You are the Indian Paintbrush that I bought you on your birthday.
You are the moon light on the mountain, you are perfect.
And you are everything to me.
STIO Dec 2012
In my jealous mind it was bound to happen
but with who?
you’ve could of chosen the one of the lustful types you oh so hate.
rather you choosed one i respect so much.

i ran home for the first time since high school
and returned to my bed and did nothing
the same nothing i did all day
i lay thinking
the same thinking i did all day
of you
now its no different if not worst

im so ******* dumb
Should of listened to Hunter
Geez how many times have i said that out loud?

i’m at fault for caring
i’m at fault for thinking you did to

back to the blue sun, back to being alone, back to feeling sad.

— The End —